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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... three colporteurs, and no really deserving object soughnt lisa aid in vain, In politics bie was a staunch suppprhir of the old Whig party, whose views (we venture to say) hiave still ra greater hiold upon the En~glish nationl than those of any .other political ...


... could not exercise that right unless they knew how the money was to be spent. That was the question before them—not one of mere Whig or Tory gain. Mr. Lowe proceeded to illustrate this by a reference to the agreement of the Government with Russia, which was ...


... recently got the franchise for the first time. And how did they get it ? Why, through the Tory Government, who out-trumped the Whigs altogether and gave it them. (Laughter.) Now comes the question the county franchise. Well, gentlemen, 1 am a practical man ...


... things nave convinced me, as was never convinced how necessary it to maintain truly national organization, which, whether called Whig, Liberal, Radical, or by anv other name, ill renounce meretricious Imperialism and all its s, and will cling the safe and sober ...


... tho Liberal party, and not merely by that portion of it which more especially follows his banner and Bwear3 by his name. The Whigs, the moderate timid Liberals, the followers of Lord Granville and Lord Hartington, the men who are distrustful of what they ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PI political life. His politics were summed up in the words West Heartlepool. He was pl for West Hartlepool first, and for Whig m or Tory afterwards all his life. Few more to distinctively local men ever lived. Mfr Jackson, i although so devoted to West ...


... has been strong enough to retain for ten years all that complicated system of Jobs and sinecures which no Secretary of State, Whig or Tory, had ventured during that period to defend in Parliament on its own merits. Ten years ago both Lord Cardwell and Sir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... heart, and that immediately after a enduring it he used a phrase which is given by himself l in the following words:- The Whigs have upset me, r and they shall repent it. Accordingly, after the dis- e solution in August of the same year, Mr. Disraeli ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... was now ]5AVIDfLY BECOMIElti A POjVER 1N TEE nOoUSE Or .COSI0ONS. During the closing sessions of the last Par- liament the Whig Ministry of Lord Mel- bourne had sunk into a state of complaie ,debility, and no one was surprised l w hen th e General Election ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Disraeli bst cure(l with Lord Georgye Benthick to foin a Protectionist party, distinct from both the Cs;;eoiservatives audti thoe Whigs. The Protec- stt3 wcru no longer a section they were the l ltX Opposition, anti took their place on i ria O~pposition beiiches ...