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Bangor, Caernarfonshire, Wales

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Advertisements & Notices

... Soholtrtioo. RENCH, LATIN, AND GREEK.-donS IJ P JA'JQUET, B.A. (Paris), prepares Private Pupils in the above Lnguan es for the Public Examn- atiohs. Schools attbsaled. Terms on application at Mons. E. JAcQurT 1, Mount Pleasant, Conway. 487$ LANSDOWNE HOUSE 8fRUOOL, ~AS(LLANDUDNO. Principals-The Misses MMrrnsW5 AND STAND111h8i T IBERAL AND COMFORTABLE HOME. ,A Resident English and :Foreign ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B RO H I BLIC.T TC BRITI:SH PBLIC. . Throw Physic to the dogs, D I'll none of it.-Shakespeare. Read this! dll TRUTH. in an gr4 0 person need despair of a speedy restoration tF iN Ls to health and streocgth if ho or she will carefully WI an peruse the following, and learn that the great El Wi SEL F REST ORER, co, do OR, Po] ha Patent Voltaic Belt, 6u abl ma is the safest, grandest, and most ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T:IM77ts ANTED, a STRONG YOUNG ENGLISH W* GIRL as COOR, in Small Family.-Apply, Mrs Hick, Chancery House, Beaumalris. iDbU TANTEED a Steady Married lMANZ as Gardener. sti understand Vines. Apply, A. 56, Offlie e E this Paper, Stating Wages, &c. 214 GENTS WANTED to push ?? A MACHINERY OILS. Liberal Commissiou. -Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. 146 STAN1'ED a Clean-Legged HORSE, about 16 By ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QIJEBRSLAND. THIS young and prouising, Colony ofiera' Special T Advantages to allolasses and the QUEENS- LAND ROYAL MAItLIIINE;-onvey Passengers -S teainer' £br £27 Mil or onei' 6 lea m ers 'will be ,dspatoheda from' IFQ6VPQt 9r MOU2TR fortnightly, ljy which XMSI'D PA:SFAG9S'willbe granted toeligible' P ' suoh$ts. En'gineersS'Farmyers, CFitters iEn~i~ Drive~s, Railvway Carriage' Builder's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -'ERICA LINE. - UNITED SBT4TES MAIL STEAMEARS LiVEmOOb,TO PHILADELPHIA E:ERX WEDNEBDAY. ?? } llt' 6 ' Sh F . SHIP S. AccommodationI ?? 'PAnnngners. oqauo. to any THiropean Line8.~ psassegers and goods lanled at Philadelphia OD %be Wharf of the PNrNsEYLvANIA RAnMnzOAD. THufI IS THU SHORTE3T AND BEBT ROUTE TO TLE WusT. Apply to RICHARDSON, SPENCE, & Co., - 17 and 19,' watet-street, IVErPoOL, or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1,ENORMOUS F ORFTUNES L IE BURIED in tho COURT OF CHANCERY, amonunting to £100,000,000, which reallyhbelongs l to tbh people, including all classes of the com. munity, from the peer to the peasant. The tic Olmncery Pa3 master will be only too glad to Of pay the money to the rightful owners if they El will put in their claims. There are thousands El of people walking about at. the present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Wciants W ANTED, a CIJRACY, by a. Bilinguist. Good Preacher. -Adree, B,' North Wales Ckro~nicle Office. .1699. W ANTED, a Good HOUSE and PARLOUR. W MAID.-Apply, by letter, to Mrs Barnard- Bkyn Glaslyn, Portmadoc. 1715 RURACY WANTED by Oxford Oraduate; expe- C)rienced in Welsh and Enilish.;' acceptalble Preach; view.s Moderate.-Addresa, 3.2W' office of this paper. 1652 Gl OOD COOK WANTED in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Scholasticc. FRENCH, LATIN, AND GREEK.-Mons. E. .. JACQQUET, B.A. (Paris), prepares Private Pupils in the above Languages for the Public Exam- ations. Schools attended. Terms on applicatiou at Mons. E. JAcQUsET, 1, M0o1nt Pleasant, jonwray. 4878 LANSDOWNE HOUSE SOHOOL, LLANDUDNO. Principals-The MAisses M.&TWas5s AmD STAwNDaIINa TIBERAL AND COMFORTABLE HOME. . Resident E3nglish and: Foreign ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -fAFN;ItlS OURED.-Nith>leonD'4B Pbi n .) Astificial Esi:-IDrnms >re 'defieasa in L~ges. Sieud stisyip,:*rdescriptive bcoo4$visd testi~'{ 4 t~zi9X~s. I. l 8 , 15$.C~amden, Pik ro4t r * Cua)n N.W. s , W. ,.N F.o00, PutIra W i *O TJUS %F IAdN.desed speoally o youug ttellR, With advice on Health, and containing i Rtecipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated t.6 the full power of Manhood. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NSE AUTtMNq GOODS, X/4ESS1IS'BRO VN, HOILES, AJD CO., 1L1 are prepared'with V large, variety ?? NEW DRESS FABRICS for theearly Autumn, patterns of which, with estimates for Costumes, will be sent by return of post if desired. FURS. Novelties in Cloaks, Capes, and Boas. MARIIIAQE TnOUSSRAU AND OUTFITS. Ladies will find every requisite in the various departments. FUNERAL R1EFORIA. Funerals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :REVEINT ACCIDENTS! T:IlEo ;SAFETY PETUOL1WM OIL DUPL-EX LAMP (WRIGHT 4*ID BUTLER'S PATENT) Can be filled with oil, trimmed, lighted, and exting'uished without removal of either globe or climney. By a simpls arrmalngement the flames are e toinalicallir and instantancoustV extinguished should the lampr be upset. This barner can be fitted to ManV Of Wright and Batler's lamps, or it can be he.d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jOW TO CURE SHIN DISEASES ROW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES IOW TO CURE SKIN DISEASES To the countless tlhousands whose lives have been emibittered by torturing, hmni'iating, itching, scaly, and pimply diseases of the shin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, the Cuticu'a Remedies atre a well-spaing of hope and joy. In ?? original, elegant, and in. fallible remedies there is intstantausous relief arnd ...