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Freeman's Journal


... FiUloN AND aVARtITIM. THE COURT. Osborne, Sunday. The Queen and Princess Beatrice drove out yesterdap afternoon, attended by Lady Waterpark, H er .Mlajesty, Princess Beatrice, sad Prince Loopsld, and the members of the household, attended Vivine servioe at Osborne this morning. The Rev Canor Farrar, D D, Chsplainzin-Ordinary to her Majesty, officiated. I Culonel the Right Ron F Stanley and the ...


... ICONCERT AT TIME GAIETY THEATRE. On Saturday ftoernoon the concert givn Iby the members of ?? Carl Rosa Company as a eompli. moetary boeefit to Sit Edward Leo took place at thd'e alety Theatre. There wan a good attendance. Two theinge, though of Ininor importance perhaps, deoserve to be neotd with reference to thb concect. First, that it began sharp at the hour menotioned in the bills; and, ...


... FASRIO. AND VARIE1TIBS. THE COURT. e Windsor Castle, Wednesday. i The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon, attended S by the Countess of Errol and the Ron. Horatia Stop. ford. a ColonelSirGPCouey, ICR B, CM0,.2nd Queen's C Royals; Colonel Baker Runsell, C B, 13th Hussars; and f, Lieutenant-0olonel R J a, Marter, let Dragoon Guards, g arrived at the Castle yesterday and had the honour of D ...


... FASRION AND VII, TaE QUEEN'S RETUR Her Majesty Quesn victria, andthel, I F ' i re with tloir suite, left at half-paa1 thre AMtlieo for England. They veire necc ite thl station by the members of the onidal ae ,til were presented. Her Majesty And i *ri,, arrive at Windsor to-morrow evenfing THE VICEREGAL COURT On Wednesday, April l4th, her rtace ti o her, Marlborough, accouapaniele ,y tL, facto ...


... FASHION AsNDJ VJI1TIFS. I . IVr u THE COURT. n. Windsor Castle, Thursday. 11, The Qusen and Princess Beatrice drove out yesterday m evening, Lady Paget, Miss Poget, the Marquis of Hartington, Scrsetary oi State for India; the fight Hon Sir W V ne Harcourt, Secrotary of State for the Home Department, Ik and the Right Pon John Bright, Chancellor at the Duchy of Lancaster, arrived at the Castle ...


... DELGANY AND GREYSETo FLOWIRt I: SHOW. Yesterday Belleview demeare, near Delgany, was the rendezvous of nearly all the residents of the surrounding district, besides large numbers who bad come a considerable distance. The attraction, was the show of fruits, flowers, &c.j which took place under the auspices of the Del- 1n y and Greystoues Cottage Garden :9ciety. Tahis wits the fourth Ehow of the ...


... I Easter Monday Will bring -for the holidays a variety of amusements in which our citizens will have opportunities of indulging according to their tastes. First in the list may be safely placed English opera, Carl Rosa's company will on Mon- day evening commence an engagement for twelve nights in the Gaiety Theatre with the ever- popular work of an Irish genius- Maritana. The memories of ...


... z FASHION ARfv VALIETMSi. , THE COURT. Osborne, Thursday. The Queen and princems Beatrice drove out yedRt> day afternoon, attended by the Hon Hertnia Stopford1 and her Majesty walked this morninz attended by thl Hon Horatio Stopford. Princess Beatrice stated. VICEREGAL COURT. Their Graces the Lord Lieutenant, E, land the Duchess of Marlborough eave a dinner party last even.r ing at thle Castle ...


... ?? LITBRATURE. I ?? _- ?? . 'r WAYSIDE RESTlNGS. Poems by John A Jennings. Mr Mr. Jennings, the well.established public reader, Lthas given us tor the fiist time a tentative utter. P anue of oridinal verse. As motto to his Book he quotes the modest profession - Giver. in outline and no more, and in the dedication he offers thoughts so simple, so unassuming, and so self effabing that of ...


... ffMkIIN AND VAItIJ!TtRB. THE COURT. Windsor Caatlo, Wednesday. The Queem, accompalnilced by Princess Beatrice, wont to London yesterday aftornoop and visited hor Royal Hulingea the Dulcess of Gambridgo at St Jamnos's Palace. Her Mnjesty travelled by a Spoeial tvain ou th (Groet Wyqtorun lailway to nud from Palddington, and 4yetmilod to Windsor at 7 oeclock, Lady Watorienirk, Lielatsnnt-Goneral ...


... I T = I . . Last evening the secorld of the 'farewell con- corts with which the name of Sims Reeves ba. been most intimately hes6eiated took place in the Exhibition Palace, There Was 'a yery large attendance. Having so recently spokeon of the artists who took part;in it, it is unuecessary to say much more about them. 'They went through a parforeannce very similar in charaoter ti that of the ...


... I ASHION AND VAnRI I - THE COUIRT. Balmoral, Monday. Tho Queen and Princess Beatrico walked in the morning, and In the aifernoon her Majesty and the Princess drove, atteinded by the Hon'lttliol Cadogan. LORD DUFFERIN. The flight Hon the Earl of Dufferin his arrived at Iicirnruioy, During his ?? ile' will be tile guest of the Earl of Ieiltnare. EarL Spencer arrived at Northampton yes- terday ...