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... . (To the Editor of The Illustrated Spoetino and Dramatic News.) Deab Sib, As at once a dramatist, and a member of the company at the W. M. T. House performance of Thackeray's only play, permit me to assure you that, all question of the acting altogether apart, it succeeded very well indeed, as it deserved, so well as to show anybody with eyes to see that the scarcity of British plays is due ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. LADIES ON HORSEBACK. To the Editor of Tun. Illustrated Spouting and Dramatic News.) Sir, I cannot but feel flattered that my Ladies on Horse back papers should have called forth so large a correspon dence. I read every letter most carefully, and on perusing that of Hersilie, which appeared in last week's issue, it struck me, from two of her observations, that persons might ...


... Sib, In your issue of the 4th December, Farmer writes that his horses are fed upon oats which have been soaked in cold water, and that he has the com thus prepared because he could not easily manage to have a steaming apparatus for cook ing the food in the way that is recommended by Mr. Edward Mayhew, M.R.C.V.S., in his Illustrated Horte Manage ment. The plan that I have adopted during the ...


... . Sib, In consequence of the large number of the public who visited the galleries of the Society oil the Bank Holiday in August, the Council have decided upon again opening the Exhibition free on Monday next, the 27th inst As tlioy feel that the previous successful result was owing to the publicity given by the Press, I am desired by the Co incil to ask the favour of your kindly inserting this ...


... Sie, In last week's edition Jack Spur asks if it in usual in ji.iiv P.mmtvrv fur Inifips f-.n virlp a. In. Dun.iipaa Hp Tlorri 0 no j w., U a gentleman astride. In Mexico and the States of the River Tlate this is the usual mount of the fair ones of the district, and, clad in loose Turkish pantalettes tucked into the riding- boots of soft yellow leather, a loose sort of tunic secured by a belt ...


... Sie, The letters of your correspondent, Mrs. Power O'Donoghue, are very instructive and trustworthy because founded upon practical experience. In her letter of last week she recommends the feeding of hunters upon cooleed food. This to many sportsmen will be a new theory not so to me, and I wish to confirm her views, but I carry them out in a more economical way. My establishment is but a ...


... . [To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, In your last number, at the end of a rather too flatter ing mention of my musical achievements, I find that you say the articles in the World of which I am the reputed author are judged hy people jn general, and by yourself, to he written with excessive bitterness and severity. With all due deference to the writer of the ...


... . (To the Editor of The Illustrated Bporting and Dramatic News. SIR,-- In a letter on French plays, which appeared last week in your columns, Mr. Samuel takes up a new standpoint by propounding, and. essaying to prove, the startling theory that the recent productions on the Parisian stage are successful in direct ratio to their purity; at the same time carefully ignoring the objections taken ...


... CORRESPONDENCE. RACING IN THE WEST INDIES. TRINIDAD. To the Editor of Tun Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News. Sir, An account from a visitor's point of view of the winter meeting, which took place on the 28th and 29th of December last on the Savannah outside Port of Spain, may not be unin teresting to your readers, differing so entirely as it does in many respects from such as they see at ...


... . Sir, This being the time of year at which horses are clipped, owners will perhaps allow me to point out to them that in many cases the clipping is done too late in the season, and that the middle of November is usually the latest time at which the winter coat should he shortened If the coat is not clipped after the above-mentioned time, it will have grown by the end of December to a ...


... . To the Editor of The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News.) Sir, You have more than once extended to me the hospitality of your columns, and I am going to ask you once more for a little space, hoping I am not presumptuous. I am a regular frequenter of the theatres, almost as regular as the professional critics, and I want to express what i believe is the general opinion of the pit on plays ...


... MR. 0. L. ICENNEY. Chaeles Lamb Kenney, whose death has been announced, was a son of the late James Kenney, the dramatist, and a godson of Charles Lamb. He commenced his literary career at nineteen as assistant foreign editor, dramatic critic, and scientific reporter on the Times, simultaneously contributing to magazines and writing plays for the Lyceum, Princess's, Hayinarket, and Adelphi, in ...