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The Examiner

Advertisements & Notices

... T) EPPER'S QUININE and IRON TONIC rouses r and develops the nervous energies, enriches the blood, promotes appetite, dispels languor and depression, fortifies the digestive organs. Is a specific remedy for neuralgia, indigestion, fevers, chest affections, and in wasting diseases, scrofulous tendencies, &c. The wvhole frame is greatly invigorated by Pepper's Tonic, the mental faculties ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVANS, SONS, AND CO.'S EMULSIFIED COD-LIVER OIL. Containing 50 per cent. of the finest Cod-Liver Oil; and EMUJLSIFIED COD-LIVER OIL with HYPOPHOSPHITE of LIME. Each fluid ounce contains 5O per cent, of the finest Cod-Liver Oil and 4 grains of Hypophosphite of Lime. EMULSIFIED COD-LIVER OIL with PHOSPHORUS. Each fluid ounce contains 50 per cent. of the finest Cod-Liver Oil and 1-30th of a grain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLITICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? ?? 97 The Irish Landlord in America 100 The Great Liberal Comique . i01. The Boers .102 The Hungarian Scandal. I03 The Inequality of Prison Punish- - ments .104 Notes on Turkey. o5 Life Assurance.-No. I ?? ?? Io5 Our Representatives Abroad.- - - VI. The Queen's Messenger 107 POLITICAL AND SOCIAL (continzued); A Bird Sonig ?? 108 Spiritualism in Paris ?? 108 TRADE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'OL1TICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? A Survey of Party Prospects ?? 393. Mr. Gladstone and Austria .. 394 The Government and India ?? 3 Decisions of the House of Lords 396 Central ?? 397 Electioneering ?? 398. 398 A University Boatrace ?? 399 Life Assurance.-No. V. ?? 400 .THE .ExAMINERs LETTER-BOX: Corea ?? ?? 402 -music . Phiilarmonic Society . 403 ?? Gye's Prospectus . 403 - Royal Academy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPECIAL DEPOSIT RATES. G. BARKER & CO., BAYKERS, 39 & 40 MARK LANE, LONDON. CLEARING BANKtrS-TRH BANK OF ENGLAND. DEPOSITS of ,io and upwards received and receips issued- On Demand . . . j 3PerCnprAnm Seven Days' Notice . . 4 ,, , Interest Fourteen Days' Notice .4 , payable Thirty Days' Notice . . 5 ,, , Quarterly. Three Months' Notice. . 6 dD An Extra Bonus oftz per Cent, allowed on sums ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HENRY A. IVORY & CO. CITY WAREROONI: 23 Holborn Viaduct. STEW: FACTORY: WOOD GREEN, N. Pin and Harmonium Orchestral Iron Frame Piano.- on one Keyboard. I 0. Either Instrument can be Orchestral Iron Frame Piano - PlaYe~d separately or in cm binatton. Orchestral Iron Frame Piano.-I Churhlo Drawing-roomr Frame Piano.- ~erfect and most simple in Orchestral Iron Frame Piano, 'mechanical arrangement ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE EXAMINER. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY REVIEW OF POLITICS, LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND ART. PRICE 3d CONTENTS OF No. 3,770, MAY a, i88o. Political and Social Notes. The New Ministry. The Situation Abroad. The Liberal Collapse in Italy. Mr. Gladstone Contra mw7,dlon. The War in South America. The Water-Colour Galleries. ?? Royal Academy (First Notice). The Grosvenor Gallery. Letter from Germany. News ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GRESHAM LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, ST. MILDRED'S F O__U FOUNDED am HOUSE, POULTRY, LONDON, E.C., ___ ___ 1848. Realised Assets} 2,663,040 Life Assurance & I Annuity Funds) Sums Assured and Bonus.-I Payments I under Policiesi Cash Bonus Divided J 2,473,870 Annual Income *. 541,773 12,633,340 3,781,386 475,000 The Directors are prepared to receive from Local Boards and Corporations applications ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The Anglo-Egyptian Banking Company (Limited) offer for Subscription 300,000 Five per Cent. Debentures of the LAND AND MORTGAGE COMPANY OF EGYPT (LIMITED), Being the Balance ofl.375,ooo, the total amount authorised to be issued, upon the following terms:- Issue price 95 per 10oo Debenture, payable- CS per cent. on application. 30 ,, on allotment. 30 ,, March r. 30 ,, May 3. With option to pay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST ISSUE OF 2000 SHARES IN THE PATENT ARTIFICIAL STONE BRICK, TILE, SLAB; LIE, AND MENT COMPANY (I1I1MIT:ED). Incorporated under the Companies' Acts 1862 to 1879, by which the liability is limited to the amount of Shares subscribed for. CA:PI'TAL, ?? (With Power to Increase), in 4000 Shares of ZS each; /r payable on application; /r on allotment ; the remainder (J3) when required, of which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just published, price Sixpence, JOHN ABBOTT'S ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH RAILWAYS, Giving in a Succinct Form the Capital Accounts, Mileage Statements, Esti- mated Expenditure for Present and Future Half-Years, Revenue Accounts of the last Four Half-Years of all the Principal British Railways, their Dividends since 1I71, and Aggregate Receipts to Date. JOHN ABBOTT & CO., 4 and 5 Palmerston Buildings, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... POLITICAL AND SOCIAL: Notes ?? . 653 Horrors in Turkey . ?? 656 Russian Cruisers and English Trade ?? Post Reform. 658 Irish Agriculture. 69 The Metropolitan Police . 66o TRADE AND FiNANCE: The Panic in the American * ?? 66i The Effects in ?? 66z Midlind Railway in CGanda .. 66s CORRESPONDRNCE: Newsfrom:Turkey . ?? 662 Our Paris Letter . ?? . 663 Litter to M :Glidsfone ?? 664 EXAMINER ...