... If the weeping willow was frozen last winter it is the gardener's business to plant another, but keeping up the tomb is a duty which the family will share with none. M. Jules Ferry who, fearing opposition to, lay primary instruction, proposed to go first ...


... contrary to leave liable to the full extent of the present duty, and even at a higher point of the scale liable an increase upon that duty. I may also say that we think may wise to retain considerable duty upon bottled wines, because they are almost always wines ...


... confines his recom- mendations as to remissions of internal taxes to the repeal of stamp duties on bank cheques, matches, and proprietary articles, and the ; lessening or abolition of the tax on bank deposits. He also suggests that the Customs revenues might ...


... find, however, that between 1,000/. and 1,0001. the old testate duty was 30/. ; the new testate duty is to be /. Between 500/. and the testate duty at present is 11/., aud the new testate duty is to be 13/. (Hear, hear.l If have heard my hon. friend aright ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to beungrounded. In future, however, perfor- ated stamps will not be accepted by the Postoffice in the form of savinigs. As all consumers of postage stamps for ordinary purposes can have their stamps perforated with initials or other distingnishlng marks ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 14 or 34 stamps. OWLE'S PENNTROYAL AND STEEL PILLS TFOR FEMALES quickly correct all irregnlanties, end relieve the distressing symptoms EO prevalent with Ahe aer. Boxes ls. VIi, and 2s. 9d., Of all Chemists Sent asqwhere upon receipt of stamps by the Maker ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COLLEGE, ?? A[VIPSHIRE. A 2o PRIZE is offered for. the best 1 ESSAY on Thte Abolition of tltej-IereditarV Principle in LQg-sWatioo.-For partiularis apply (enclosing stamped envelope), SecreL4ly, Roe. e Prize, Eleusis Club, London, S.W. SPECIAL PREPAID ...

Advertisements & Notices

... needful to effect Life and Fire Assurance may be obtained. N.B.-Abolition of the Government Duty.-From and after Midanmamer, 1869, aU Fire Assurances are exempt rem the payment Government Duty. 5 ORIENTAL TOOTH pASTE JEWVSBURY AND BROWN'S, The only Genuine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... noI equivalentfor the lxrge sum wrung under acorruptf sy-tem of farming ol it the duties of ?? offiic from theI man whose circuist stines oblige him to discharge the . duty of Pawabr.,ker s! Auctioneer, the latter, out of an income of ls 8d, Is 4 1, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from a sprained tendonl for the past three months, and havetried everyreneidp Icould think o. but none have dono me any good. Abolit a mouth ago I was recommended by a fellcw.athleto to try St. Jacobs Oil, w~hich I applied at once, and It did me so much good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It may bs relied on as n certain cure. Sold iu Bottles (with Brusb) at 1s, lid. and 2s. 9d- Sent post free on receipt of stamps, or may be obtained through chenists. PREPARED ONLY BY J. WIGGIN, Pharmaceutical Chemist. SAINT MATTHEW'S, IPSWICH. I V. D ...

Advertisements & Notices

... illustrations of every kind. Just published, two stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of CLOOKS, the largest yet published, with designs and prices. Free, two stamps. BENSON'S new PAMPHLET of JEWELLERY, illustrated. Two stamps. BENSON'S new PAMIPHLET of SILVER aad E ...