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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... BelJfat News. Leater, Poet-Office Orders payable to Js, Alex, Henderson, i5, 57 and 59, Donegall Street, [FROM THE NORTHERN WHIG,] .a, , . . facawHohveyetboanabie to glanca at the book, it appears to be very oom. plete and truatworthy In every department ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eset L Lelcer. Vjxt.tOrce OniCe a payable lo Jts. Alex, a Hendoreon, i53, 57 end 59, Donegall Streot, r [f llOu THE NORTHERIL WHIG,] o faR! O w have Yet beetn able to oloo ot tho book, It sppr s so be very coom. ple: as itrna;t-vrrthyhia every dtpt~rtreent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfad Kevoi. 'etler,. Port.Offime Ordefs payable to JOs& Alex. Ileadervon, 5S, 57 and 59, Dovuall trell, 9 [ruoi TIIE NOtSTIWRN wHIG-1 . s|,So fwasv70 have ytb bea zble A to glance at the book, It a~paarm to be very oo. plete erld~iretr Y2'y in every dapatasent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Be/W hsNews. Lettre. Poet.Offioe Orders payaybl to Jms, Alex, S Henderson, 55, 57 and 59, Doncgalol Sifet, [3?oK THID NORTHfl WHIG.]J , . . . So far as we hive yet been able to glanc at the book, ib appears to bo very eom. plots and trnutorthy in every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Letter. Post-Offloe Orders payable to Jan. Alex. Co. Henderson, 55, 57 and 59, Donegall Street. 10, _ at. ExnOM THE NORTHERI WHIG.] . , , . . So far aswe have yet beon able to glnce at the book, it appearo to be very coon. plete and trustworthy In every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Conner, & Co. NV. R. MDCril & Co. , 3hn Savage & Co. ,, 'The olfteb News Leiter, M 'Tar & Coniorny, Limited, The XorAleres Wh/ig, Limited. The lieliasl Steamehip Company, Limited, ,, W. Gregg, Sc-na, & Pbenix. H. J. Noili, IEcq, Measra, John Preston & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast. SALE THIS DAY, VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PREMISE8 FOR SALE, IN THE CENTRE OF RELFAo! Jformeriy nb 1Vortnern Whig Office). I have received instruotions from Mr. BoBRRT GARRETr, Printer and Stationer, to Sell by Publio ATJITION, at the PROPERTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Bu dissolution of the said partnership, as frqm that day, uch be advertised in the Bed/alt .delv-Leesr and All ffori)he Whig newspapers. puttl Dated at the County Courthouse, Belfast, this e 5th day of May, 1880. flE H1. M'NEILE M'CORMIOK, Regis. - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... decree tbabt the dleolbtlon of the said partnorship, a, from that day, be advertised in the Belvakt Newc-Letier and Xmnthera Whig nowegapees. Deted at the lounty Couithouse, Belfast, this 5th day of Moav, ISiSA E. ANSEILB M'CORMIOCK, Regis. trar of said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Arthur Street, Belisst. VALUABLE AND EXPENSIVE BUSINESS PREMISES FOR SALE, IN THE CENTRE OF BELFAST (Formerly the Nort hern Whig Office). I have received lestruetlors from M, ROBsRT GAiCSE'rT, Printer nod St.tioner, to Sell by Publio AUCTION, ait the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Square West, Belfast, VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE BUSINESS PRI:MISES FOR SALE, IN THE CENTRE OF BELFAST (Formerly the Worefhern Whig Office). I have received Inatruoclons from Mr. Fonawr GARRE'T. Rrinter and Stationer, to Sell by Public AUCTION, at the PROPERTY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Belfast Yesc8 Letter. Post-Offioe Orders payable to Mr. Jas. Aler. Henderson, f5, 57 and 59, Donegall Sircet. EPROM THU NORTHRUN WHIG.] THU BBLWAST DlRYcTORy. -Belfasb Is not so well supplied with dtreotorici aa many towns oS lgsa impottsnoe an annual publication ...