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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... EDUCATION. THE MISSES HUDSON'S SCHOOL, .W, WARwice TERRACE, GEUAT VICTORIA STRB1T. HE MISSES HUDSON, ASSISTED BY T Masters, will HESIJIE the Daties co thelr tkahoo1 (DV.V) on FR1)AY, the 9th Jannary, 1cupila prepared for the Uzivermlty and Intermediate Zwmamiuattone, 290 FIREM I)ELIVEYRIES OF o&tf. Theflalld Shaol, nt 117-1p yds.- WIMESqltl7 e. DA A baile Clotls, at 3/11, 5 yds. DAMASKsq tare, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. T) BE LEIT, No. 55, RGLINTON .STREET, t reu ntly pst.nted and papered; housein first- ciass order, Biutirnodfrste. Apply to F. IV. RUSSELL, 24, Rosemary 8treet. 154 r 1%E LE,, A ViltY NICE COMFORT. T .ASLI. DWELLING-HOUSE in EBLANA ST'RE11'I; ietvy pejiered and painted; rent free till 1At Februar.7. Aprpl to H & J MAR-TIN, Ulater Buildlng Wrok. Ornlan itoad. 128 HOuSm TO LKT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gwPPING. 'TJ~ ?? LUCEBEBLFAST TOk B^EA E T:,(,NDnN, (3 CEBRDAY. j(1reW ELFSvey Ni Stntion of L and S.-W. Jtro Lilo Nine iiL; Ba L ,ro.. ever(Ly~ puS, ?? and SOTMIAMPTUN, £ si.. p rrYOUT Goods at thlroug roteTI N.lIinV~ 1rr tol IIOther atatiolllnn £4) . W. r ilf Vtoi Alo, to, Le of WiBlit. 0111 ?? ii r- r~i Ct. .lhl cord ..hauitl~ laivul r AD >Sw; : 'l ?? an;' >1'pd M - 6 \l ?? r t l Bonldeor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEE ULSTER ARCADE. ANAt UAL WI 2N TER SALE. A ILADIE& SILK, SCARFS, - h pi Plain, Chintz, and ELn. | jdered-oll, iinclsuiing ovr ls' Purchases, subjecttolthe tun,, h'eductiones peo'sl ,ttentfon in called to the follow. hig Prlee :-4id, 6'd, 10id, ?? and ICAMBRIC HANDKERCHIIEF~S, A! ?? Reduced Prices. l13ieO' Fino Bordered, alilpure Linen, 4111 per doz ,'iles Fine lenntitohed, 5/11 ,, Tle aiev ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '.TO BE LET OR S3OLD. IV) LET. W7ILSON S,3PlEUET WEAVINGi T FAOlORY. 160(06 aipply to JOHlN M1VOR. 10, Wilson Streou. '-;'LILDING GROUND TO L.Pr AT FOhT WiLLIA, I-AlI, on moderate terms, Zlotisthy eituatiou; vise cilalued and, sewered. Apply to ARCOIIBALD KVrNST, Dunedin1 11950 T0 LET, IN A, VERY DESIRABLE SITUA- T TION those Four DWELLING HOUSES, dyy and well finlahAei, with Olose Range, ral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ULSTER ARCADE. ANNUIJAL WINTER SALE. IBOOT DEPARTMENT. JAVIKS LINDSAY, .- CO., Limited, feel it to be only necelsa'y lo say that dg'ring tlitir Annual Sale of Winter Stock all yoode in above de. natrnellt will be sold at re duced prices. Several special losi are mkared fily '70 per cent nidler jormer prices. lJMBRRLLA DEPARTMENT. III this department we ej'er ezeeptioallty good value both in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AD ANnS LN D. A 1 7t Si E9 FAMSEI rs HACOON, K 1 tOAST, I ASTIFF ritjeg ,ia at g15 3 Io 'raif Iro orecocik Eev reva (SAtiw 'my tild Sunday excopted) 8V2Old ?? - 0y s , withiout calling at Ornoelouk, in at 210 P h OrG ,vig Derry at 4-3C ).m; a5 d C~iilO~llii~ tt ?? I Glasgo at ?? 7-j0 ami. ort ,tee, orrI85 Ijtlk by the Steamcrs on satur- t;; cve' . Live Sine'., .e., IuDat ha aloeglidae a full ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. CORPORATION ARMS HOTEL, HILLSBOROUGH. ATTRACTIVE SALE OF HORSES, COWS, VEHICLES, CROP, FARMING IMPLE MENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, BIL- LIARD TABLE, &c, &o, I havo received instrustions from Mr. JosiPH SBIUeD (who is removing to England) to Sell by AUOTION, at the CORPORATION ARMS. Hilleborough, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY, Sth and 9th of January, commenoing each day at Ten o'clock. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? ?? Sarrafor New York s- > ae iU centritrlytu. Pieri, No. PC (Not itvr)NOW Vorkcity ?? ADl) WINF. 1-pt 1t,1VEY DJODELLATE t;i QI! Ai)'AE1IS k,01 LIVEIII'OOL, FOR ba Bn OSTONwz as urtuotetd. ree I' .i- .1 'aJ - ee R '.4a to 'J 0ri ilr , , ;wd ,l , 4. Ih t~cd~, Sail. 14i qd Aeutrt~ia, by york s,, ll ?? ,,4lr: :rer. ..Lc Throtlbr3\[ 1 1 j7[ Fan a ! Tire iollowim or ?? ' t V ?? are aetcttldat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iBEr) . LET O1B +3OLD. m 0 LETi, No. 21, ILSTESRVILLE, AVENUE (with Ironmediato poeselon, rent frorn let February; tbhieo aeeoption-roorns, seven B droomg, Baths, P~atriues &n , with hot and cold water; large Kitchen, good Gtrdert front and rere, Apply a; 14, BRILDt'E STREET. 300 fl-O Lue, IE-il VEY NICE COMFORT- AEi.J; )WBLLIN.LOUSE in EBLANA STBEFT; ?? papered and paVnted; rent free :.1st ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MIL W. CRAMBERS, ?? DWESlRES TO INFORM THE PUBLIC THAT nbe ha% NOW OPENED A VETBRINARY WFIR-MARY in CHICI1ESTER STREET (ad' jolning the G2rin Market), and trusts that by strit attention sod reasonable charges he will thereby extwnd his cunneotion. Speolal care shall be de- Vaotid to the Treatment of Diseases of Dogs. 18 IOTIOIN r.1O ADVERTIBB9.3, A s'sxat-v sede; ci the Poet Office statee thit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IISQlIJ1T, DUBOUCHF, & CO. COWN AC BRANDY. :iQUIT, DUBOUCHEH, & CO. ARE THE LARGEST Sl1HPPERS of Brandy, Meeara, sny and Alartell excepted, as will be seen by Pr trnotri OFFICIAL STATEMENT of the 4,. ?? from Cho? e during the past Gals. Fi Hlerasy & Co. ?? 1,131,199 Li T!rrtell & Co ?? 614 998 'QUI'T, DUBOIJCHE, & Go. 24i6,229 Pi Eouver, GalIloc, & CO, ?? 224,226 1wicllau & Co. 196,329 ar ...