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Belfast News-Letter


... ELECTION INTELLIfAEN C&, COUNTY ARMAGH. MEETIN~G OF THIE SUPTOBUTE'RS OF 8Sp, WILLIAM VERNER &TIl UritGAN, (FROM OUfR IEPOiIT7H. LURGeAN, SATUeRDAY.-'THi cv-rveni o'olook a meeting of the frlii&d anJ i j.i. et~ Sir Wim, Voerrner w?3s held In hIeT_~ 1 , A number of paties~ 1ai pepi-.W, 2; ol thu meeting, soeembloed totI a ha,'Il, and so surjn mg~ the iioirp xve ~ , :c* iid cheir w~y hnto tke ...

Published: Monday 05 April 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 4957 | Page: Page 6, 7 | Tags: News 


... IMPERIALD PARLIAMENT. the EOUSE OF COMM.NONS-YESTERDAY. 'r Tbo 2PEAKF~O0x tok t chair alle quartor past ona ho o'oloolr. us. TER COUNTY COURTS MIL. i. L r. NORWOOD moved the second re11dhng of , te ClnotY (Courts Bill, and reailli tho floose. igs' th311 In 1828 four hills on thm subjchjc ;.' r0 Intra. brduced by prirate mteml,,rs, threo of which Wmr idmulzir, sodf were rlefrred together to a n ...

Published: Thursday 26 February 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1479 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... LATEST NE WS. A FG fAN I 3T AN. [DAILY NteWS TELEGRAI. CADUL, FRIDAY.-One Scheme for the fute. government of Hierat In that the oily shll be de- olared independent under a responsible governor, supported by liritish Inflaoioe. Mf. Griffin hea announced that Candnhir and Herat are to be soparated in fttnre frort the Darnoe ldngdom, A letter of Friday'n date from the ca&phrl of Perai& stateo ...

Published: Monday 29 March 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1023 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 

The Belfast News-Letter

... 'Q) ~ c 1 (rT I ABLT~ilED ANN0( 17,37Y'- a BHLF AST: MONDAY, MIARClH on, i822 A Caiudahar telegram, publislled ha I) - rltdrd, avKe that General Steivartt . pon Gezzere will commefeel in a fgr dits prOparlfiorin belrg now ainmat cow!e) -Si O a 't(pP ivjnl Ia expctteid to bo met ebhb (D ttA rnad It !e3 belati a t rn! raauy of the 11@,xufn trhbse have oromi a d to rice, condffi'rsal!t 1405 3 ...

Published: Monday 22 March 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 5642 | Page: Page 4, 5 | Tags: News 


... LONDON COIRESPOND-ENCE. IFA0M OUR OWN CORtRESi'ONDNIT i LONDON, ',iAURODAY. THg Ajorpninlg Peost, wviib has watotlu the ouilano of the' general elootiou with an amount of care mud 0oi-4iudeirerspnotirig fsot and fi;uredo which the Whle of its 8ooitemporarie3 'avo not cxhibited, eAtimatea thbt the new Government will have a working mojority in the Lower Hlou9o of ninety. This will enablo it to ...

Published: Monday 12 April 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3375 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... AM, BUKNAN'S LEOTURE{I THE degrea of intervest rneuih-o ,ed i1 n: t B;.: lectrenis of I. MoanA inorea-te3 rahtLr 6, ci. nithes. Notwithctilnding thbA 4x'.l a uila hr! been oAdded to tho St Galore's Hill, i7 h iartlE sibl to find 6oeurtlmiodatlmn for ni1 wV`4ti e 4 ',!., of herrlnt'e tbecrt The queti gp od he' f -4,ti, gretmt Oiren' l scholar. no -re-r lcM. ol:,. h bat poli'ie'l rt (if (POY1 p ...

Published: Monday 12 April 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1118 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... COURT AND FMAiJIiNI 'RfE 1RINCE AND 1RINOCMS OF WALXS, The Prince rnrL Prinoeps of Wueleo, Prinoers Loulee, Priceea Viotoria, znl Prinoeas Maed at- tended DiViDO sorvieo in the Cbapel Royal, it, James'm, on Frlday mornsnig. Prince Leopold and the Dabe and Daobese do Mouohy vieited their Royal HIghresese at MlAborouga llHouse on Friday, and remained Lolucohont, The Prlucb end Prinaces of Waee, ...

Published: Tuesday 30 March 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 580 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... )I1 , ' I r W L I: -l n. , i'e ,3' ,H~ftnUC4EFARr, itHl STR-:EDT AND ANN ,,r~~~LIC VOU!01,. riuttenmenfi of perO1flil 2c i 3 t Tj tend Anin Street, b~ Al.' ` rA p, ; p O MU ( ost tn o'oic. getwith sillY one ad tieOhootesi of the A O~ ttend anoe. Amongn ;~~ ue~o-~~ Charles DuuffiU, J Pi H' ~ whe~c~ Joh a Mt~te, vV D Hen. eelh~ Jnwr5~, (len,111 hel, Thomas JacheonA W jA l wehiI b Jemus ...

Published: Thursday 20 May 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 3572 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... nd e Ir In alwaye worth while to nota an originAl !ote, 3h or what tcohe like one, ovea though It may not he o of mnch praotioal value. Smoh an idea soeing to have ocourred to n holder of mortgage bonda of the Conneotiont Western Railvmy, and he at least voeauo to have turned iIt to'p-aufi1co account, Tbe oompany, It appears, have beon unable lo psy lbh hitereot duo upon their mortgages, at- ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 490 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... AGRIOULTURAL PROSPECTS, C MR, JAMS CAIRD Writee 'IO the Tirmee an followa- it nw~y be noeeul, in the prineo before o freah Y'departore is taken by the new Parl.iament, if you Vaill allow me sbortly to review our agricultural LOpooelton, Jn ordor to chow the preening need for r. the exrly Yremoval of every hup~ediment vihich un. roctEearily hermperi u8 in the ownpotition to which we ore noW ...

Published: Tuesday 18 May 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 2277 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... THE TORNADO IN THE UNITE) [STATES,. I. [TIMES TBLEGIRAM I PlIMADRULRIA, TueSDAY.-Lasl Light's tale. gramrsreportneverotornadO080a Sunda; in MIW. seuri, Iowa, Illinois, Wlhoonrin, aad Kensao, toing Vost danmgo, wlbh ganoral Ftrnmopherlo commnotionn4 thronghouttbe Mglsselppi. Valloy. The severest tornado pacEed 160 mile3 in a north-emaek oourse along the James VItver Vailey. Ml'uooouri. The ...

Published: Thursday 22 April 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 452 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... I, ~~THE COURT. y. WurnsOR CASThS. PUNZ111.-Tho Qacon drove ~t out y1ss1it uds * f Mtc~rpko'a. h'foe Very Rev, A-elhoor P, Cnat, Dorm Ect York, ri preovacibd the g'orrpnrit Llicutenout Colonel Ma' to;, nth I'lol, Drgoon, Cluttida, had no InteOrview with tihe uern, and pro., sontodecorerol it of0 th 4th Rvegzment froin the b i~efuidofIsandula, TIM PRINCE AND P1{NCFSg OF NVALES, M.& I-OO 1 ...

Published: Tuesday 11 May 1880
Newspaper: Belfast News-Letter
County: Antrim, Northern Ireland
Type: Article | Words: 1556 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News