Advertisements & Notices

... ?? of te s.he NtrV= -ay' rrpCtTImE a- c- L°rrcieo l 5rm~ .. :cS r ~e rn thn 3reewlmJ are- . I t~ ?? iN pe~. rso - ,svt-. srtO;;e flort an ea-meont I , --lt roi l a l- partisements ar allthe4 ?? XZppa Pid; shU Qefl.DALY ai 5rl(M, will be uck tt~el 'T Sn~t' Wanted.r ?? l'e~fW ?? 1L- ?? 5.7. means flPIE ?? -- ri5ap'-a a pt-o fc . td7 -e ver asr s r159, Mrercury 1 \ ?? L aacti5. C Yourh as ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1RE PEERSF TESTIMONIAL B Parties desirous of TENDERING for the above. consisting- to of PUBLIC FOUN~TAIN ?? CLOCK TOWVER. may 6see ieh to:e Drawuges gad S~flraOn at the offce o Mr. Itzs Ohester,ftroom Tusa, the 15th. to Setray,~ 30i Deebr ey o v~o ?? are to be sent tO the architect, . Telvetor any ?? will ?? neccerlry be accepted. S~ Ins -P at, ' T wldlx i . OF LIVERPOOL.-Hot ANNUAL CONTrRACTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;\B > GOO-IDS UfDKFARTDi1 t G& CO. beg to ?? 'ba;tIIS A O4r;G DAYS aer C ief ?? of High- it ~le .-t~t.thes' hav poxlasshed . c -manac at ea5C5 D~.~ the2 ful enfi bin - silk .Dolm~a,,. £10 each; man- rIfed. and q ilted. 8 guines A.. ~gg an ColthetnaM 's ga 5ee. 1;averclotnDobaOtbs- ot ta trmm-ed ptsmb. 4 O-. ec tkh 'E-'er Dolnafan. 4%. 6d. each. 9 r Oimfl~s Dekmly trimamed, 3S& 6d. r- '& JakeS. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTIE TO ADVERT SEpIRS. le E~uy fix n ?? = -ih t h d v ri s e et W g ld a t w b i o ihe Merei-pr may Vk ronsahtte. GO Wtv n e CH A R ,E fo rT N b M1 ?? I n the DA ?? ~hcnMCr U RT VA! otPEPnAV M ~, T tnot ezceeftgnt-thra lines in lengthl referring to Sitnatlons, Hoa and~ pjre E Wanted, Trprrto he Sold Orr Let, Aprmns and an tb nels ?? laen ants, of the cnnoity. in a1~j h 7Tin chrge fuyr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAFTAL5 - fe Hudrd Pounds Wantd to * eCiAFT ~in ag profits. Nucleus ofl - e . ggfes rw-ih£5 to £300 ijitE C;' lgalysecored.£ weekly andobacer i~ea.At~fffNEsuIPin vey vluable Patent. ETli0, ?? Inovd unteeyoprunity for AnT3' n 0.ana~~ 0prcent. In terest, d re.r office. 'I to Jofnthe Threevoeote of an od 12' -~rali~5company~._AluaI invest £020.- *~ 7 Ncrc'~Y~-1IJal9 WausdloJoi othr Gntlmenof ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a ~ ~ ~ e & nn1 W3 l t_ DO;affectionate g ' yower har9 no usa *-sti9-; gpWS dO 00 Calving-Apply ' s e c re-cle rigc es so railwa.y -tto 16 -fe2Z o _e- 3ya4Jt e o . l~vertree. 16fe Z O s- - letb f ~ t A R T .- Atps y a b~ Sold, at 27. Prot- 3 tp-s- 15fe~l * to-1 be ivld cheap; als~o a first-class pr o '55,ch-t~sc ea E~dge-sale. 15fe7 if 4$% nt-'gizsss vso xouab1je offerrefosed.-, f j ~ ~ iGO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e T tainiM*. I g oiknlifd a loe bador steam ?? ?? ongrune.s tea'HOIS`TS. fitted with all thela1.eiti tallow in for aleget- F TE~tBOILER. 9 feet ?? a b et pwr loone .AbO5D~ Mrcry-ffie.30aseS p f%.,.Aarcat,-'PoandKahalf Tors Poer SolcL ~qnecmpetwihwater vesanl.£5.2s A' Bt o ?? Co, 481Wo-t.31 £7:n - useful COB: S-&it shadr ~od;7.mal A APin ~ -luso Set of BARNES cea.6 Hare- - leOWhitefield ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 't rrv~n'q C CO1ffY. and the auriss ei o V aT, NO&. E C O ES THEATRE A--U -UT THEATRE. } Y' L ?? er. Hr. B S LA1D ATE E AG X LS kITytT .D ). as 7 30. | ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JiOTIOE TO ADVERTISERS. NQUIRY OFCn - Omee Znqdr 01c Ln lio~e~alY In Imediate con- rbn Aser ssmxent Departmet. at wrhich BelI'lel ar Ad, eune a srxng in the Lirepof )fr.9 are zsceivl 1kee ol diage And whr flee of lb jfrary may lit eoimated. The CJ eS r SM IT O3in theDAILY MZRCDRY o' PfRZPAI ADVE ISM TS Inst a dn thred in in lSngtb) referrln to itnations, Hoe, and Persons t.d, Pa ris tohe or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Day tma 2h st-A o Solerecan R- stock of &D'-I WdllO uts, B.road and 'ABlck ilklandSatisandlegant. Blwck TACO R EH will Sell by t) AVM.1a7Th5 'IV (Mial h~ Ic tur. at Twlv o clockat thei aom,1,~ccet Ita-g Stock Of BssiiyInade BiA&GK SU.K AND S&TINS ~'.~tflAT VM-SXMXD Sf.KCLOA~S. other oflsct& ~ ~ ~ ~ 'fl~ On sew orals o suT, u ?? afsnartns of Br-selsan 4TaPestry C*Wits. Meartbrums wvnJ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R YAL s EXANefl}E THEA-TR.E. 'MEAT AT~nA.C.T.-I.G. ?? Mr. EDWARD _AXtJs. ~p ATRA~Q~{FOR THEm RAOE 'WEEK The great Adelphi Dram~aAB TAKEN F~MLIFE. T A IR, huase eceived. 17tnese N d I LIFE. VTAesdtRetms ygp the Prinoe of 'WNales. TSAu E t RO I LI F E. Ted eser Holt ?? Company. TA E N 3i'P OM LI E I F E. 3 ; . ~Every Evening at 7 30. Box Pit Wohr 4l at 630. 25. Box ftie opn dily rom1 il4. ...