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... A THF&TRlCAL SQUABBLE ABOUT A CHEQUE. At ?? Assize, on Saturday (before Mr. Justice Bowen nnd a special jury), Ln actio wal tied io which Mr. George Paxton, London, was thd plaintiff, and he eouglit to recover damages for false imprisonment from Mr. Francis Rvwlings, lessee of the Theatre Royal, Halifax. The plaintiff is a son of the late Sir Jomeph Paxlon, and fer want of other euimploymont ...


... ITHE PIRATES OF PENZANCE AT THE NEW THEATRE ROYAL On Saturday, an opportunity was afforded us by the managers to be present at one of the concluding rehearsals of Gilbert and Sullivan's operatic melodrama of The Pirates of Penzance. As most of our readers must be aware, the piece has for the last seven or eight months crowded the auditorium of the Opera Comique, London; and as there seems ...


... The annual exhibition in connexion with this flourish ing horticultural society was held yesterday at the Berbert Gardens, Clevedon; and, the day ?? delight. fully fine, a large inmbor of residents, as well as many visitors from a distance, attended. The entries were in excess of those of previous years, and the excellence of the exhibits, together with the many beeutiful specimens Eent in not ...


... ART, SCIENCE, A-SD LlTlih'P2. _ 7 _ - - _ _ _ - _ - - Lady Anna Mlnit, who-' rlclild Bed(ulisof the E'uphrates V .ll.-y 'i s7 ' in the prels an arctrint, in two vcinmes., (,r Ai: . ago of Nejd, which still be illuitr.stei I :. -: tile author. MIr. Murray will be thu .bll The Earl of Doffotri is going to p Il iiL; and asidreoses delivered in Canada, dr;;rilb l.-: the olhiNLO of Governor ...


... TEE ?? BOMANCS. Another charge of obtairing goods by false pretence was brought on Tuesday in the Southei l Police.courtf, Dublin against Mrs. Florence de Molcyne, of Kin-, town. 2lhe prosecutor wias Mr RaMukin, jeweller, of NmaEau.street, who Eold her a pearl ring for twelve guineas on the 28tb of August, which she pawned shortly afterwards. Before the case was gone into Mr. Keogh, her ...


... DRESS AND FASHION :I PARIS. Bonnets are frequently bordered with a narrow row of flowers and ornamented with an Alsatian bow of lace, IBrussels, Flanders, or Alenvon point fastened in place with pearl-headed pin; and boaring a bouquet of floworo or small plume of feathers at the side. Small flowers, such as Parma violets, rose-buds, periwinkles, tiny car. nations, heliotrope, or forget-me-not, ...


... itgraturq, Dl Obsol,-atio n ?? Affairs. By the Marquis o *d Bath. London: Macmillanc and CO. C The Marquis of Bath recently took a method of making i bimself acquainted with the Eastern Question which t might be copied with advantage by a good many arm. f chair politicians in the upper ranks of society. Being I ?? to arrive ati, definite opinion on some of the im- I portaint problems yet ...


... S.- . V, ottrp. I CIRCUMSTANOE. By W. L, COUITEY., In vain thou strivest, thou coust not be froe, Poor captive, whom the dreary bonds of Fate, Closing in narrower fold a, incarcerate WVithin the prison-houss of Destioy:- :Fate of thy parents' blood, too strong for thee, Fate of thine acts, repented of too late, Fate born of joy and grief, and love and hate, Doomed long ago to this catastrophe. ...


... -.LZnL. DfLUCVY UUVIJU4.J) VA I Worcestershire people have made little effort yet at jo anything in the way of decoration, and the only algne in ad, I .this direction are a few bare poles; along the Battenhall- Tb - road leading to the yard. The ground-abouti40 acres- toiv I is the site occupied by the Royal Society on its visit hi, I some 16 or 17 years ago. It is long andanarrow like the ad, ...


... BY J. GOnizoaY. Our of my heart, to thy heart, brother Bill, Cometh to thee at affection's command, This little lay from the tip of my quill With a warm wish for a grasp of thy hand; I in the world have no brother save thee- WVhen shall we meet again? where will it be? Did not a sweet, singing, sunny hope say- When our sad parting-time came in the past- While she was kissing our sorrow away, ...


... MAGAZINES, &v. There is a6 variety of good reading in Thre Corrrhllff 1afoparirir this month, independently of the continuations of the nowv well-known fictions of ,Mademnoiselle de Blersac arid White Wings, a Yachting Romance, ti the former vivll sustained, and the hitter as fresh and C lively ais the c lement on which the scene is mainly laid, axt Dr. W, W., Hunter continues his well ...


... sitgraturt pofitiraf cud R al~ Rdi for 17cr. By 8heldon 'mos, M,. l Professor of Jurisprudence In xT, rirtlY College, London. London CassellPetter ?? geneal reader, the moat interesting portion of M Afjsnos'r volume is undoubtedly IIl preliminary die- ertaton On of the character of Modern Wara and the Posslbility of rermanent Peace. The desirable con tingency thus spoken of has generally been ...