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... . (To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, The following epitaph on the immortal John Peel may be worthy of a place in your columns. J. P. hunted hounds in Cumberland for forty years, and when he died, at 7 8 years, he was buried in Caldbeck Churchyard, and the fol lowing monody was inscribed to his memory But foxes that prowl in the graveyard to howl, Keep fax- ...


... THE PRICE OF HORSES. Sm, You ask why farmers do not put their own shoulders to tho wheel and help themselves by breeding good hunters Simply because landlords and country gentleman never buy of tenant farmers, but will give for the same animals to a horse- dealer in some cases two or three times more for an animal rather than to the breeder first-hand. I onoe sold a splendid chesnut gelding ...


... [To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Sib, I feel bound to answer the letter of H. de Y. R. which appeared in your journal of last week's issue. With regard to the safety stirrup, there could not be much ob jection to it if it were made sufficiently large to prevent the padding over the instep from causing the foot to become em bedded and if, likewise, some careful ...


... Sib,-- The correspondence on Mrs. Power O'Donoghues articles has contained many remarks on ladies' sours, hut, T t# noticed scarcely any reference to one point which I think is worth consideration -namely, the mode of fastening. I think ladies would find it an advantage to wear what are known as spring or box spurs, instead of those fastening with the usual straps, or strap aud chain. I have ...


... !A THEATRE EOR THE AMATEURS. Sir,- Owing- to tlie prevailing difficulty of obtaining a suitable theatre in the West-end of London for amateur dramatic per formances, it has occurred to me that it would be a good idea if the managers of the different amateur dramatic clubs would hold a meeting with the view of considering whether it would he advisable to form a limited liability company for ...


... . Sir, It may be interesting to your readers to know that the Doncaster Race Committee, at the recommendation of the stewards of the Jockey Club, have acceded to the request of the Northern breeders to postpone the closing of the entries for the St. Leger until after the Doncaster September Meeting. This vear the entries will close on the first Tuesday in October. Yours truly, W. Tailor Sharpe ...


... . (To the Editor o/Tse Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sin, Seeing that yon are interesting yourself in the mys teries of so-called Nurr and Spell, I send you the following note from my commonplace hook where I find it, unfortu nately without a hint as to its origin: Nurr and Spell is a corruption of Nothern Spiel' (Anglo-Saxon, Game played with a trap and hat. The game is to drive ...


... NUKR AND SPELL. To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, Seeing that you are interesting yourself in the mys teries of so-called Nurr and Spell, I send you the following note from my commonplace book where I find it, unfortu nately without a hint as to its origin: Nurr and Spell is a corruption of Nothern Spiel' (Anglo-Saxon, G-ame played with a trap and bat. The ...


... I. Sir, Owing to the prevailing difficulty of obtaining a suitable theatre in the West-end of London for amateur dramatic per formances, it has occurred to me that it would be a good idea if the managers of the different amateur dramatic clubs would hold a meeting with the view of considering whether it would be advisable to form a limited liability company for the pur pose of erecting in the ...


... THE FIRST NIGHT AT THE IIAYMARKET. (To the Editor of The Illustrated Si'ohttno and Dramatic News J Sie,-- As an old and constant frequenter of the Haymarket pit, I am anxious to assure you that the minority who miscon ducted themselves so offensively on Saturday night are not to be accepted as representatives of the class that used to frequent that favourite resort of the playgoer who is not ...


... . Sir, The Irrationals Amateur Dramatic Club intend giving a performance at St. George's Hall on Saturday, March 13, in aid of the fund now being raised to alleviate the Irish distress, in which all the leading members will take part. May I ask you to be kind enough to give publicity to this communication in your next issue. I am, sir, your obedient servant. B. H. Van Tromp (Hon. Sec. and ...


... Sir, Seeing a notice in your last issue of Mr. Conquest's performance at the Grecian, in which it is stated that a young lady imitated the feats performed by Ariel at the Canter bury, may I be allowed to state that neither Mr. George Conquest, nor any other person, have either the right or power to imitate the feats or flying dance of Ariel at the Canterbury, or gEnea at the Gaiety, as both ...