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SIR,-- Will you kindly permit me to say a few words in reply to Norfolk, when, in reference to the price of ..

... Sir, Will you kindly permit me to say a few words in reply to Norfolk, when, in reference to the price of horses, he says in his letter in your issue of the 23rd inst., that land lords and eountrv uentlemen never hnvnf tena-nt farmers, A-e SIR,-- Will you kindly permit me to say a few words in reply to Norfolk, when, in reference to the price of horses, he says in his letter in your ...


... . Sir, In the current number of your 1 1 valuable and much- admired journal (quotation from regulation newspaper cor respondence column) I find some clever sketches of a knurr and spell match, of which spoit you are candid enough to admit your entire ignorance. As I happen to live in the very centre of the district wherein the splendid pastime alluded to holds chiefest sway, 1 think I may be ...


... . Sxu, Referring to the remarks in your last issue relative to the Crummies Family and the original of the Infant Pheno menon, I may observe that it was generally thought in theatri cal circles here that the original was Mrs. Frank Huntley (late of the late T. R. Dublin, and wife of Mr. Frank Huntley, late of Mr. H. Irving' s company). Mrs. Huntley acted Mme. Frochard, the fearsome old hag, in ...


... . Pie, I do not know if you could find room in your columns for a short account of a few hours spent outside the Lyceum pit on the occasion of Mr. Irving's benefit. It is not meant as a grumble, but merely to show what people will endure to be present at the benefit of a popular actor. I arrived at the Lyceum about three o'clock, and, to my disgust, found that there were already some thirty ...


... HUNTING NOTES. CUB HUNTING. WITH fine weather, very shortly the cry of the foxhound puppy, initiated by its parents and encouraged by the tuneful horn of the huntsman, will be heard with delight by all lovers of the chase in most of the woodlands of our fox-hunting districts. Reynard ipse (paterfamilias, we will call him), possibly a hero of many runs, as he beat 'em all at last, after a ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. THE LORD MAYOR OF DTTBLTN (To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sie, In easting my eyes over your welcome paper a few days ago, I was chagrined to find yon bracket the Lord Mayor of this city with Members of Parliament from whom on many points he is notoriously dissonant in sentiment. On the merits of Messrs. Parnell, O'Donnell, and O'Connor Power I am ...


... MR. F. BUCKSTONE'S. TRUST FUND. I o the editor of The Illustrated Storting and Dramatic News.,) Dear Sir, Mr. Frederick Buckstone (son of the celebrated comedian) is at the present time laid up suffering from con sumption, and so seriously ill that only a fortnight ago his life was despaired of. The disease has been brought on, we fear, chiefly through privation and anxiety during the last two ...


... Sir, I suppose it would he impossible to advance any opinions to which there would not be objections raised, but I write, not in a cavilling spirit, but as one really anxious for information, to know whether Mrs. Power O'Donoghue would seriously advo cate striking a horse between the ears when it rears. Surely such a thing would be exceedingly dangerous for any lady to attempt, and, as your ...


... Sir, Though not an aggrieved stirrup maker, it may not he out of place if I, as a saddler of many years' experience and a great lover of horses, offer a few comments on the hints and instructions set forth in your paper for the benefit of ladies on horseback, written by one of the sex who is evidently an authority on the subject she treats so ably. There is no doubt these articles will be ...


... Sib, I herewith send you an account of an accident that happened to me some time since, thinking it might be of interest to your readers also to those who had to do with the horse before he came to Natal. Morning Star is by Parmesan out of Wild Elower, and won the 23rd Triennial Stakes in 1876, being then the property of Mr. W. S. Crawfurd, and was ridden byT. Challoner, and was imported to ...


... Sib, Permit me to state that the object in having the screw rowel pin in the spur, recommended by me for the use of ladies in your number of Nov. 13th, is in order to enable the wearers to use a mild or a severe rowel, according to the requirements of the horses they ride. I am very much against very sharp Bpurs for ladies (or gentlemen either), unless they are abso lutely required hut from ...


... . [To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sib, With reference to the discussion now going on in your journal, respecting Ladies on Horseback, and to my letter which appeared on the 13th November, you will perhaps allow me to draw attention to the ill effects produced by the use of side saddles, some of which effects have been already incidentally alluded to by your ...