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Strathclyde, Scotland

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... INTERNAYTONAL FISHERIES EXHIBITIOlN. OFFICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. The oflicial list of the awards made ly the jurors on the various classes of exhibits have now, with the exception of two classes, been completed, and last evening were given to the representatives of the newspapers. In one of these classes the jurors have not quite com- pleted their work; in the other the bharacter of the exhibits ...


... LITBERAT URE - -I ti (1) Hidsory of the Insane in tke British Isles. a, A dark house and a whip for madmen was, not a thoughtless expression on the part of, r, Shakespeare. nor did it spring from any! y want of sympathy towards those labouring I so under the most distressing of human afflic. .o tions. On the contrary, he has wealth of kindly 'h thought to suggest, not only for Lear ...


... S.. Tho' fiery an' fiercely the sun may arise, He'll be pale ere he sinks in the west, A match will be waged till it e'en shakes the skles, An' a vict'ry be scored for the best. You brag o' the brave wha ha'e won for you fame In the red ranks o' danger so grim; The.brave for the present, whaurever their hame, r Are the skips with the best Dicket bruine! Chlorus-Then, hurrah I Johnny Frost in ...


... ALITED A TUBE. (1) Craik's Life ofk5ew?. The reading public is to be concratulated on being put at last in possession of a life of in- comparably the greatest of British satirists, which is exhaustive without being unwieldy, is free alike from bias antl fromn sentilneultalisml, and which, dealing with personal matters in- voiced in an unprecedented amount of mystery, and therefore tlhe subject ...


... LITEBATURE. (1) Feour Years of isr-is Bistory (1845.1849) To Sir Chazles Gavan. Daffy belongs the supreme felicity of those whose youth and age are in accord. His early eadeavours were de- voted to inaintaining and steadying the banner of Repeal, which he found had at length begun to waverin thelhands of O'Connell. After a somewhat prolonged. and bighly distinguished career as a Victorian ...


... THE NEW THEATRE-ROYAL The construction of our new Theatre-Royal now almost completed, and little more than the finishing touches require to be given to allow it being, opened as arranged on. the 26th inst. The house has been erected from the designs and under the superintendence of Mr C. J. Phipps, RS.A., rof London, who, after building some thirty Itheatres in various parts of the United Ring ...


... : YMr actaggart bas been spdnding his summer months by his favourite shores. his water- colour -work has never been fieer. Broader, mellower, and more cunningly devised to hide method, and the technical strokes which give vulgar merit to less artistie work, TMr Mlactag- 'gart's ?? are steeped in the essence i of water-colour art. A sketbhy view of Camp- beltow nfrom the roadside across the ...


... ORCHEDSTPL COICER pROttAi5RE. Overtare to BErm's ausd (OP. U. *.8 Coecerto for Fianmoarte and estmira, 'o 1 inG Minor top. ?? Sc*¢ia, Ocen.r Thee Mighiy Monater '&&ioi;;'s Sy h oy. ?? ?? Io. S ia D minor (Op. it7). Posihumas loth fabgo in F sh ajorue ?? ?? ?ooe~ue.5-rmpitoizitii leIA e ~epse Pifoirtes ios--i--SJ* i'w ?{ove1]ettern laX.nS fbJ ?? -- - song, Sing. Sweet lir .lcidental Xu[* ...


... 0 The Edinburgle Review, in an article on the I recently published Reminiscences of Thou. Carlyle, says :_ Some fifty years ago TMr Carlyle addressed to i a young mau of letters then entering upon life a brief letter, couched in the ffollowing words-we'] have them now in writing before us ?? Remember now aid always that life is no idle dream, but a solemn reality, based upon eternityand ...


... Lf'ERA4 TURS. Mr Joseph W1-hitaker, the editor of the Book- seRler, has lssaed An ?? lnianack for the year of our Lord 1S62 ' (Londton, 12Q Warwick Laue). It is the new isunc o0 the sanre almanatc -which has been piaced on our table for nomne years past, and requires no ruroniniendation Lroni us, seeing that it is a publication of ?? reputation. Married Wiitlhout Leave is a little book ...


... LITBRATUME. (1) Uqgiiie's Irprial Dictionary. A new edition of the late Dr Ogilvie's elabo- rate and well-known Imperial Dictionary fairlv raises once more tbe ?? ?? are the primary duties of a lexicographer? Compilers of diction- aries, and especially BEglish dictionaries, .work under responsibilittes so varied and' exan:ting that many labourers in that corneri of the dterary vineyard have ...


... LIftRI ,TR. . ! t(1) Thel Voyage of CAe Vega. _ So far as authentic record goes the Vega is the only ship that has ever circumnavigated a bf Continent; for the voyage round Africa, said to D have been made by Piunnic ians at the instiga- be tiou of Pharaoh Neeho, is mere than half'rmythi- eal, and Australia is ?? a bi island, and its | circumnavigation is attend-ed with no more - difficulty ...