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Glamorgan, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... a MEDICAL WORK showing sufferers how they may be cured and recover Health and Vitality, *ithout the aid of Quacks, witic Recipes for Purifying the Blood and removing Skin Afectlons. Alsochapters on Happy Marriages; Whert rnd Whlom to Marry; TheTemnpe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a MElDCAL WORE showing sufferers how they may be cured and recover Heulth, stud Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for Purifying the Blued and removin, Skin fWfections. Alsochapters on Happy Marriages ;Whe and Whom to Marry; TheTempsen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trifie.- The Favonirite Soda Water and Lemonade Machine Mak-es all the mineral and netated drinks. With the uirecitionis and recipes sent anvone can- rork it. it is so simple. Transaction.s are strictly private; n ?? registration is reqti red. Successfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... twenty' years, and eclipseil all otherieremnedies. Sold bvnostchemists, at 946., 133d', and S2. Cd. Prepared frodi the origsnal recipe only by J. Davies. Vhersiet. 31, High-traet, Swansea. The eotnes ar.e agreeable, and contain notlilne -inlurisus.- i445 5 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trifle.- hle Favourite Soda Water and Lemonade Machine mnkes a.1' the mineral and aerated drinks. With tbe .:recttions and recipes sent anyonte cati work it, it is so eimpli. Transactions are strictly private no G-azette registration is required. Sccesftifuly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORK showing : '4,v sufferers how tbey may be caured and recover I Health aod Vitality, without the ail of Quacks, with f Recipes for Purifying the Blood and renoving Skin . Affections. Also Chapters on Happy Marriages: When a and Whom nito Marry; the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEDICAL WORK showint ?? sufferers how they mry be ouwed and reeosV Hecatle alld Vitality, without the aid of Quacks. vtt Recipes for Purifyiseg the Blood and removing Wlc Affections. Also chapters on Happy farriages; aced Whom to Marry ; The.Temperaxnentb; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Williams's Fon- tarilavecWormLozenges, which havebteen'i useever twenty at,41d.. 133d2, and Ifs. qiL Prepared from the original recipe only by J. Daries, Chemist, 31, ldllh-street, Swansea. The ezeuges axe agreeable, and contain nothing Injurious. 443, A CARDs-To ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ermiianet cure i te ga maorit B ofd ?? casgpes. BY ALL CeI'?srTlef and PArNTdl ?? INue VENDORS throuhout the world, ors seot ponec recip efficc 22r18 stms byTE tRS COMPANYly (Laert-el i. is Cajicn cog ingcolesn.~t ! forsthma Conumpio n Bdre ?? [necE . It gies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Trifle.- The Favourite- Soda Water and Lemonade Machine makes all the mineral and aerated drinks. With the directions and recipes sent anyone can work it, it is so simple. Transactions are strictly private; no Gazette registration is required. Successfully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S BEEF. 14ltlh.'fls. w1 n 0 @ *. §IBBY'S BEEF. freteor care, Xrronail e rf- f~ BEEF BOO, containin preetli IBBY'S 13E2F.reci~pes for cplrenagraptsion o vsic og I1ss~t, c Ti2'nsnesd Meas cr table n' iLSSI; - - TAsKE NO OTHER BUY NONZE BUT ENGsISH: WATCHS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WORK showing C 'I sufferers how they' mayi be cured and recover Le Healthband Vitality, without thle aid of Qusacks, with ia Recipes for Purifying ilse Biood and removing Skit. it Affections. Also chapters on Hipp%-Marriagtzs When aird WAbornito Marry; T ...