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Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, and use no ise other. This is the TRUE antidote in Fevers, Eruptive or Affections, Sea or Bilious Sicknesg, Small-pox and Head. bis ache; having pecnliar oand exclusive merits. Use no IY, substitute. See perpetual injunction against imitators; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYPRETIC SALINE, and use no ' other; This is the. TRuE antidote in Fevers, Eraptive it Affections, Sea or Bilions Sickness, Small-pox aud Head. r- ache; having peculiar and exclusive merits. Use no Is lubstitute. See perpetual injanction against imitators; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, and use no s. other. This is the TRUE antidote in Fevers, Eruptive e Affections, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Small-pox and Head. -1 ache; having pecnliar and exclusive merits. Use no substitute. See perpetual injunotion against imitators; a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, and use no 3. other. This is the TRUO antidote in Fevers, Eruptive t Affctions, Sea or Bilious Siekness, Small-pox and Head- r- alche; having- pecnliar and exclusive merits. Use no Is substitute See perptatal fijnaction against imitators ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALINE, and use no nme other. This is the -TRuE antidote in Fevers, Eruptive lust Affections; Sea qr -Bilious Sickness, Small-pox and Head. nor. echo- having pecifliar and exclusive merits. Use no nads substitte, ' See perpetual injunction against imitators; ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Selyhead.The deaths from small-pox, which bad been 243 ,184, and 79 successively in the three psreeding quarters, further declined to 01 in the three months ending December; this is the smallest quarterly number of deaths from small-pox on reesird. 0 A0 Districts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLOUGH'S PYRETIO SALINE, and uso no ' other, This is ?? antidote in. Fevers, Eruptive s Affections, Sei or Bilious Sickness, Small-pox aud Head. r ache; having peonliar rad exolasive merits. Use no substitute. See perpetual injrnction against imitators; | ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, ae nuse no other, This is the TRUE antidote in Feiers, Eruptive A t Affeotions, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Small-pox and Head- A er ache; having pecisliar und exclusive merits. Use no A dsubstitute. See perpetual iajenction against imitators; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, and use no y other. This is the TRlun antidote in Fevers, Eruptive ts Affections, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Small-pox and Head- 3d ache; having pecnliar and exelusive merits. Use no substitute. See perpetual injunction against imitators; also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PYRETIC SALINE, and use no ts ther. This is the TRUS antidote in Fevers, Eruptive er Affections, Sea or Bilious Sickness, Small-pox and Head- id ache; having peculiar and exclusive merits, Use no substitute. See perpetual injunction against imitators; 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLOUGH'.S PYRETIC SALINE, and use no other. This is the TRnu antidote in Fevers, Eruptive Affections, Sea or Bilioas Sickness, Small-pox and Head. ache; having pecisliar and exclusive merits. Use no substitute. See perpetnal injunction against imitators; also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLOUGH'S PYRETIC SALINE, and use no other. This is the TRSUE antidote in Fevers, Eruptive' Affections, Sea or Bilioas Sickness, Small-pox. and Head- ache; having pecnliar. and exclusive merits. Use no substitute See perpetual injunction against imitators; also ...