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... lire of Lea' graadtavoer v-reuoies the bulk of the volume, toe satentido anaiya.s by ilort Kranse being a eoaoparattuly -short paper, well tranalatrd from a German scientific joormial Il The Ocoits tiqepierd A I'sstersi Csas4y By ?? itsecsot' Lte Petrel: ...


... merly-indeed, some two-thirds of the magazine Dpen are evoted to stories. Mrs Leith Adams' new idl story of Aunt' Hepsy's Foundling promises to hner be an interesting tale, and the shorter stories, 'She Never Told her Love, *La Generosa, and 'Molly's Warning ...


... contend w~ith. XVhen he has settled with the irmpugners of th2e Mosaic authorship whno requnire proof of the authenticity of the story in locumnwets so ancient, and of unknowni origin, he has to confroat the chro~nologers, archisolo- gists. geologists, and others ...


... for the actress I'liee. There are, as a' students of Goethe are aware, eleente-s is Wilhe hlm ;Meiater which mak-e rho story hardly fitted for Engliash tastes, and M~r llerar> Meialefvl has, by giving his characters Eon lis namses, and by locating ...


... both entertainament sad instruction from her pages. Between the two stories there is a great mass of -interesting matter, biography, as; usual, talking a promninenqt place. ,The ~Story of an Epicure gives a sketch of the life of that most singular of ...


... account of a Christian captive's irc, experiences among the Moorish pirates-a short Tete story entitled Mrs Munmpson, by the author of Ten Thousand Homes, and a story for the Ts young, entitled The Angel's Charge, by Mrs cove Ellen Ross, constitute ...


... the Wisdom who holds so much in her right haned. I wish to maka^ a short survey of an author, wcho was a quietist in a turbulent com, munity, an artist in a wrorld of factories, a short comment on this text, I shall begin by quoting his own reference to ...


... at once into the municipal and foreign policy of Holland. The explanation of the former is perfectly ex- haustive. The old story of the struggle for naval supremacy; the gallantry of Blake on the one side, and of the Dutch admirals, with old Tromp at their ...


... Jenkins had originally in- tended to work the cure Im the first occasion, but had ultimately found that the exigencies of his story required that Bertha should remain longer under a inontal cloud, and had, therefore, post- poned her recovery-thus necessitating ...


... their worth. In appropriate rel. juxtaposition we have a short paper on Shelta, arl. the Tinkers' Talk, by Charles G. Leland, and an t-, article. on The Treatment of Vagrancy. In a ind short paper on Middle-Class Eduication, by the Mark Pattison ...


... advertisement. A iswrell who stuttered horribly pail attention to a very pretty actress. Ab, sir, soild ste, lifo is too short; I haven't time to listen to you. Ilebind a bar In one of the principal iVUblic hoasest in Brooklyn is hung a large placard- ...


... purpose of this new quartery is best indicated by 1 the editor, Mr Richard Ackland Armstrong, X.A., at the close of The Story of Nineteentri Century Reviewing, to which the place of honour is given:_ ,-We have, he says, no quarrel with any of -be ...