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... Shortaskirts for walking dresses are found to be so cmnfortable that many ladies are abolishing all trains -except for full dress occasions-and are having mrrning wrappers made short enough for the skirt to emape the floor. These are especially pretty'when ncde with great clusters of gatherings that are now simuch used to hold the fulness of the back breadth. A pretty model of this kind is of ...

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... ('OCKLE'S ANT1II1LIOUS PILLS. b THE SAFEST FAMILY MEDICINE. B a In Boxes at ls lid, 2e 9d, 4s 6d, and 11e. CO° 0 EIS ANTI IOU S PILLS.r TME OLDEST. .PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at is ld, 2s 9d, 4B 6d, and lie. 000KLE'S ANTIBILIOtUS PILLS I ,- ! : 0 Isathe * . ONLY PREPAR ATION , Plaoed before the Public. .OCKLE'S ANT IBILIOUS PILLS. In use EIGHTY YEARS. 18 NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. r~OME BLACK ...


... MAGAZtINS FOR SEPTEMBER., . , I . I. 1. , - -_ , , .nent, ;rath- 8Eao D Nqo~tcp 3yes- In Oos-nhil tile most readable, perhaps, as it car leei tusirty is th hretcontribuition, is entitled I anri ToBeggars. it purports to he a sketch from ndlife, and it suust be admitted there is nothing mach,. about the sketch to taise doubts about its reality. in the Game forms the Subject of 'another ...


... FASHIONS FOr, MARCH. The variety of woollen and fancy materials for this spring is greater than ever. Copiplete toilettes may be made of black or white satin ; but this, in material in colours, is used as portions of dresses only. All these rich fabrics are trimmed with Inces, feathers, splendid embroideries, and passementeries,adding considerably not only to their effect but their cost, ...


... I ( T T I N (G S. -0- i FLEGIIINGS.--No. II. 1.1HAR A HAND. (I re Ilo I Jolly Tars of Rllutran, ti and! e Flaunt yjur huritisig In the birei-nn fore aid aft . Paly due hlonour to thl brave n Swiliullitig nrinltitly to save FtlI ow-jin' froto brirny grave Cleave the welkin with Wlial clieirr from your craft You, boy, the signal h .lyi rdi, Bear a J lt hind !1 . Man tile pumps, the ...


... LITER A TiU RE. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION AND COUNSELLOR. By Ith, W. R. Chambers, LL.D. New Edition. Edin- ries burgh: W. & R. Chambers. The:: `Fe eran author of this work has had the satisfyhof seeing it pass through many editions, andd'of knowing that it has been highly appreciated by parents and guardians of the young, as well as I by trhe claps for 'whom it is intended. Its cha eye5 ic are fl ...


... VISIT OF MTNISS SOLDENE. Iz The lovers of music aidsprlgenrtim t inounehaventwelcomed. with muilch siatlisfactioll the an- nuimntof at second visit from the Comlic Opera 'C;i1 niany of Maldamle Soldenie. Aberdonians -we her o3 debt of 2ratitu~de for Ihaving~ been thu first to intro. sic te to 9som1 of thle irasterpieces of Operatic art, ( whichl) thoug famlihar ell--hi to more favoured ( ...


... 3BURNETTV. LITERAIIY.FU.ND. I to Tire following is the Provisional Order made by tire Sit Seoetiry of Stato relatiing to ]Jurrett's Literary till Fund :- of Whireres by the Enflowed lnstitutios(ctad thi Act, 1878, it is, 7itr 47'a-or, enacted, section 4, that it anl halfll be lawfl fur tire governing body of any endowed iustitution in Soiotland, at a MeOtiugg 'pticially crtl'e I Co0 for tile ...


... JOT 1 INGS. A GODLY DRED. PI_ What canstitutes a Godly deed ? I raw a child With fevered, trembling limbs and visage wild r, Extended on a car seat, underineathl iis head d A man's r'ugb greatcoat, pillow both and bed. 0 HIo was a weo synall bay, a inessenger by trade, A. intht be seen by januty cap an d brald Thc silver letters o'er the foroptece small Marked the woe man a toiler with us all. ...


... LITE RAT URE. ScHEa mOF R xcious ThsrRUOTION IN PUBLIC ScHooLS. Sanctioned by the School Board of e: Banlhory-Ternasn. J. R. Smith, Union Street, if ~Aberdeen. Those who, are anxious to have religion efficiently s taught in our public schools will find it of great advantage to have a definite course of instruction asreed upon between School Boards and teachert d and those who are appointed ...


... The elephant seemed to get tired first, and just as the first streak of dawn began to show itself in the sky he turned round and walked leisurely away. For a minute 6otwb I heard&.Iih,.crash- ing among the thickets, and then all was quiet again, as if he'd gone right away. I Now, thought 1, !' is my time to decamp'too, and dowmn the tree I slipped as nimbly as an acrobat. But I soon found ...


... CENTRAL BANFFSHIIE FARMERS' CLUB. SHOW AT KEITH. prze Perhaps no other agricultural club in ibe kingdom the~ I has made more rapid strider in its career than the Fer-go Central Banffshiro Farmers' Club ,whichycesterday on beifer the Market Stance at Keith celebrated its n1inth anni- Laird versary by a show of cattle, horses, sheep, and pigs3, ni.~z, poultry, and agricultural implements. ...