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Derbyshire, England

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Readings from New Books

... CD finq;3 fi I Xqtv ioJ,. A HoitE IN FLORENCE--The ground-floorisoccupied with oficeea and factory rooms, and the central court filled with dyeing vats and poles surmounted by a stone staircase which leads to the dwelling-house proper. Here were the saua and salone (two reception rooms) opening one into the other; they were hong with silk damask, and furnished with huge arm-chairs, on the ...


... OUIDA'S NEW VOLUME.' ;- This new volume of Ouidt's consists of four 'draxatir sketches, contriburted, if we reinember rightly, tP 13,/yre /a maggazine, anrd a brief essay on the subjeoe o2 ` ?? and Realism, which appeared, if oun m menmory serves us in this case also, originally in thi ?? o7tinx. The book is a very charming one. We havo 1ir here what.aro virtually four short stories, told, ...

Literary and Artistic

... SIitellarg afill VPtihtig [SPECIALLY CONTRIBUTED.1 It is probably not generally known that Anthony Trol- lope left behind him an autobiography. Messrs. Black- wood and Sons are preparing it for publication, and hopo to issuoe it in the middle of October. The autobiography, says the 1lthcelsiito, brings Trollope's life down to 1876:- It is a very frank record of iis literary work and of bis ...


... as - hie ANNUAL SUMMER SHOW. 5 n, The thirty-second annual show of horses, cattle, sheep, i ly pigs, cheese,-butter, poultry, pigeons, dogs, rabbits, roots,f 'le pem ts& sfteaoesee was held on Thu ad, on wether AcrTeshcotne, and this circumstance made Wte ate o uedyuunuuu asmatters anything but agreeable to the competitors as wel as wthe lve stock. The society, however, ismaking progress,- ...


... (3, 1. A., 101,11fort L Tit. Craned Gout, Art, 1St?). With Appendix, Notes, and Forums. By Consult GRANT, Esq.,' of the Middle Temple. Bacrister-at-Law. London Land Agents' Record Office, 111, Fleet-street. Mr'. GratSit sys there are two ways of handlieg anew Act of Parliamenclt. One is mervely to note decided eases the other is to raise every point of difficulty one can imagine, awl to ...


... CROMFORD FLORAL AND HORTICULTURAL SOOIETYS SHOW, On Saturday the annual exhibition of fruits, flowers, and vegetables in connection with the Cromiford Floral ss and Horticultur-al Society was held in the beautiful n it grounds adjoining Willersley Castle, which had generously a yT enllcda h ipslo h omte by F. C. f is ArwihEqJP h ?? n ieyknown )5 if WitrlyGreswr lo~honoe ovstrs to a e. teso ...

Dramatic and Musical

... I *91-alwlfi? allit 1 , r1SPECALLY CONTRIBUTED.] Mliss Ruth Edwin's season in Derby has so far been successful. During the earlier part of last week the . business was not very good, but on the evenings of the race days the attendance was excellent. Amy Robsart' was played on Friday, and BMiss Edwin gave a rendering of the title idlv worthy of so experienced an actress. For the most part ...


... a'ityatottllle. _ IIIGAIN~ ORNOVEMBER. [SECOND NoTICr.1 Blacklo'ed'o Ed;nbloyh Xngae-rrne. No. DCCCV., Novem- ber. Edinburgh and London WM!. BlLACK WOOD and SONS. ;The Late Cnmpoign is at severely critical article, dealing unosparingly with the bomhbast and silly brogga- docio sohich distinguishbed a geod deal of what has bees written about our recent exploitt in Egypt. 1False Coin in ...


... iS -E- 'ic - i FROUIE,'S ' Slt'1' S'!I')lES. ° The fourth sferios of 3sr. F roude's ?? Stinlius on Great Sulijecls is one of' tlhsose vs'lones which require only announicemnent aisd description to comusiend them. Books asay bo' divided. broadly speaking, into those which arc Opt ion;:' and th,.sc which are essential and we necil ?? tuay that the one beforC us belongs emphatically to tho ...


... V, qt% WVINTER-KILLED. Beveath the suow the roses sleep, Below the wave the pearls lie deep Wcdged in the rock-rift, centuries old, Lie yellov veins of virgin gold; Tee-lucked within its forest nook Sleeps the bright spirit of the brook Andl undier rnsoe than wintry fate. Or ovean't. depths, or ?? weight, Or fettering ice, or frozen grass, Dishonoured Lovc lies dead, alas! Yet spring Ohrdl ...


... I LOCAL CHUR{CH MUSICAL SERVICES . ?? For 22nd Sunday after Trinity, October 21. ALL SAINTS', DERBY. Morning-I'oluntary, Moderate, Ellitt; - enite. lindle; Psal bs, Beckwith; Tc Dem fiarrett; Julbilate, Gregory; Iymns, Nos. 4,471, 395, and 3i,3 ( Hymnal Companion); Voln~tary, Fugue in G, Bach. Evening- Voluntary, He shall feed Tis flock, Handel; Psalms, Quadruple Chant, Oalkeley; ('an/te ...

Ladies' Gossip

... fP?,J1.?.J 1. ? -, ((?oZleetee? ? O?e of 77eettwekeL) AUGUST FASHIIONS. We are very glad to see among some of the most fashionable cossttricr*e. a disposition to economise with regard to some of the unnecessary expenses of various hel toilettes; this is quite a step in the right direction, Msn and wtill he a gain to ladies, while the dressmakers ne themselves wvill not lose by it, as, the cost ...