... STOURBRIIDGE CRICKET CLUB ATHLETI I SPORTS. The tenth hnnual sports of this club were held ysterday after. nosoh en the cricket ground, in the presence of a vdry ltrgo assemrbly of people. The weather wae all that could be desdred, Tile judges vcro: Messrs. Beardsall (president N.C.A A), E. T. Dowiby (president ?? LH. H. Lockrane, S. Golder, W. J. Turvey, H. .Turvey, and Major Webb. Mr. T. ...


... MR. DAVITT AND THE NATINAL LEAGUE.: A PROOLAIMDMEETING. lv Jaconnectionwitlj the evictions on Colonel G'Callagbans wt ,eteM.Davitab addressed a publict eale iteneighbourhood of. Scariff, yesterday mCin. OO pul announcement had been maade of the* gathering, s 'but the authorities appear to have come to the conclusion . that a meeting of some kind was to he' -hold in the in district, and word ...


... S R. ?? YORK RACES. . 1: PROGRAMIMEE FOR TBIS DAY. 2.15-The GLACsaeu PLATE (Handicap) of 153 svsoa winsaie extra. . Thrac-quarters of ia mile.. age St lb Liftey * 6 ,. 7 Governor Wailer a.e , . 3 BItashCef ?? , 4 9 4 Mo0sque * ,. - 7 712. Orthodox - . .- 4 9 4 Aztec. .. 5 10 St. Vincent a 0 0 Eight Bells 3 7 10 Jeareel.-. 4 12 Dilnbaiei. . 3710 Music Wlaster . it B 9 Brbdste . 3 7 7, Brownie 3 ...


... id ~~RACING NOTES, AThe c~onoluding day of thle Lichfield sneeting wan favoured with ly bright weathler ; but there swas again a cold wind, which is ileirncetoi conhsiomrbly from thle enjoyment of the o0 sport, Tie racing coos of about thi same character ibas that of yestorday, and tue proelrcaroee was marred by a walk over, JHlflhtlletiorpe finding no opponents for H t r Majesty's Plate. This ...


... SATURDAYSFOOTBALL MATOHES ASSOCIATION RUXLES. ENGLISH OUr TIES-FIFT ELROUND.; ASTON VILLA v, H1ORNOASTLE. Cerisidarieig that thide match was looked upoer as ia moral cre. tainsty for thle Villa, thle attendanree at Perry Barr en Saturday was a very goon one0, Sonlic tics thousand persons being present. As was antIcipated, thle Villa won easily, being supe~rior to their opponents at all points ...


... ' ' ' SPORTING NEW ?? ?? I DERBY ST1EtPLEOUASES. YflTtRbAY-.iA hard frost Let ins after midnight on Mondclay, adrsscieggppiered.I sjsossibie in tble.rurminlg. E;veqnseaas, liaosesr, ¶ere adopted ts the execuative ito avoidd postpbssment, and assisted by the sun's rays, racing was found to bie practicable at; the tintsadvertised. The weather constinuted flo e..nit Cold cultrpgthsep eteige, but ...


... SPORTING INTELtIGENCE. d ~~GOODWOOD X1'3TES. n There was alarge company present~o evltneis lisa Stewards'Cop L- ru~nfor, and at the loostmoment lachithorpe becamena'very warm~ *~favourite for this popular short eo'6, Lord Hastings'lhorse ran afast, and he looked a gallant vwlmrr'er at tiro half distance; lent Elf King, who began rattire slowly, wore himi downrdt the finish, and won a splendid ...


... P ORIGNE - Ll nC F -( 555 2. LONDON BETTING. of ?? CLM, Saturday.' ,A nPiay, a lengthy list of quotations wvas cosopllable crd tbie autumnnisandicaps, but the business wvan again of a fantiful character, and tlsequotationasdo netneed any explanation. The ,rd Great Yorkshlrm Handlicap dohngs; were not of a rieliablecalsaacter, tee and the St. Leger business wvas quiet. There -was, however, a ...


... ?? v. MiRLDOROUGK. (BY TrLo ktlt.rU] The Annual match beta ecan these public scx oois began yesler- day, at Lorast; the day's cricket goieg all i0 fa.vouir of Marl. horougit. The feature of the play was the vigorous anld Iatenainedl hitting of A. BnTurner, who male 56,andl wesnot out 64 li his second inntings at the call of time. 1empson playaed weltl for .lugby, aund E. E. Steel, foe ...


... I - i 1 ~RACIG NOTES. onless another very severe frost sets is during the night racing I is certain to take place at Four Oaks to-morrow. Should nothing r occur to render sport impracticable, the following mav win :- Chrisitmas Steeplechase. IVDltOLY ; Moxhall Steeplechase, NUBDEYr Bus ; Hunters' Flat Race, Koxn'e COUNTY ; Tally-so I Hurdle Race, Piuosa.Y-TE GuLDeoSS Selling Handicap Hurdle E ...


... ENGLAND v. AUSTRALIA. INo lover of cricket could have wished for setter weather or a truer wicket for the second of the three great matches to) be commencell on, and Ilennington oval iresented a grand appearance yesterday afternoon. Scarcely a vacant 7acac seas to he noticed from which a eight of the game cl'baobtned, and the number that paid for admission at the gates mas 14,750, sen that ...


... I A BIRMLNGHAM C .-Snr-FINA TIE. A STC? V. WOLVEy 1AMPMN WADsREM.s-These clubs dmet at Stoke-on-Treat. The weather was very fine, and ' therp was a good attendance of spectators. biSkim- t ming and Smith were absent from the home team, and n the visitors were short of Hunter. The game was very n quiet at starting, but after a few minutes' play a serim- mage took place near the Stoke goal, and ...