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... TE - - O THE ROSA OPERA COMIPLY. No happier combination of the highest graces of vocal and instrumental writing exists than in Ambroise Thomas's Mignon, and this tribute is echoed by the expression of public opinion which occurs on each occa- sion of the production of this very at- tractive opera, which was given at the Royal Court Theatre on Saturday evening as one of the series of ...


... ?? . . -t RECEPTION AT THE ALEXANDRA t THEATRE. re I ,, Yesterday afternoon, a large number of ladies ma and gentlemen assembled in the foyer of the he Alexandra Theatre, on the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Saker, to meet Mr. Henry Irving and p Bliss Ellen Terry. Mr. and Mrs. Saker, on whose ra part nothing was wanting to make their visitors or comfortable, received the company, On the ...


... FA&SHtIONS. FOR SE.PTEMBER, r, ~(From ?? PFiller.)t Le Hand-painted materials and trimmings are crest-I eing a perfect furore in Bariee.and the greatestc d artists in wvater-colours do not disdain to paintc f graceful and beautifully-finished groups or singlec te sprays of flowers on some woven fabric, which the tartistic tastes andt clever fingers of the leading E Li modistes afterwards adapt ...


... At Bow-street (London) police court, on Thurs- day. Mr. Lithgow Jajes, a professional singer, . Larkfeld Lodge, Eichmond. appeared before Sir r James Inghanm to a summons charging him with F using threatening language to I. aia, the well-a linown actor of the Strand Theatre. From the a opening statement made by fir. Gorge Lewis, for the compiainant, it appeared that on thu 24th July, ( 1880, ...


... I PUBLIC AMUSEAMENTS. ALEXANDRA THEATRE. hiss Bateman began, last night, at the Alexan3ra Theatre, a brief engagement, when she appeared as Leah in the famous drama of that name. There was a large audience, over which the performance of the piece exercised the old fascination. The company associated with Bliss Bateman is a most competent one, including, as it does, Mrs. Lyous. Dir. H. Holland, ...


... .ere on :Ctturelof Bird Life. In FenandPencil. By ge: the Rev. G. M!. Wtatkins, M.A., with illustra- to tions by Giacomelli. Cassell, Petter, Galpin, to and Co., London, Paris, and New York. th; igh I!. Hector Gizacomelli, a Frenchman by birth, Ut iter though an Italian by extraction, is an artist ap R. whose- works are not so well known to the pr bion British public as they ought to be. With ...


... IIHE HALLE CONCERTS. |During several years, the Haild coner~ts have w been an important awgency in the extension of T. musical culture in Liverpool. Than Mr. -Hall, cC no musician has donle more to enlarge the aos-f quaiutance of the peopleof thiacountrywiththe tl classics of theart of wghich heisso distinguished mn an executive exponent. Manchester and Liver- jn pool enjoy the presence of an ...


... ART NOTES- ?? p Yesterday was the privute view of, M5Th _ Agnew's annual exhibition of selected pictures by living and deceased English ?? &tsts, at their ExchinOge Gallery. -The cata- loge numbers 15) works, the majority of an which mnay be classed as representative, while of some ha-ve- been among this years leading Pa .taiitionua at Burlington Huse and the Grosvenor. Among the later there ...


... LITRARY 'NOTICES. Ms the Ludgate Hill; 7'ast and Present. London: Grifith and Farran.. mb In this handsome little volume, Whose title page contains no author's name, we have DS i sor pages or so of pleasant gossip-illustrated by 5 to ,rm numerous wood engravings-about one of the 6 Pa a otiteetn old thoroughfares in the whole st N.metropolis. T initveyname from King Q( y.Lad, the legendary ...


... DRESSADPSIQ The contrat betwe 7. eve'?i g to~1ette ha a ' C U Tbs contros O eveiin tole 'oy ottwdeen .aori;5 tnanae hasi ,becac., s i jthain salt peset - n v ?? ?? b,, ?? ?? ea.. ft l Arfl-oi . , O t . dr*es Of ingrace audt d -i t - noaic or3 Strs, CO- 'rc e- ?? bowelogr, ?? two ,e,- , wilch 6itnt MY: an t' ! v;is asire oi .utirt ; Lne:; t.' ...


... ?? Thie Contemporary ReIvew (London: Strahan and Co.) presents an unusual variety of papers this month, although only one or two of them . profess to deal with particularly pressing sub- jects. Mr. W. E. Bear replies to the Duke of l Argy31 on the principles of tenant right; arga- ing that payment for value received is the only l fair measure of compensation to tenants due from landlords, just ...


... NAVAL AND SUBMAIRDYE EXHIBITION. Although we have had exhibitions, permanent t and otherwise, of naval architecture, there has been nothing at all to equal the display which is to be opened to-day at the Agricultural Hall, Islington, f London. Perhaps the absence of such a gathering till now may be due to the fact that marine engineering as a branch of applied science has, in truth0 sprung up ...