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... they are taxing snore heavily realised estates a than the Whigs or Liberals have ever done. The heirs of the'Duke of Portland, for instance, l have given in their inheritanceUrider the old 3 Whig-Liberal-regime, and the result is that s the estate of the ...


... man at once hold and conscientious like elicl Mr Gladstone. We heatr much talk of ai new cave. -wor Suppose some alarmed -Whig landowners did or dlo form feel a cave, what would come of that ? We knosv what a at came of the cave fornied in 1866, uinder ...


... learnt it fromn Dr Abbot. But e co nipromise between conservation and change cannot be well effected. There can scarcely ues i a Whig party in theology. Dr Mackintosh 11 gives tise key-note ot his first contribution in d the words The jodgmen uefgod is ?? ...


... pr protect the railways and 0, steamboat companies in carrying his n attle from one -bons i tto another. T positi, n of ther Whig membersOf avert V ;', theCabine bar cimte, generalsympathy. Theyr ave 9, 6 fbeer credited, no doubt justly, with having'-striven ...


... prevent- ! aic.ulnes and waun or tact in ?? rt of them and though , ?''.strange dings from a congerles I cnn! wr;a i'i includes Whig maguates s i ?? lri tail, Lort Selbournie and Mir ? dtgo c nlrchlmen and earnest DLe- a i-;e ,s lrtl surprised that thin's ...


... are trying to bring r themselves into notice, and who are said to baie some rest influence in the northern counties, and the Whigs, who ttle are in a hole, are willing to seize the hand of the ipal' Miinstry to help-them out of ,it-;and then there is here ...


... of the Covenant and tiebellion lent a con- e sistent and substantial support to the cause of E religious and civil liberty. Whig by conviction no less than by tradition, several sons of Kil- t marnock occupy an honourable place in the roll t of Covenant ...


... about 1833, when Dr WN'ilberfurce. was Rector of Brightstone, and was primarily intended to protect the Church from the zeal of Whig Reformiers. The pub- lication of Dr Newman's Tract XC. in the early part of 1841 threatened to bring matters to a crisis at ...