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Aberdeen Press and Journal


... EX IN OF WoR O | Ai~,, ~ ESB1BE. 001 A meeting 'v heild inthe'Coinoil Chambers,, Stone- Ml haven, on, Saturday,, for the. purpose of appointing'a- mI committee to makeoshe 4ecessary'arrangements for an dif exhibition of workeof hidustr*, and art, to be held at he Stonehaven jn.Augua.est, . xt.,-.-as Amnong t,4l.siveh'o.attlended ilie neeting.'were s-Sir BUj Thoma&nGlbdstone-, Baft.! and ,the' ...


... FASHION PLATES-A TALE OF GRIEF. It is only within the Ilst twenty years that the true uses of fashion plates have become familiar to . the American people At the present day it is restimated that every American woman consumes an average qi^uantity of five fashion plates and seventeen re paper patterns per annum. The latter are as Greek th to the unlearned man, and foolishness to the wisest i ...


... tnel Mntly IA new green called carnation stalk has made its > Act, dcb1te It is intended for blondes, but unless the the wearer be exceptionally fair this peculiar shade is tame, acted' and requires to be trimmed with pale pink. The trial rious made of purple and red by ladies who are reputed .ro- blondes has in no way proved unfavouni'alp tQ them, slo of | while brunettes are wearing pale ...


... GOSSIP ftOM V'iA7TY FAIR.. of The Earl of' Mayo intends prodeedibg o 'o Morocco ht shortly for shooting, and will be accompanied by two of or three friends. * I hear that the Duke of Hamilton - issuffering from anotber attaok of gout, and thathbe has been ordered to Buxton, where be is taking the waters. sh In a note published a fortnight ago I announced that 'er a :cheque for, 10,000 had been ...


... MAGAZINESIFOR DECEMBER. [FaBST NOTICE.] se ie Ninetcentk Century (London: 0. Regan Paul reatestk Co.) is varied enough in its contents. .tis month. Something more than an ordinary infibrest will be taken in the late Lord Chief Justice'0article on The :Chase'; fIts istory and Its Lawsh, the second.instal- meet of which appears in the present number. Of theethree articles on the TheIrish ...


... I , _ : I T H E C O M It . , .7f THOUm3&ttLOS T. SIGHT,; To!E5{O DEAR. f Oa'o'wisLtb d id~ CGegeral PRobrerts.: '- 3& THB REAL OWE DE COLOGNE.-The debt on the (J. ihedrd. e A PnRN.T-Sii tho.C0sarewitch hn8 been won by Mr e Bu Wt I. Ve,'y. apitosiebte'ir he(Seconld) Oll,Oatober IL Week. AT BULLONG - Tie lBelleville- (who liket to air his , French Lefor di4 fri,'nits)- Avvy voo 1ia varfunie ...


... PRO l RSSOR SMI CASE. The Caitbncss Free Frosbtyterymetion Tasday at un Thurso-A. Deomstear, Lsbster moderator. After the set disposal of some formal b6ilhas, a'long and animated bet discuseion took place on the 46W aspeOt of Professor tar Smith'o 4gio, when Dr TVylorI Thurso, submitted the following motion: - 9That it is humbly overtured by the Free 1Fresbytory of Caithness to the Commission ...


... NIHlilIS. IN RUSs1A. TIME CONSPIRACIES 1, A AI ;NST THE | CZAR. Pasts, Wednesday night. Adlvices received here from St Petersburg give mel interesting details of the recent arrests in Moscow. The secret police first discovered a depository ofl Pvlteonathnay 1iroelamations, a large quantity ofl dynamite, alnd souse electric batteries. The following is a list of the works seizeed:-1. The ...


... I I he A London correspondent says-.Ona of the most ir notable instances of the humiaorous in music took place 6 on Friday night, when twenty of the most celebrated the musicians in England played the Toy Symphony . of Romberg. The central figure of the party was Mr ad Arthur Sullivan, making on a toy instrument curious Ing sounds representing a cuckoo. Behind was Mr to Joseph ;Barnby, ...


... CATTL .1 SHOMW .' r ,, ~~~~~~~~~~~~quarter a GAIIOCH FARMER CLUB. jels a ~~~~~~~~~~~Jeap o The annual-iihow of. cattle, sheep, anad horses quently Di connection' with the Gariboh Farmer~. Club stance,; took place on the maktsac o ec nJoss, Saturday. The weather 'was ,very fiieb, a: brilliant chaseid sunshine prevailing througliont'thes day,, The ~ttend-' sw6eet Ii oance, of visitors was ...


... ed'There are many people (says the Saturday Review) who read a little, talk a great deal, and think scarcely o' at all, and yet imagine themselves to be literary, and by entertain an ardent longing to get into a literary set. After anxious and weary struggles they obtain the g acquaintance of an intellectual lion-hunter, and, nd by dint of perseverance, induce this being to invite them to'meet ...


... L I T E R A TRU E. ME of MODERN FRANCE. 1814-1879. By Oscar Browning, ialth, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, author of 'eres Modern England, London : Longmans, Green, & Co. I Mr Browning has produced an admirably-written )a and much-needed summary of the history of.Modern Hehasalreadyshown hissaptitnUde for such - a task in his contribution to Messrs Lnigmans' series; of Epochs of ...