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... ALL RtGRTS HXSEvRED. OaR, Taix ROUSE OF NEVILL IN SUNSEfINE AND SHADE. By THE REV H. J. SWALLOW. F.S.L (EDMR.), Fr.Lswn OF THiE ROYAL SOCIfEY OP LITEBATURK; XMBER OF TIHE AICHAIDLOOIC4A. IN-riTilTE OF ?? BUITAIN., sk., Ct. CHAPTER XXTh-ExEBD. But the flower is shed, and the spring is Bled, d And be wanders ?? at the close of the day; Antl the sleety hail in the Moonshine pale, Glistens at ...


... NOVEMBER M.AGAZINES. Blaceksood's Magazine opens with a first notice of the Correspondence and Diaries of the Right Hob' John Wilson Croker, from which extracts have already been given in the Courant. Croker was a Tory of the Tories, and read now some of his letters on the politics of his time appear curious productions. Those who are perplexed wbat. to do with their boys will naturally turn ...


... ise Foeet of this month says:- To the leaders of fashion it is a source of constant wonderment why so mnany of tho e who desire to be its devoted followers should distort and exaggerate every new model or idea presented. In no case can this tendency be more strongly manifested than by the reception given in England to the report that crinoline' is again worn in Paris, and the misapprehension ...


... [Memento moxi. Gedenke zn Leben.J Think of Death ! the gravestones says- Peace to Life's mad striving ! But the churchyard daisies- Nay, 'Think of Living Think of Life ! the sunbeams say, O'er the dial Hying: But the slanting shadows- Nay, Think of Dying! Think I f Death ! the nizht-birds say, On the storm-blast dlrivng; e But the building swallows- Nay, Think of Living ?? ...


... BUDS ASD BLOSSOMS. Since we last saw the Dery of Lest it has come out in a new dress, the illustrations being printed in colours. We have often thought that colouxed illustrations miglht be in- troduced with advantage in some of our serial publications, Prgvided they were managed properly. The smaller pictures here are the best, but the best leave much to be desired, the composition being ...

Extracts from New Books

... c,,6,xtvgdg fv# *-gav Lawto. GEORGE EaOT'S UNION AND ITS EFFECTS. In thus defying public opinion, and forming a connection in opposition to the laws of society, George Eliot must have undergone some trials and sufferings peculiarly painful to one so shrinkingly sensitive as herself. Conscious of no wrong-doing, enjoying the rare happiness of oompletest in- tellectual fellowship in the man sbe ...

Art and Literature

... Messrs Chapman and Hall are preparing for publication two volumes by Mr A. Gallenga, entitled Hlibernian Re- miniscences. Messrs Griffith and Tartan will have ready in a few days a trenslation of the Countess Agenor de 0-asparin's brocdare on the Salvation Army. M~r George Redway will shortly publish a biographical sketch of John Leech, by 3Ir Fred. G. Kitten, wvith original letters and ...

Extracts from New Books

... (tstrafto from gcw Llooh's, MEANNESU OF TVmRU. Prout told me a story, that ilustrates his character. Turner, Prout, and V'rley had been together on a sketch- ing tour in Devonshire. They] had to cross a ferry; Varley had not at that moment a sixpence in his pocket, so he bor- rowed one from Turner. The next morning Pront and Varley left Exeter to return to London. Although the coach started at ...


... er,* -.S A -- _ - _- N C - a- TEE LAxND OF NOWHERE. D2 you koow where the summer blooms alt the year round, W lcev L:er never iS rain n a pic nic day, 1i !,t -rc :o, thornless rose in its beauty ,x, Anid Iittle to s never are called from pliF ? Ob! hey iit tS ar away, In the vonderful land of Nowhere. W-uhl Yu li)he to live where nobody scolds, %hvroyon never are told, It is time for bed ?? ...


... ALL XEORTS DMERVWD. DE NOVA VILLA; Or. Tat HOUSE OF NEVoLL IN SUNSHINE AND6 SHAM- Br THE REV H. J. SWALLOW, F.S.A. (EmIs.), FELLOW OF ¶T4E ROYAL SoctsTy OP LiTuRATtuRa, z;Xm8ER OF THE ARCH&OLOOICAL I~rdITUTS OP GREAT BarrTen, &C., &kC. CHAPTER XVT-TuE GArmEqa OF THE CLANS. Now joy for you and sudden cheer. ye watchmuen ujon Brancepeth towers Looking forth in oubt and fear, Telling melancholy ...

Extracts from New Books

... cpfads from qvw d0,0Io, .lWSPALE& REPORTING. The development of the system of shorthand reporting d -the expresses of the Times and the Mforning Chronicle,. when men like Charles Dickens and James Donison were sent all over the cosuntry to report the speeches of Lord John Russell, LordPalmerston, LordDurham, Lord Grey, and Lord l Brougham, and had to transcribe these speeches upon their o ...


... [ALL rll;f(TS jtjl:s?pvFD 'IlE M4 AN Sf]E CAiRED FOR: A NOVEL, Bly TF. W. RO1BIN-SON, 10' P. Yi t ?? 4lvi ~ i',NSTE.; ?? .tle ?? CUAIPTER. 'XVL-Bo-M GRATEFUL. Was there. no real shamne in the Offence for w-hi'ch this Aeggi' Challis, had suffered imprisonment, thought H'amil- teni l-ldclove, or had she grown callous to society's punrish- ascot, and defianit of it, or was she, by one of those ...