... OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. LCTNUO^T, SATURDAY EVENING. A CADUL MFSTERY—MB GLADSTONE'S BIRTHDAY— THE DUKE OF ARGYLI/3 LBTT.EBS—THE LOCAL OPTION TZST-DUCAL PAMPHLETS—SIR RIVSRS WILSON, KNIGHT POSITIVISM — HOLIDAY IN LONDON. Cinistmas week closes with a mystery. The last news from Cabul, whether true or false, etatefl tfrat Grough had relieved Roberts without fighting. No telegram has been ...

Published: Monday 29 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1868 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TREAT.—On Friday about 300 poor children were treated to tea at the Alderman Davies Schools, the cost of whio was defrayed by sub- scriptions raised by the Misses P. Davies (Queen- street), Oid, hud Powell. The Mayor gave all address to the children. St-ngs, duetts, &c., were sung, and addresses given hy Messrs P, J. Br; ine, F. Dyniond, aud T. W. Powell. ...

Published: Monday 29 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 64 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... LLANDILO. DEATH OF A DYNEVOR LADY,—Gn Friday morn'ng, at an early hour, the death occurred of the lioH. Harriet Lucy Rice at Malson House, Gloucestershire, at the advanced age of 80 years. Si c was the sister of the late Hon. George Rice Trevor, M.P., a former Lord Dynevor. Four sisters are still alive and unmarried, two being older an I two younger than the decease I. The eldest, the Hon. ...

Published: Monday 29 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 238 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... COUNTY PETTY-SESSIONS.—At the Shirehali, on Saturday, David Wilbams, tiuwashman, of Kid- welly, a-.milted by cognovit the paternity of Anne Thomas's child, and was ordered to pay 2s 6d per week and costs.—Thomas Evans, fisherman, of Ferryside, for being drunk in that village on the 22nd iust,, at 10.30 p.m., fined 10s and 1S!! 6d co-ts. LARCENY.—David L;wis, landlord of the Far- mer's Arms' ...

Published: Monday 29 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 153 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... OUR LONDON CORRESPONDENCE. LONDON, SATURDAY EVENING. THE NEWS FKOII CABUL-TAKOOB KHAN—WHAT SHALL WE DO WITH HIM 1—WHO PATS FOR THE AFGHAN WAR ?-THE TELEPHONE—THE PORT- LAND ESTATES AND ENTAIL-PENNY DREAD- FULS AND BOYS' MAGAZINES. No news from Cabul, and the public anxiety hourly increasing. Not that we expect an im- mediate, still less a successful attack on Sherpur, but that every additional ...

Published: Monday 22 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1229 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... HOSPITAL SON DAY.—On 31 on day afternoon a meeting was beid for the purpose of fixing upon a date for making a simultaneous collection in all the local places of divine worship, in behalf of the infirmary and dispensary. The Sunday agreed upon is the third Sunday iu January. ALLEGED CRUELTY TO A HORSE.—At the borough petty-sessions on Monday—bef.re Mr A. J. Stevens, Mr Wyndham Jones, and Mr ...

Published: Tuesday 09 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 210 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The late Rev. Robert Jonea, M.A., Hother- hithe, was kuown as an ea'nest and enthusiastic bibliophile, and the catalogue ot ins Webh library, recently issued by Messrs Sotheby, Wil- kinson, and Hodge, comprises perhaps the most complete and extensive collection of Welsh litera- ture ever likely to be brought under the hamper. The formation of this library was a labour of love for40ye.rstoita ...

Published: Friday 05 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 317 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE SMITHFIELDjCATYLE SHOW. Preparations for the cattle show at the Agricultural Hall, London, were completed on paturdny night. The number of exhibits in the Cattle class is much larger than usual, owing to the relaxation of restrictions imposed in the cat Ie. plague year. The sheep class shows an increase in Jbotsttoids, Oxfords, and some others. The Prince of w des is a competitor in a ...

Published: Monday 08 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 119 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LIVINGSTONE (CONGO) INLAND MISSION. ARRIVAL OF THREE NEW MIS- SIONARIES. JOURNEY FROM BANANA TO PALA- BALLA. [SPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED TO THJt SOUTH WALES DAILY KBWS.1 Our readers will remember that Mr Johnson, whose description of Congolaud appeared in recent issue, has been obliged to return to England to seek medical advice. It may not be uninter- esting to refer more particularly to the sad ...

Published: Monday 08 December 1879
Newspaper: South Wales Daily News
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2950 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... BOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS. SATURDAY.—Before J. Beale Esq. SLEEPING OUT. Jane Jones, a native of Llanraiadhr Yn Mochnant, was charged by P.C. John Jones.with sleeping out. Prisoner was found alone in a closet in the Walks. In answer to the- Bencn, prisoner said she was making her way to her native place from Birkenhead, from which place she had walked on Thursday, but was un- able to go any ...


... BROUGHTON. PETTY SESSIONS. RHURSDAY.—Before W. Johnson, and W. Hancock, Esqrs. DRUNKENNESS. James Hughes, was fined 5s. and costs for being drunk, fee., at Queen's Ferry, on the 21st ultimo. P.C. Lang- Ion proved the case. AN OFFENCE AGAINST THE THRESHING MACHINE ACT. Hugh Mesham, farmer, of Hawarden, was summoned jy Sergt. Wm. Lockwood, for working a steam engine ittached to the threshing ...