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... ,MASTER AT -LOND-O7- I.. , -- - A R . (OX Or COP , Tdu 'Easter novelties Lne a the theatres ?? Praliseed market andth Lyc aeum 'o Passion WVeek reo5eeu Tle °' apeitu novelty last night 'was 4 - - by Herr Geetse, whc may s C? dtced to Glasgow bye Mi 1 -: story is deriverd 0r ai La Capitahio Charnloe, a produced io \ Vieul~~~lsl .~ te to New X',rk, where it is 3a *j under the ttle of ''The eet ...


... THE NEW THEATRE-ROYAL The construction of our new Theatre-Royal now almost completed, and little more than the finishing touches require to be given to allow it being, opened as arranged on. the 26th inst. The house has been erected from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr C. J. Phipps, RS.A., rof London, who, after building some thirty Itheatres in various parts of the United Ring ...


... SIR JAMES OUJTRAM: AN -AUTOBIOGRMEY. ?? entering into any detailed criticism of OutraM's military career, and even jd ~dicating the importance of the contri. adle to biographical literature by Sir celasmini, it may help to explain the nce under wh'ich 7m.any of the brave and feats later years were performed a ?? be paid to his early up- ng The heroic character Outram mai-. trourlh life was ...


... LITERA TUPE. (1) Bret Iharte's Poetical Word. 'Th There is probably no living American so well Ode known as Mr bret Harte. it is not because he is a ?? because he is a humorist-not of Decause hle is a *;ovelist-not even because he is Wo its American con iul-but because he ?? I Elartc. His iiaile is like one of Mr Lexeis of Carroll's portnrilteai words, it conveys the L niuitipiicitv oi ...


... LEEDS MUSICAL FESTIVAL I (FROM OUR SPECIAL COoRESPON ENTr) I Leeds, Monday Evening. This morning the series of rehearsals for the Leeds Musical Festival was entered upon shortly after ten. The festival proper does not begin till Wednesday, to-day and to-morrow being wholly devoted to careful rehearsals so as to insure an absolute musical success. First of all, the Queen's Anthem was quickly ...


... SlIt aln it uary Odueo tlU ?? phichenl, S'ew Mon' ?? ?? I: £l -: ?? -z. ?? _M,,ssrs J. l e _r± J . tnC leii l l, Ct.. cu .. l . i r ; h > ; - 'i.but ?? ?? ?? mlailk 1. o P j i, i t u t t i ..r - 1 . u t : ; : : . - / ' ' : : . - : . . - - I 3, - . ?? s _ :ql_. 2 I r- 3CezG: I I. . . s . v~ . . ...


... Shortaskirts for walking dresses are found to be so cmnfortable that many ladies are abolishing all trains -except for full dress occasions-and are having mrrning wrappers made short enough for the skirt to emape the floor. These are especially pretty'when ncde with great clusters of gatherings that are now simuch used to hold the fulness of the back breadth. A pretty model of this kind is of ...

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... ('OCKLE'S ANT1II1LIOUS PILLS. b THE SAFEST FAMILY MEDICINE. B a In Boxes at ls lid, 2e 9d, 4s 6d, and 11e. CO° 0 EIS ANTI IOU S PILLS.r TME OLDEST. .PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at is ld, 2s 9d, 4B 6d, and lie. 000KLE'S ANTIBILIOtUS PILLS I ,- ! : 0 Isathe * . ONLY PREPAR ATION , Plaoed before the Public. .OCKLE'S ANT IBILIOUS PILLS. In use EIGHTY YEARS. 18 NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. r~OME BLACK ...


... MAGAZtINS FOR SEPTEMBER., . , I . I. 1. , - -_ , , .nent, ;rath- 8Eao D Nqo~tcp 3yes- In Oos-nhil tile most readable, perhaps, as it car leei tusirty is th hretcontribuition, is entitled I anri ToBeggars. it purports to he a sketch from ndlife, and it suust be admitted there is nothing mach,. about the sketch to taise doubts about its reality. in the Game forms the Subject of 'another ...


... PICNiCs. th pri on el itil itl roa an fo f sei ] an in hrE 5hl Vel on ;er t Lo an rot an b th en e WWoODsDE VOLUTEES.-The annual pio-nic in con- .d nection with the I Company (Woodside), 1st A.R.V., it was held on Saturday in a field at Grandholm, kindly d granted by Mr John Catto, Woodaide. The weather i. was remarkably fine. The party, including the volun. 8- teers, the most of whom' ...


... ABOYNE HORTICULTURA IAND INDUSTRIAL | I , ~~SHOW. AU 1lC The Aboyne Horticultural and Industrial Society qIlled held their annual show of flowers, fruit, and vegetables, qut. with the addition this year of industrial work, within I Pet the Pablic Hall on Saturday. The show, although on said ' the whole a very good one,was not equal, as regards the was et number ofentries, to former years. The ...


... THtE CITY BANK R~ELIEF REPORT. A ricrutts or a personal narrative wvill tako no or hold both of the imagination and of the )Dfeelig in connection with the ruthless havoc of 3 of battle than any mere enumeration of the number engaged or of those killed and wounded; and had the Central Relief Committee of the City of Glasgow Bank been at hiliberty to exhibit some of itr. the scenes of desolation ...