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Belfast, Antrim, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... ( ?? COATs( ,IlX-6S. \TO if ?? I'114'l'l ' / ile /ifexft ,Shade~'s rl'[ ?? 7IiA US. ?? lthe ?? t la9it/lblq V1N\NCIS C(TTPLEY. I{IGHt STP.liET. 89 11THE LAr ME11>\r ?? 1. Mt IIIAXN 1 LlY I)EPAUYMENT. I PANT) 81W. ON 'I'IIS AND FOLLOW- G ; IN(; S.f HilH-lI-CLAS?MILLINEItY, ju.AL to hat.l) ?? thme (3nr.res of 1'a'hion. The' ?? in S'TI)AWR BONNETS AND EIATS am'. very Nw em c:i. extremmel sl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVWERTISEMIENTS 01' STTUATIONS WAN'mraD or 1AO: MNT' Ho UsI:S to LrTl or WV .NTEr19 to RLT I(ODcE INS WANTE D or to t ET, BOARID WAN'TF;r. or OJtql'r:rL.'1D, BL;NES9Es W3'XNi-:o or for VLU, ARTICLES TOST or FoUNP. .SPESCIF'iC AP'T I(:LE5 WANT ED or for SALU, PAM ?? I:I' WANTE Li or Ol FEFtLED, awe inserted at the follow inig i iac, btut ouly when I'.'naidl :_ .0 Wo!-r1. Crd; r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? jii, 'IL .1? ?? ll7:AT-A,','SOiTFJ) ?? oak ei Yyi Th ? b a ,nua Set.? I ? ,.4 Q ?? ,v'aat& 15u* ?? tj.,. ? ?Oge, a ad FRA N( IS (? r jji;'y I- [(410 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DiiYAT0 WILE[AVEN STEAI4HR ST& A R RsPEOCW'ULLY IN. dl1F )13166tb~r~ will be NO SAILING o . BItNNDERSON & SON.4 ., N SqaT0 1330. 4191 AND SCOT LA N1D, ~-t~ ~ hcsbV 9 at'r.3ayo c %0 :tLAMI- ndttrns only. a:o t-',iin OPM I-i i ~ Sandyaif eteptail). 7 to~ eD va' lerrp, &o. - , ~ -pit'' 1 Iittl t Stittons ill lrsicln 4 and 9~~it.1 iiQe. 05 Stctitros, Belfast, and 60, St. -its Oltira Guldc, page ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WRINTER GWAIMENTS. AP1EliS, OVERCOATS, JACKETS, Lf t J'1,1 W RFROWF COAT42S q.le6,ed at ?an- neiitall?/ IoS Prices, in arder t) have all Sold when )priny i ale beunt. FRANCIS CURLEY, 73 AND 63, HIGH STREET. 73 MR. HiO O E, ARTIST, tS NOW ON HIS ANNUAL VISIT to BELFAST, and engsaged in finish- ing a large number of recently-painted Local Portraits, which will be ON VIEW at his ROOMS, 41, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLDo EN VISTA, Antrim Road; first-class Dwell-; splendid situation.-W. M'Cor- Inick, 21, Chichester Street. 2647 rno LEST, YARD and STO1RE at 19, Great V George's Street, with Office in front; inm- mcdiate ?? at No. 21. 2763 rlWpO LEIT, 45,X ATLAN'1IC AVENUE, in ex- ceollent order, containing three sitting and foor bed rooms, batb, &c.; rent moderate. 2711 ISRT-CLASS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHIPPING. DOUGLAS (ISLE OF ?? YI&-$AgtE NORTI[OFEMjLAflj. I UNIt P50. Prms'as'r to \Vnlrrliavj:x (calling at Doualss)-'iod, at 2; Out, at 1: 15th, at 2; t]ird, at 3; aunt, at 2-nU mm. BEn- ?ap?si 'to Doi'r;i.An (Orroplan cargo tal:ett on 9th ri rid 23rd 1: Pith, at ii; 2-WOnt :10th, at 2- lot, itt twirl.; stit. at 0-2 noon; 13th. at I pitt.; 22nd, it 12 11(1011 23tlt, at 1 p.m. iitrut.i.As'tta ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. r 0 LET, 3Z,A AlE RER STREET WEST'. TlSoven apartments; £3 free of taxes.- Apply to Jameos Jenkios, 5 Donegall St. 3700 rO LET 4, ASHLLLY AVENUE; seven *9 apartments; £,S free of ?? to lnmes Jenkiis, r.5, Donegall Strect. 3701 rl- LET, 16, LAWR NCE TERRACE; two recclption-rooii-sifourbedrooms, close range, bathroom, &c.; free to 1st M3ay-Jamus Jenkins, G;5, Donogall Strcet. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR, SOLD. EIN VISTA, Antrim Road; first-class Dwell- LBing-house; splendid situation.-W. M'Cor- wZiick, 21, Chichest~er Street. 2647 1JRT-L A SS HOUS_ E. , Uterville Avenue Mevery convenience for a respeetatble family rent reduced; good gardens front apd rear.-Mr. WVharton, Bridge Street. 2531 REWNO OD, Belmont I'ark. - TO BE GLET or SOLD, easy payments, a Wilm- medicos Dwelling ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I JIll h' tl/c pleast7ne of intimating that I 7hazc seeiurd a veri good range l Dq iagonael Coat- iings, ahich 1 cani ./ker at the veri viederae price oJ Z0/- per Suit, miade to orde(r in sanmc style as, ligher priced ,Sits ; odges bound; colour guaran- leed. Clerical Frock Su its, of same viaterial, 75/- FRANCIS CURLEY, CLOTHIER AND OUTFITTER, 73 AND 63, HIGH STREET. 73 TO THE PUBLIC. I F YOU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ SHIPPING. THE cUN .3.5D LINL 303: E (3.YORK33Tor :L33AY.3333033TU? Cyoecv WXD3333.3)3 .3, I1 tderio ed T. f '1% -Nw York fold bofton. TIeto lawi3 (I II J~ )Ia Ua,[ Stunu3333c3: are Ill.3 Uaded03 to ail froul3 3.13. ERPWI'0 . via 0301003 3W33, 113333,re.3 for 13o, 3033 '.3333333 310y Ap'ril 13 (Gal1ia. fot NOW oik buturdaytv, April 333 ?? ?? 5V3dueosty.A.4Pt Q ( A3.gohia for No Yo, -rk . ...