Advertisements & Notices

... was adopted anod other business was transacted. Several speakers referred to the connec- tion of burial societies with infant mortality, and Mr. C. E. Sohwann, M.P., said tbpt in hip 9pinou agine legislation uponI the Mlublet was desirable, The r3port vtas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'lthe Housing of the Poor ins Birtu boghans and tha-Biack. Covuntry; The Royal Comamifsisn on the Dwellings of the Poor; InFant Mortality, by Dr. P. ES. Atkin- s-an The Notification~ of lnfecaious 'Dicqseb, by lienory Ashby, lM.D., and a. H. Perural, b-B4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Newcastle ; The Housing of the Poor in Birmingham and the Black Country ; The Royal Commission on the Dwellings of the Poor; Infant Mortality, by Dr. P. E. Atkin- son ; The Notification of Infectious Disease, by Henry Ashby, M.D., and G. H. Percival, 1.13.; and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... expending theisinlast powder in firing off this one. ver A CURIOUS TRADITION. itta 3 : A-singular tradition bearing on infant mortality was brought out at a recent inquest. A child aged Ive weeks was found in bed suffocated beside her n=other, She had been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... prefer to save money at the expensec of human life. Tea drinking, the ipdenli officoer adds, is as great a cause of infant mortality as anytfsing lie kiows of. The mothers drink tea three or four times a dayj and the chil- dren are regularly dosed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2186 deaths for enca lts ' in the month. The Reegstrar - (Jenerall a Let ?? return, makes tie followre,, marks upo u infant mortality -- In tne ;. ' eight great towns the oeaths cf IaNs in the proportioz of 231 to 1,000 regit. ri and 61. 6bove the teneral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. The oafest and most gentle aperient for delicate crnstitutions, ladies, children, and infants. Of all Chemists. GOUT and RHEUMATISM cured by the use of Dr. LAVILLE'S CURATIVE LIQUOR or PILLS. Sold by all Chemists, price ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'The statistics of mortality show that a large number of children die annually from diseases which, although variouily designated, may readily be traced to one source-viz., defective nutrition; and it may be fairly assumed that the infant death-rates, though ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I'The statistics of mortality show that a large nunmber of children die annually from diseases which, although variously designated, may readily be traced to one source-viz., defective nutrition and it may be fairly assumed that the infant death-ra!cs, though ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heartburn, Headache, Gout, and Indigestion. The safest and most gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, ladies, chlldren, and infants. Of all Chemists. A CHRISTMAS CAUTION.-Mild Autumn Weather preceded by an abnormal rainfall has, according to the reports ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Heartburn, Headache, Goat, and Indigestion. The safest and mast gentle aperient for delicate constitutions, ladies, children, and infants. Of all Chemlists. A CHRISTMAS CAUTION.-Mild Autumn Weather preceded by aln abnormal rainfall has, according to the reports ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Constitutions, Ladies, Children, and Infants. SOLD BY CHYMISTS THPROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CA UTION.-See that 11DINNEFORD & Co. is oi every Bottle and Label. i I I YITAL STATISICS. The ?? reports the annual rate of mortality last week in twenty-eight great towns ...