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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper



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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMauSBEMENTS. LYCEUM THEATRE. rxeceived with bheunta ost entfhaslhaim wvitlilhoreopoate every Horning Portin, 8 Sllof THE~g NEJRCANT OF VENICE to- ?? ecebo~er nihat 2 eoleek, and Saturdase, De- tembet 13th.- 20th, lJaMr. IRVING.ER GAfIETY THEATRE. STRAND. Oo~O ,D fO 3IiOVAGi. 4la.Joui; RtLLINOGOHi&D. ST nights of a new burlisoie bv F. C. Ilurnaud, oealed F ?? RON GtA. FPreceded ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIO AM~USEMENTS. THEATRE ROVAlt, DRURY.LANE. LesawE 'I'D jdloAOE, Mrsn. AroG5STU3 RO.5R5. TNSBoonug Night. tre~,bor 26thi, 3070. rwjl be producted on a 0 Cale =f ret 01aurdonr and muagnificence, ?? gorgeous ind etrogiousiyC Ci Fa1ot~isinl'O. I 1LUL BE ARI iry the IlrothoOS brit.Mai l1ytrdinaod 'tallerstetfl. Screety t,r'hay ICB3E'sid BO Cuntilrbrtruce Smith1 andI F, Fenton. Ballet S'ce to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | DP. f2.l~iBGR'S ??AWRI4V1 (cc14Xssn)2 FOOD. DR. ElnDGE' FOOVAL)IfSi INFA;!iTS and 51 'F Rl. RIDGE'S FOOD is Agreeshle, Digestible, Noa' .L rioliing, and Lone and Flesh F1orming. Bly mytrth 'lforc not a prettier sieht on earth 'f'han child, e who ore well, With lroeets liar ror-s. pearly teeth ?? doo, r I.V w -ire-Is. tt .c D' iol'as s11 :'etill,,liSt Ploy, to.It Itoksar dyto il.lJO0iS FOOD. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L. C. ~ nn ~1~, tw~lad if Cflsl1.Ewi lcl ?? TV a 5.Ald'-reiiiasters xsl, hI ?? TO CA2lYMN' Ten EShillingO Reward. ~JVTina ai Ue 51'5 ,Navat .betweccO United1 LnerseVasadlies~-taal, sr 1;sntweell La las osm Isriarcnin saab to Messrs. Street Brat here. 'IF THIS SHOULD MWEET THE EYE OF A EyOIJN ?? ighelscta FRANCISb sal EIIZk- I-I.PTHt YOltNG.f Is lip, Untar`iattler, asifl tesslca telt tllp far ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC' AMUSEMENTS. LYWCEUM THEATRE. 'ThN' ~lOIAN ~,IrgtCpx Shatsvoere'O Comedy having been Ill.rectyr seth heautO enhusasmwil ti voicaed every Mornng ?? t TLE ERCANTOF VE'NICE to' dos istitilavl iecirherwih ata oclok. odon the six tol- and I~st. shycet. Air. IRVING.- Torti. 'ilt~s EJL1.N'TER IY GAIETY THIEATRE. STRtAND. 14IRST nigjhtso of t now, ulotlocoQ li ?? C. tuJ;reand, celled F ~ ~ ~ ~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W EZAZER'S LANACZ PRICE ONE SHILLINC. TO NOW READY, and man be obtained from iny PIuookseller, Statiouer. or 'ewss:gen& ien ?? Kinudom, and at the Railway BookstalIN; or wS be sellt from the Office, r2, Verw ick-lane, PInternoster-row. London. on resceipt of I S39d In postgeo OtiamP. EROLF amongst the iummenso variety of matter form, F ing tbeconten of WHITAKEit'S A 1,CiAO5 may be nentioned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~ ?? ASTRA IA N 40 PAYS, Orie rm 5to 70Line. The Ofomtowlodt lsaend ?? cltasrstes of te aeooiare O toe coaveletaoocharacter IndianDlt LOucdr ?? ansead Oeswillb candriedtak `h, (l, iuN and po..ts2 ien A ?? ?? EIE~NADRSON nd ?? Feilugc. , j. dn Eaxes fro1ma20rto of ?? 2T7e ,;rou Cmta,3 l U etois of ra -Lf ad oa stowrds Nwil barrid.i Al,rp oiifro frm )ioX0 d- 2 u'e: ALSATIA .n ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ADGIDS or LON4DON IrSITIITX FOR THlE ADVANCEMENT OF C NI CA 1i E D UC(A TIO(N. ~ l .EVENING LiECTURES~ CHENISTRY Onud PHYSICS, o esn ,1iv with reference to thle iust, action o esn el obont to engage, in monufooturiog ind un. ?? Scoiiols, Finsbury. VWi A' RTON AM .. Inst. CE., will dellvre lol IoejaLectures onl Thle Pi Intiles 'ii Ma. 0 ii~~ sorosae Hodiy evenings, Commcencing ~o 'tRM4RO~~tiF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... J;ELLS OVELETTES. ffvlslusllttratstsilonsthtym, Cd. ijUustrssti-os-llalt.Yearly, Is Ca. p M~'dt also Vo I., price Is 6d, onl sale: pertC P~saaeensoPeriodical, stitched in a co. ~TtdwspprOolsfOtaa naewand orslual novel, ?? HEWOAN HE LOVEDA. ~ te illes lierryand artistic macat mily, ~p~C j0~t lon sI.sE., Strand. Xel aalle-1ltnStrated. * FO5 ''otrir Byauthor of Golden Greed. 3lttai niyby the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TH11 1eOIPVSTERIES OF liKERGN MoAtv-or -al is it Edlirle ?? Post i s tthoili, By sirtssisy audilew. it. A Slipup -N -asY 4. AboutNeir It Cinls . eal wvith six litas' A.A ?? it M1ary E1. Penn. S. A Csi:iat,Iilats y i.tsssi.'a' os The 'AlgosY cooiiiti~ to sail on gotiten soas.`'- '~lisa A Ii 'To S 00het twit ottaiest Of ?? ati - -S t isd stl e -lt ~ sto .Oo of ?? soasrolo of theda. 'as' A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IF THIS SHOULD MEET THE EvE or AURICE TAYLOR. sno of tihe ate Philip, Bad 7. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ R E3rntale e AM R Mary Tavlor, of Filto5 UnoInpe evn M ilcommunicate at once with Mr'. . h. TALR 7,E ibuue-stroct Stoneinouse, Devonl. iso Will hoear at someth ing to his advalnnltag. SHOULD THIS MEET THE EIZE OFr TOU v.IA T~ll Y, who lit Boll in 186. lvac to L' oonmnn's to be5 er tirother, G. TR 2MPy. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TXE ZMST iES or 0tRO DYlil X. THa MYSTERIES OF HERON DYBE. Neo ready, the ?? number of Mm. HENty WVODu'S Alnag8ane. II AE It I 0 S T T Contents:- L on, )iveteries of leroic IDyke: A noew serial story.. CL Ih ,Gilbert DemieflOnsWill. Chap. 2, l7re. Carlyon at flomo. Chap, 3, Captain LenboX startled. Illustrated by 17t. Ellon Edwardes. *1 Verena Foatascoe's Rebellion. By Johnny Ludlowv. a A ...