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Daily News (London)



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Daily News (London)

Literary Notes. —Messrs. Besant and Rice have completed a new novel for the Graphic, to run for six months, the

... but may it not be that seen by Medwiu, whose statement is looked upon with so much doubt —We are glad to hear that Mr. Thomas Hardy is recovering from the severe illness wliieh has caused much anxiety to his friends.—A member of the Manchester School ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MADDING CROWD. By Thomas ardy. SENIOR PARTNER. By Mrs. RiddelL CLARA VAUGHAN. ByRB. D. Blartkmore. THE GUARDIAN ANGXL. By Oliver Wendell Holmes. HER GREAT IDEA, and other Stories. By Kra. Walord. THE XAYO.% OF CASTEREBIDGE. By Thomas Hardy. SOjIE ONE ELSE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... priee , ontains: c ca Sseelare. 3By Ld Tennyson in Ode in Honowr of the Jubilee of Qucel Victoria. The Wodlenders. B; Thomas Hardy. ?? 44-4. (ConJ %william Halitt. B eorge Saintsbury. I I'ersi. 13y J. D. Lore. . Lady CbaLc aai the Mitw.1 Dr1). By Nowbray ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOkIaS an ~RsrI- IGUIDII to AtJTIIOIISP. BY PMtue Rvumuz The tendon eLmitoaySfocietty, 3t76.oSttranmd, W.2Oi NEW NOVEL BY THOMAS HARDY, At all the Libraries, in2 vole. poest amo f1M MAYOR of CASTERBRIDGE. By TU4 Par cC 01 BlalolsI~ ~t Eid er,'anr Co. . I1II ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Largess wellas sadcha~pterof ?? lHon. W. LL Gladstone. (issosil and Cormpany ILimited), Lodgate-hili, London. NEW NOVEL BY THOMAS HARDY. At all tho Libraries, in 2 vols. wst 8vo. TIrE MAYOR of CASTERBRIDGE. By Tnoxa 11 HAinY.Authorof Far from the MIaddinsCrowd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MONDAY, February 27. ?? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ FEOM TH T~E-- M-A DD IN G - CR OWJ). - } IFA. OPINIONS of the PRESS: . IMessrs 'Thomas Hardy and J. Coroyns, Cart, who are jointly , repoensiblelfor thopi,,e~leiodlcud at the ?? lasteovening. are to be cogrrotulatofl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wjirrd of the Uountain. Pronto Otto. James Duke. fly BER'THA THOMAS., L By7 jA,,= SGEBEHWOQD, ia Proud hsfsed. cL Wick Temple The Violin Player. o By ANt115EW HEALLbWAY - B~W. MrOY T.HOMAS. C Every.Day Papers A Fig ?? Life. erie By Lady DUFUCS HrA YD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Evey-ADayPalWs By ERTLMTOMA R&B Ev ?? PaCresaida. I Proud MlAWsi IT fly Lady DUIFtrS HARDY. Tile Violin Player. Paul Wyntar's Saccifie Pr TOMA.S. CE3 By THOMAS HARDY. A Fight for Life. M I Under the Greenwood Tree.t B~a BEWIK HRWOD.By WALTER THOIINBURY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tcic LIEUM~ MANUL:.COMPLETE GUIDE to AUTHSORSHIP'. By VkantY IOussi;LL. ?? psarticulra ofcntents post irm _ NEW NOVEL BY THOMAS HARDY. - At all the Libruiies', in 2 Dols. pest Ovo. 10 MHE AYORof CASTERBRIDGE. By THomASC J H&ny.Auther of 1Far from the ...

The Auricula Society.—Tho annual oxhi- bition of the National Auricula Society was held ves- | terday afternoon ..

... prize class I. ior liftv ecinicus, not less than twenty varieties in the'extnbit ; Mr. Douglas also exhibited some excellent hardy primulas. Several special prizes were by the Royal Horticultural Society, one which was awarded to Messrs. W. Paul and Son ...


... trivial. The sailor hero, Hardy Kempe, comes home from a three years' cruise to find the young #idy of his affections, Elsie Meredith, married to a gentleman who has the singular name of Jack ffennel. In the greatest despair, Hardy consults Janet ffennel ...


... of Mr. Use. had been unseated on technical gTOimfe having-givon his workmen a .holiday the polling-dsr, and expenses. Mr. Thomas Russell (Bui*, share), who-had been disqualified-owing to his being member firm holding a Government contract time of his- ...