Advertisements & Notices

... ceased to expe;btDrate. and in 1 a fortnight I got another Plaster, and now am as T well and as strong as ever. AM my fri.end speak th of my recovery as ?? faithfuall a Y. ?? BivicAy. g t-h `We teetify to the ttruth of the above statS. t] )n ineat, S. B ...

Advertisements & Notices

... very good makeshift for dinnoer with a a roll steeped! - ii it; so that iln each and every sense of the word I ,Be cannot speak too hlghly of that which I find so good, so useful, and so cheap. If it is likely tobe productive of good youare quite atliberty ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In the following brmchea:- Rot Water Work foe Green t hoe& Churches, Chapes. and Futile Bnh'dl1g; Electi n Pneumaic Bells Speaking TUOS, Kitchen Ranges, IHot lbrts Ga, Fire~s Gee ?? Jittl~ge In stoo brach; LaOque¢rn>, .Teyanig, Broe~sny and Mann~eaiui ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3OalgeSi sr tecntIeOffice, a respectable nls W Y * . One met let school preferred. Mudt write a good hand, and be able to speak Srench oritalinlin- ?? stating age, salary required, &o.. 5 85, rdoecsry-office. l'deta5 Hz iLIv5RPOOL CLER1KS' A~SSOCIATION ...


... picture of this statesman. None Mr. Marks's sketches ara more humorous than his Birds drawn the Zoological Gardens. (517). speaking of Sir F. Leighton's drawings, we should not hare neglected his study (on grey paper) for Heresies struggling with Death ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mercantile Office, a respetable English ,g W TOUJTH. One joet left school preferred. Must write a- ?? ,od hand, and be able to speak lireach or Italian Ian- ld ilUage.-Addrees, ttating age, Salary requored. &c., 5 65, WOerrcurl-offlee. 30dejal ?? h rspcabesoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ake a very good inalkesliift for dinner with a n roll steeied il it; so that iii each and every seunse of tile word I cannot speak too highly of thlitvwhieli I lfid sogood, so useful, aid ii so cap. If it is likely to be produetive of gooel ynu are quite ...

Advertisements & Notices

... take them in the spring and nuturs, which saves me a doctor'sl bill: they are on. of the bitst tonics, and I have reason to speak well of them. WIDOW WELCH'S PILLS FOR FEMALE OOld- ?? ES. PLAINTS.. RS. SMITHERS, Grand-daughter to the Widow MLP sEWelch ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Boxe 133, Poeot-eflce, Brisiel. -WAN~TED, by a Swiss gentleman who hae been in t~he St~tie S. sitnatisos as CORRESPONDENT: speaks end writefs f cur languiages ltelutly. AddreLss A438, Mereuery-eliice. SIT7UATIO~Nlas ENGROSSI~NG CLE-'RI. Casn be generally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Which theseca cisse are enpeclially sihjaie,. - Further, it wosuld release a, considerable quantity ofgcl which is, no to speak, Wasted in being Uiced inl tane-actoions HOwldel could, Without material intcois-onience, be Si~aa ,f by uteane Of silver,; ...


... among the clouds Eternity Time down, and in most unsportsmanlike style, finishes him off tooling with largo stone, says, speaking of Cain and Abel. What is Mr. Arthur Severn's clever Thames Midnight (122) that recalls the totirs dc force of artists ...

Advertisements & Notices

... make a very good makeshift for dinner with a I 'nll steeped in it; so that in eash and every sense of NI the word I cannot speak too highly of that which I J find so good, so usetol, end so cheep. If it is ikely ani to be productive of good you are quite ...