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... I. (1) flee..1&o'lqtrrl. A Scottish Christmas ooon star ?? / 1 An sdodon Cc ?axe of Allen ?? world- I renowned oaAtQrLi, 'i'i.c ikotle aaonocrdi ft will donbtieoa meet wirn a .oe'u ty vti1oe.i?,. all tha wore that toe-honk is ?udowett wash hreaorv, I acute the itlahigims it011 I cod Roger fookwed in a ye-sr by .e aeqeet ot cto:ny ants )Iagfy,' i. he;ng ,aUYi?t ?? 'OOlflCLa.-d ?? ?? rt.nal ...


... THlE 11OTAITITON F SHOws. P 'The sibijct. Of the rotatiI ,f the ,hows of thle High. ii hid loit as frequently cooe ,I ilet 1 iorsi-, III ati 'setieg y !O t Seaso y and olsewhde.l610 the opinlion of ti oe iibs having been thatt thle mnore renint. *-,r 1i least acceassible distriots should he jf u. ~ r ,ther' propiosals have froimi time tm time heeii lmade. Thle -esult of the deliberation of at ...


... LIT ETRA T V R E. THE LIFE A'ND LABOURs OF THE APOSTLE PAUL, in a4 Continuous Narrative.,.- , Charles Michie, M.A., Rector pft:SkIver Streets Ala y sAberdeehi. ThirdtEdition, Re- P,,tec l od, Sons, Edinburiti it *aird edition ...


... HOGMANAY EKTERTAfl?MENTS. |LOB] PROVOS' ANNUA DNNER TO TEPOOL On the invitation of the Hon. the Lord Provost, about 2000 poor people assembled in the City Haill yesterday afternoon, and partliok of his Lordship's seasonable hospitality. The company was nccom- modated in the galleries and area, and w~as coml- posed of those who seeme'd' to belong to the very poorest of our poor. Tlhe larger ...


... MUSIC AXD THE DRAA.)1 (52011s 0C2 LO3D0N COaZROflDfT.)l Yeserdy ateroonLondon, Wednesday.l Yeserdy ?? Sullivan and Gilbert's new extravaganza The Pirates of Penrance was announced to be performed for, the first time on apy stage at the theatre of the| |little town of Paigoton, in Devonshire. The re-} presentati On was, of o urse, a p urely formal onBe,I and was in compliance solely wmith our ...


... * The annual competition and exhibition of the Bon- Accord Ornithological Society was opened in the Ball- Room of the Music Hill yesterday, and forms one (if the greatest successes in the history of'the society. There is a rare show of canaries. The first two classes in the catalogue consisted of Belgians of the clear, ticked, yellow, and buff kinds, amongst which are some very presentable ...


... HE MAGAZIYES. The Gentlemanens M~agaie has a paper byr ti Redspini'er on $Colonial Legtislation, e which w~ill no d oubt be turned to wvith in~terest by most renders. The writer's experience does net extend bveyond Queensland, but with the I legislative work and arrangements of that colony e, ne poas~eses an intimuate acquaintance, and he si 'weseuts a picture of the Council and Assembly u ...


... TEra HI:GHLA3 SOCIETY'S SHiOWS. co~Dfl~rEE' xsErO~t. ?? The question whlether or :not anr ~Tiige- shall be m~ade in the circuit of .the i~ighland Socie~ty's shows wrill come on for settlemuent on the 2Vth.L curt. at a general meeting. In athe meantime the report of' the comxmiteewapointed to consider the matter in all its bearings h29s ee iessued, {rown .which it. can be asceriained that the ...


... January, being only half-way through the winter season, is, says Le Folret, not the time for any radical changes in shapes or materials, but it gives us many novelties in ,the smaller details 4 of a mode, and certainly themost notable of these., is thy wearing of anklets.¶ig The long trains I -the slirt,_ nd are raised during jjoM dauicdeitf ty soe arrangemzent attach- I fin em tenpqra lyI ...


... . IC street music is to be accepted as a necessary condition of national freedom, it might at least be possible to set aside certain hours in the day which should be wholly given up to the organ-grinder and his friends. But in the nature of things there would seem to be no better reason for handing lover our thoroughfares to barrel-organs than for appropriating them to the purposes of ...


... (Fromn last night's Edinlnurgh Gactte.) SEQUESTRATIONS. I ThomasRobertson, cab proprietor, Shepherd's Loaa, f Perth Road, Dundee. Creditors meet in the Queen's fHotel there, 10th January, at 11 o'clock. C. D. Mit: chell, solicitor, agent, Dundee. C William Cooper Fraser, fishcurer in Fraserburgb, county of Aberdeen. Creditors meet in the Imperial Hotel, AberdeeD, 10th January, at twelve ...


... LJTERA TU:RE. (1) The-Ages before Hose 'lt requires some courage in these days, whien iverything seems questioned, and the earlyI Hebrew literature in particular is the contested battletield of rival schools of critics, each warring as heartily with its neighbours as with the traditional thieories of origin and comnposi- tion whnich they agree in rejecting, 'oslc the ages before Moses as ...