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... MAGAZtINS FOR SEPTEMBER., . , I . I. 1. , - -_ , , .nent, ;rath- 8Eao D Nqo~tcp 3yes- In Oos-nhil tile most readable, perhaps, as it car leei tusirty is th hretcontribuition, is entitled I anri ToBeggars. it purports to he a sketch from ndlife, and it suust be admitted there is nothing mach,. about the sketch to taise doubts about its reality. in the Game forms the Subject of 'another ...


... Shortaskirts for walking dresses are found to be so cmnfortable that many ladies are abolishing all trains -except for full dress occasions-and are having mrrning wrappers made short enough for the skirt to emape the floor. These are especially pretty'when ncde with great clusters of gatherings that are now simuch used to hold the fulness of the back breadth. A pretty model of this kind is of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ('OCKLE'S ANT1II1LIOUS PILLS. b THE SAFEST FAMILY MEDICINE. B a In Boxes at ls lid, 2e 9d, 4s 6d, and 11e. CO° 0 EIS ANTI IOU S PILLS.r TME OLDEST. .PATENT MEDICINE. In Boxes at is ld, 2s 9d, 4B 6d, and lie. 000KLE'S ANTIBILIOtUS PILLS I ,- ! : 0 Isathe * . ONLY PREPAR ATION , Plaoed before the Public. .OCKLE'S ANT IBILIOUS PILLS. In use EIGHTY YEARS. 18 NEW ORMOND STREET, LONDON. r~OME BLACK ...


... UNITED BANFFSHIRE AGRICUL- TUNAL SOCrETY. ivoal S~hSIMER SHOW. C fr Yesterda9 helll sunsm ershowof stock, poultryj, dalry produce, and implements, in oonnection with this- I ok, flb ' g agruicnhurnl soriety, was held in tbe Cousll'Ti i eI;Park, within the policies of Duff House, Banff, under I ethe orhtosb favourable circumstancea as regards weather.I dthe 1?r more than a fortnight the weather ...


... ' WVe hava been favoured with a copy of the follow- ing ng lines sent homeby an Elgin younginarln, a corporal it the ,25th Munted Infantrv, who was one of tbe garrison in Pretoria during the recent Transvaal War. He tool- part in four sorties a,,ainst the Boers, in il e of which the PBritih were buocessful except the last, wven they were, driv- n bhck by overpowerilag .nu.bers. For one hundred ...


... Tbh- opening Of this exhibition, whichr was .annotenced I ---to rrdre place at no-on ycalerday, has had to be poet. erul ponlerl till to-day, at larde number of the exhibits not flr avIn lg nrrivod in time to adrmit of their being placed. taut, il Thle formal inauguration, however, waesproceeded with, he Pro- the Lard Provort delivering a brief speech. to a larg'e ritrator- attendance of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . A rigi the altI2 .poli J J. & Jd. C.OLMAN, abi bet THE LARGCILT kMtUSTARD l!4ANT-FACTUREWS IJ 1Y THE WORLD. up( ha) tSK FOR 'A~~~~~~~~~c 02JMAN'S Uj1JST- iD. M °OLMAX'S M USTARD. . - at C b~~~~~~~~~~a, COLMA'AN'S M1jUSTARD. 1'net M^Itlt ThltW8i Heva41. tio WI sp pr, - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ cei O CKLi.'S A4T I Br LonUs PILTL. la] tol ns4, th !tit EIGHTY YEARS. !o 1.8 NEWY Or (ND STREEST, ...


... SIO.OW OF OAGE BIRDS AT INVERNESS. A Yesterday the Ilaveruela Ornithologioil Asseojation Th. 3 held a lerge show 'If osgo birds, pirrots, 'and pigeons in in ethe Wrknuic'e Club. Tbie is the firstOn oeentitiOn the tim associstion bee held, and it was anticipated end viewed bus fvith a geond deal of interest. The show wee as exoel. [ lB tent one in every respect. There were 123 entriee of the ...


... I HINTIO OF INDUSTRYk1ND- ART I ABERDN. , I . . I MP 4xkihiltoawof Inustry ah4~Axt, mtider.,tle usu- I1 ie Off tbe Aberdeen United Txadesi~ouncil, wbih1Oh QPSZIG in 'the Town and County 1Ea11o~xAberdeep, to-, day promaises to be -fae of the, rmot interesting gnd2 snstructive-fesatres.-of this holiday season. .The ex- lisbition is creditable i3Ya high degree to the Trades Council, with -whom ...


... MAGAZINES FOR DECEMBEfl TaE MAYFAIR MAGAZINE (London: David Bogue, 3 St Martin's Place) is a new-comns with some lively reading in it. The first Part of EmileZola's novel Therese Raqui a teresting and characteristic in its style, and there are a number of short stories-grave and gay-and all of them well written, that cannot fail to prove attractive to most magazine readers. An article ...


... LIrTER AT UR E. ThE Etvrn.1 N j\I'UDLU A Sp1ech by Alex- D nuder Baird, and H OD1JI5-PODGEE GLADDY A MD DUzLY, On, of. RIVALS. Alittl. omitTedy in two stts. REV~ I-laaL-ood a, Sons, Edinburghl and London, 1884i MJr Baird has done well inl publishing his speech delivered atA a Meeting hold in Glasgow under the auspices of the Glasgow Conservative Association on the state of affiirs in Egypt: Of ...


... PASBLOINAEBLU WARAE. As briefly repoated yesterday, the marriage of Blajar6 Harvey (late Black Watch) with Mliss Craigic llalicet of Cramond *as dolemnised by special licence at.3t George's, Hanover Square, London, on Wedoesday afternoon. The offeisting clergy were the Rev. Canor, sNisbett, cousin of the bride, and the Rev. Dougljs Harvey, brother of the bridegroom. In the uniavoidabl t ...