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Belfast News-Letter



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Belfast News-Letter

Advertisements & Notices

... IF I-E1'9 HoUsE ro ilrET VIRtY UR pjtihtca, oloeo to Gardeor8 auni COlleg7 -tWv ?? and live ?? P., ,mn Break-'; B nrou, and Bathro ,n; and would bo Lbt very mi er -te. a r ordit- ti rrrangr(nen1, Av& . K:17\. (42451, W13iwi1 ot 14is Parpr. MALONE PARK. TJ7*T, F -O1I lsr MAY NEXr, A SEMI VD.CH1 VILl., coutaining tro Jiece p? tion.,t' ?? fiivo B~tdronie, Drsoteh.. ronl, Sloro. room ' . A1'ill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHORI~ NG. ~ji~A~i itiT jUJJT P-B3EL AST TO n VOT11UJSDAY. Fren ~noil~TIOL.oo Stiationof0 L, md B3.-W. Co.tOi~i TESAY, ?? imd SOUTHAMP170N ne~iT, j1~t)AY OarrTHt 9oodiect once onthly.t Zin L.end.;'l~'ialV/aiI.U C.; lor to 010o Wgt 1i1.'LS 1' ~ WAT rtorYO la d treetoox Talfark tory, CrorSCOTLAND. K\13o t~ ~llh FI ?? to (Itt:i Ci B Do o Avr I onday. 11111 A i) Alit-- STF.TLA9ND.CON ?? .01 D IWC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BI.'9I TEMPERANCE LEAGUE. TVFNITVSECOND ANNIVERSARY, 18S0. LTgDNFDAY¶ April 7th, the ANNUAL iW .x In tu, ULSTIR HALL, at Seven o'clock, S0°OI1sH eob. lB. Eobeon Carroll, Esq,, will Tickld 5't tie Grand Organ. POa THURES)AY, April 8th, the ANNUAL BU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B(Y$ AND) YOUTHS' SUITS, 4JADE IN FEBRUABY LAST FROM V irtLe, jths of ScOtcl Vnd Irish Tweeds, GFPPRl, li VEYOILBAiJ?. Eping Overcoats Ircl Os, Iqy 0wn Malkc, FRANCIS CURLEY, 7- and 65, High Street. COSTUME DE PARTMENT. raE eio are now ShowIng a splendid BAZAAR STOCK of the Newest DRES5 ! tiATERIALS, In the most fashion. DONEGAIL able abades and combinations; PJ4& ALSO, FRENCH rATTERN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NEW JACKBTS AND MNTLES. EDGAR & LOWRY; 5, ARTHUR SQUARE, BELFAST, QUALITY AND STYLE TNMATERTALS AND WORKMANSHIP 1 reeire the most carefil attentilon Tihe 1omvestpriced G(amejt fiwnsewd with character alki ?? Spring Mtock on vietw. FRAPWIS OUBLEY, 1159310 7s and 63, High Street. ISQUIT, DUBOUCFIE, & CO. ARE THE B LARGEST SHIPPERS oa Brandy, IN THE WORLD, Menarsr, Fennessy and Martell excepteA ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MRS. NATHANIEL WOOD, LATH OF T13E BAZAAR, B EGS TO ANNOUNCE HER B return from London with the LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTIES IN Cutumea and Mantles, Drens and Mintlo TrImmLsgo, laws, &o. M1r., N. W, wslhos to thank the Ladles who havo so liberally patronised ber ?? her husband's death, aud lo My that ebe has added MANvTLES to ber already extensive DRESSMAKING Deptrtmont ; and hba sooured the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MANTLES 7OR JUNE. j8,JAGNIFICENT STOCK iN M1] SATIN DEr LyoN, SILx, OCui1mftRF, SICILIAN, &C, ae, MI L-1 IN ERY FOR JU NE. Bceyq Nocltq in Shape and Stle, at Vrry RsIsonabe Prics. OUR G U I N E A HAIs ?Md BoNNETS SYe very bandeome, EDGAR & LOWRY, 5, ARTHUR SQUARK BELFAST, 8774 PP4 IRON WARRANTS, STOCKS AND SHARES. IaCUUV(0R & CO., STOCO, SHAhii 1 r!>IR0 iON MOKELRS, 136, BUCOLIANaN 81 R~ErFT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLACK CASHMERESI AND EFxcu .MERPLINIOES. A LINT) '¾! Y co (JO., 1 c8,.> rtel,4 iljlj, l ,b (r)C . 2! 2,'UM , 2/to 3/, 3 , ,and 3/9 T'r1 Uabove Speciat a 211inC t1r,1(i to I/tvCCCII afd'vlanct~le i1 ALt iu(1faclitied Goods, are yaitc l nder present pirices. TlljH ULSTER ARCADE. 1551 IMPORTANT SALE, ELPTI RING FPRBOM BUSINESS 47, DONEGALL PLACE, BELFAST, it. O'B R I E N, BFING ABOUT TO RETIRE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '.TO BE LET OR S3OLD. IV) LET. W7ILSON S,3PlEUET WEAVINGi T FAOlORY. 160(06 aipply to JOHlN M1VOR. 10, Wilson Streou. '-;'LILDING GROUND TO L.Pr AT FOhT WiLLIA, I-AlI, on moderate terms, Zlotisthy eituatiou; vise cilalued and, sewered. Apply to ARCOIIBALD KVrNST, Dunedin1 11950 T0 LET, IN A, VERY DESIRABLE SITUA- T TION those Four DWELLING HOUSES, dyy and well finlahAei, with Olose Range, ral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIBIOB TO A1DVEBTIBERIB A Ue1~' order Of the POsB Office state *.O ~tere, Unbln Abertsers° sheo~uld, on juently, give Ineir full and proper names wben they desire to receive commuaioa. ,ions ot af Post Office, Letters can be ad dvowied to Inltilal3 at the NwseLsEflE Offlice, as heretotore, CLERICAL. V'O GRADUATEIS.-A CURATE IS WANTED Tfor a Parish in Belfast; stipend, £100 per snum; under ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INTIOH TO ADVERTISERS, A Rumrn order of the Pos Offloa atatea Wt lettern rdaroziod to InIthala or Fioti. tions Nfcr!eoa twiZ be sent to Cti Dem9.Leae'r O;lce, Dublin, Advertisers should, oonvos quently, givo ther full and proper names when they desire to reoelve commuxeo*&. tionz at Poest Offlio. Letters oan be ad. derez to inittala, at the NEwaL='= Offioo, as heretGiore, HOUSES) ETC. W ANTED, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ELECTION ADDRESSES. TO THE ELECTORS OVT THEIC COUNTY OF ARMAGH. G ENTLEMEN-The approaching Diemolutlon of G ?? will shortly plice in your hands the exorcieo of your electoral privileges, and I have again the honour of offering myself for Election as5 ono of your Bepresantatives In the House of Commons, The geunrous forbearanec, the unvarying courtesy and olsidoratlon which I have at all times ...