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Wrexham Guardian and Denbighshire and Flintshire Advertiser


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Wrexham Guardian and Denbighshire and Flintshire Advertiser


... CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements »f THE f*ll*wing kinds, PAID FOR -I WHEN ORDERED, are inserted in tha Guardian on the J onowinc :— Twenty words :—One insertion, Is three insertiotp, 2S M six insertions, 4s Gu. Thirty words:—One insertion, Is 6d three insertion?, 4E six insertions, Gs Cd. I Forty words:—One I-PORTION, 2s; three insertions, is Gd six insertions, 8s Gd. The above ...


... IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. In the course of the next few weeks the PRINTING AND PUBLICATION OF THE NORTII WALES GUARDIAN WILL BE CARRIED ON AT THE NEW OFFICES IN ARGYLL STREET, Which have been erected, and are now being fitted up for the purpose. At the New Offices, the paper will be printed on a Dawson's Improved TWO-FEEDER WHARFEDALE MACHINE. These Machines are admitted to be the newest and ...


... Sales hr udhrn Sffr. Lloyd. THE GREAT CHRISTMAS SHOW OF FAT STOCK IX THE WREXHAM SMITHFIELD, On MONDAY, DEC. 15th, 1879, at 10.30 o'clock. The present entries include:— 120 Magnificent Fat Bullocks, Heifers, and Bulls. 164 Prime Shropshire Wethers. 290 Prime Welsh Wethers. 47 Grand Fat and Pork Pigs. 3 Fat Calves. MR. LLOYD has great pleasure in an- nouncing he will hold his eighth Annual Sale ...


... CHESHIRE v. NORTH WALES. The second contest in which the Northern Welsh Association is engaged for the season came off on Saturday at Wrexham, and, after a hard fight, resulted in a victory for North Wales by three goals to one. Cheshire kicked off, and it soon became apparent that the Welshmen were the stronger team, although weakly represented as compared with the match against Lan- cashire. ...


... DENBIGH. THE ANNUAL INFIRMARY BALL. The annual ball in aid of the funds of the Denbigh Infirmary took place on Thursday evening and passed off most successfully and pleasantly. The arrangements were well carried out by Mr. Vaughan Jones, secretary of the Institution. The president for the year was Mr. W. D. W. Griffith, of Garn, and the Lady Patroness, Mrs. G. T. Kenyon, of Llanerch Panna, who ...


... Saks hJ1 udhnt Mr. Lloyd. WREXHAM SMITHFIELD. FAIR DAY, THURSDAY, JAN. Sm, ISSO. ME. LLOYD'S next AUCTION will take place on Thursday, Jan. Sth, 1880, the present ntries will include :— A prime lot of Fat Heifers, Bullocks, and Bulls. Several magnificent Dairy Cows and Heifers, Calved and to Calve (this auction is noticed to he one of the leading sales for first class Dairy COY, during this ...


... IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. In the course of the next few weeks the PRINTING AND PUBLICATION OF THE NORTH WALES GUARDIAN WILL BE CAPRIED ON AT THE NEW OFFICES ARGYLL STREET, Which have been erected, and are now being fitted up for the purpose. At the New Offices, the paper will ba printed on a Dawson's Improved TWO-FEEDER WHARFDALE MACHIXF. These Machines are admitted to be the newest and best ...


... H.M. INSPECTOR OF SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL TEACHERS. On Friday evening last, Mr. Morgan Owen, H.M. Inspector of Schools, spoke on behalf of the Church of England Teachers' Benevolent Society, in the Town Hall, Chester, the Mayor in the chair. After alluding to his official connection with Cheshire, he said Our geographical knowledge will enable us to call to mind that certain low lands are protected ...


... Parties requiring information about advertisements should write direct, to t he head office. Orders relating to the discontinuance or alteration of advertisements should reach its at the latest by Thursday Advertisers would oblige-us by bein~ very explicit in ordering the re-insertion of advertisements.0 All business communications should be addressed, and cheques tt, d post-olnce orders be ...


... THE GAME LAWS. IS 'THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. Sir,—I am thankful to notice that Lord Ailcsbiry has expressed an opinion adverse to ourfystem of game lawc. They are, as worked at. present, and especially through the lazy, unsportsmanlike battue system, fruitful source of crime and misery. The excessive preservation of for the psrposea of the battae encourages poachers—makes ic worth the ...


... HUNTING APPOINTMENTS. SIR W. W. WYN:'i'S HOUNDS will meet on Friday, Dec. 20 Whittinsrtou JSifunlay, Deo. 27 White! urch M'jinlay, Dec. '9 Wvimstny Wednesday. Dec. 31 Br-uifhton Frid-iy, .Jan. 2 .-Little Ness Saturday, Jan. •> -New tieet-iune Lodge Each day at l'i.30 THE VALE OF CLWYD HAEEIEES will meet 011 At L!veil. THE FLIXT AND DENIilGIi HOUNDS willmcet Saturday, Dee. 27 Ilaicdu.-os ...


... CHEAP PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements of the following kinds, PAID TOR WHBN ORDERED, are inserted in the Guardiar. on the ellowiii., scale :— Twenty words :—One insertion, Is; three insertion, Iø 6d six insertions, 4s 6d. Thirty words:—One insertion, Is 6d three insertions, 4s; six insertions, 6s Gd. Forty words:—One insertion, 2s three insertions, Se ¡Xi; six insertions, 8s Gd. The ...