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Yorkshire and the Humber, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SYRUP, aT HE REMEDY is SEIGEL'S SYRUP~, eeat flfHlE REMEIDY is SEIGkEL'S SYRUP. 11 Te~~timonusl3 from Thousands of people, speaking highly of its Ccrative Properties ?? thie,byon4 ali doubt. SOLD BY ALL HE11ehMISTS AND MEDICINE VENDERS. I PltIQE 2s. 6d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THE MJTIN OF MAYO: A Visitor's Experiences. TZE REEL ROW AND ITS ORIGIN: In 4 Notes on Old Tunes. BEECRBER's ART AS A SPEAKE: Characteristics of the Great Preacher. VIE BkrONS AN)D EARLS OF HALIFAX: in Historic Yorkshire Families. TEI CULTURE OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... anywhere within the limits of our town, ha vWiM be sure to diud a well-wisher of John Manley. Whilo his life has, generally speaking, been anuneventful one, he has, nevertheless, during those twenty-nine years, met with some strange exporiences. In nightly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Mriethyr lydvil, Sept. 8th, 1883, Dear Sir.-E find the sale of tieigel's Syruy ,teadilyincroesmig. All whohavetried it speak very highly of its medicinal virtues; one customer describes it as a 'godsend to dyspeptie people. I always recommend it with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... From 15s. to 60s. per Dozen. -f UNGABIAN CLARETS of other Descriptions, From 17s. to 72s. per Dozen. f EE MEDICAL FACULTY speak very highly of and T recorniexl tllese Wines. -HITE HUNGARIAN WINES of the 3OCE 1V r character, from i8s. to 54s. per Dozen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... using Mrs. S. A. ALLN'S WOrLD''S RHA RcstoBEB. It is not a dye, it can do no harm. Every one who has used this pre. paration speaks loud its praise. If you wish to restore your hair as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay procure a bottle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Chemit. Merthyr Tydvil, Sept. 8th, 18BL. Dear Sir.-I dud the ?? of Scigel's Syrup steadily iacreasing. All who have tried it speak . vry highly of its medicinal virtues; one customer ltr. describes it as a 'godsend to dyspeptic people. ith I always recommend ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 15s. to 65L. per Dfown. D.GABIATTN CLARETS of other Descriptions, ff1 ?From 17s, to 7I3. per Dozen. rg 1iE MtED)ICAL FACULTY speak vory highly of and 11 recomenonr theso Wlines. WUTIITE ITUNGARIAN WVINES of the HOCK V b ehoratter, from It. to 54B. per DozeD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... using Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD's HWE RESTORER, It is not a dye, it can do no harm. Every one who has used this pre- paration speaks loud its praise. If you wish to restore your hair as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay procure a bottle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... using 3Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIE RESTORER. It is not a dye, it can do no harm. Every one who has used this pre. paration speaks loud its praise. If you wish to restore your hair as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay procure a, bottle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... using Mrs. S. A. ALLTE'S WonnD' HAIM RESTOss. It is not a dye, it can do no harm. Every one who has used this pre. paration speaks loud its praise. If you wish to restore your hair as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay procure a bottle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... using Mrs. S. A. ALLEN's WORLD'! HAIM RES.OaDn. It is not a dye, it can do no harm. Every one who has usel this pre- paration speaks loud. its praise. If you wish to restore your hair as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay procure a bpttle ...