... MAGAZtINS FOR SEPTEMBER., . , I . I. 1. , - -_ , , .nent, ;rath- 8Eao D Nqo~tcp 3yes- In Oos-nhil tile most readable, perhaps, as it car leei tusirty is th hretcontribuition, is entitled I anri ToBeggars. it purports to he a sketch from ndlife, and it suust be admitted there is nothing mach,. about the sketch to taise doubts about its reality. in the Game forms the Subject of 'another ...


... I _ _ . The projected Industrial and Art Exhibition at the Pomona Gardens, the arrangements for which are pro- gressing satisfactorily, will, it hae now been definitely decided, be thrown open to the public on the 1st Sept., when the opening ceremony will he performed by Dr. 5 Manle Sutton, the chairman of the company which has the matter in hand. The extensive patronage which the undertaking ...


... THE INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION AT POMONA GARDENS. I The period which has elapsed since its opening has sufficed to see effected a considerable altera- tion and improvement in the Industrial and Art Exhibition now being hold in the Agricoltural Hall, at Pomona, in this city. Owing to delay on the part of exhibitors in sending in their goods, the show was on its opening 'day in a very incomplete ...


... THEATRE ROYAL Mr. i. D. Harkins has been induced to change his mind. Instead of carrying out his intention of leaving for America, whioh was announced when he gave his farewell performances in Manchester a short time ago, he has returned to Manchester, and has appeared in a round of characters at the Theatre Royal this week. Hamlet has every claim to precedence, and Mr. Harkins was well ...


... THE WIDOW MILLER. Oh, there's naebody bears Widow Miller comPIsin, Oh, there's naebody bears Widow Miller complain; Though the heart o this world's as hard as a stane, Yet there's naebody hears Widow Miller complain. Though tottering now, like her auld erazy biel, Her step ante the lightest on hairst-rig or reel Though sighs tak' the place o' the heart ebeering strain, Yet there's naebody ...


... MAY MAGAZINES. FIRST NOTICH. T,6o Fireside (1, Peternoatsor-buiildings, Paternoster- squar' ) in -ludee man,rg it,, numerous claima to popularity as a piit 1it acaziune I .r tbe h me circile, two charming aerial ti a-- n-, called 1 Tbe Nameless Shadow, by Ago.' Giberne ;the (other, 1 D,.rothyeN Daughtters, by Emma Mar h II. 'rhe contant- are divitdd under four heads :(II, The Christian ...


... P( TRY. LIFE. Red and golden, and bitra and dun, Purple, and yellow, and green; Muonk, a 'once, a vestal, a nun, A aoinee, a peer, and a queen. A cl, a pageant, a wedding, a grave, A death, a marriage, a birth A stream, a torrent, a billow, ; Ware, A blesaing, a sorrow, a mairth. A shade, a sunehine, a cloud, a atar, A raijror, a magic glase Ot thiree tbat were, tbatwillbe,that are: G~y ...


... This Nt'tterinig-plaeo waqL yIesteidayX largely visited, thel, I) wcactlito being, thu ?? uncle of a In w Iffelietit, and time fhlid ?? %nianal et,'ibitsrion of thle S'ibtb'rnb ?? and District I Pieral and I'fertictLIltur'l siociety Thie bear seas hbuilt bydi INtessi's. Wou'lfe endl Non, of Sliadwell, Liontioi, soil P g ossest-es thte lulsual piroperti i-i of the Naiii ciil Insti tut ion~s b b ...


... LITERARY AND ART GOSSI P. The Royal Academy conversazione is fixed to take place on Wednesday, June 30th. M. Naville is engaged in completing his new copy of the Egyptian Ritual, which will be ready next year. Mr. Luke lildes, ?? has, according to the Pea, just completed the first portrait he has painted-that of a medical man. A new story in verse by Col. Colomb, called The Cardinal ...


... I 'A . o-At. ?? .NI-- . -. ?? ?? 1- - - - _ £_ - _ _ This show, which onened on Thlrsday, chiefly for dog; was continuedt yesterday, when there was large collec- tion of horses, implements, and other exhibits, in additioq to what atppeared oa Thursday.. Happily the weather. whichl began to improve on hursday, yesterdav showed a still further improveinent, being very fine on the whole till the ...

Egyptian ILvlt, Piccadilly.—The wellknown enterfainmeut by Messrs. Maskelyuo and Cook wdl for some time to come ..

... the ordinary prolamine mil be carried out, be missed by flic afternoon visitors the Egyptian Hal!, the hardwork entailed the carrying out of .vo performances day having length told upon Mr. constitution. the advice of lies physicians lias now relinquished bis twelve weekly appearances, and until recovered from his present indisposition, live performances v.ill undertaken by *11 err Adalbert ...