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Derbyshire, England

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Dramatic and Musical

... ? praulati4 1111A A,-llv?iqal. n [SPECIALLY CONTrIBUTED.] is n Dick Whittington will be withdrawn from the is boards of the Corn Exchange, Derby, on Saturday of this week. On Monday next the local stage will be occupied by Mr. John Coleman, who will appear in a ;eround of Shakespearean characters. After Mr. Co'e- n man will come Youth, as already announced; and. A after ' Youth, MIr. D. ...


... vqtq. I BR~iMBLE. Thle corn is reaped, the hare browin laml Is slseping in the sunshine ?? Of late Soptember timo Now after harvest toil anmi mirth In restful calmnmess lies the earth, Like good lives past their prime. Red tints of autumm toucti the trees That rumtle in the freshening breeze, And wave their brandices strong; From hillside meadows, loud and clear, Comes, clarionliko, a note of ...


... ,-;I AUMIllN IlS VAMBIERY. DII.anitilhry's autobiog~raphy (I) is exelen radng e Few books oif more romranitic interest have been pub- v'slv litdo noyas tratnge scenes in far-off lands1 slat pictur.'sque in.cidenits of travel, hair-breadth escapes, Ilild~ tills and isioinig accidenits by flood and field-every page tied has a fre~iucss and variety of its own. These are Ne described wvith nmuch ...


... J2EA YEWS-LIRON A TORY NOTE BOOK. 21 PAGE III.i e0 IRISH SsPARsTIOx.- I think, indeed, that great .Britain would be ruined by the separation of Ireland, hut a ,as there are degrees in ruin, it would fall moat heavily on ?? se Ireland. By such a separation Ireland would be the moat completelynudonoconutry in the world, the moat wretched, 2 Y h otdstracted, and, in the end, the most desolate ...


... | Io - . Ant+ , A +Ov o L, n - The annual distribution of the certificates and prizes gained by the students of the Derby Centre, under the the local examinations of the Royal Academy of Music, took place on Friday, in the Si. James's Hall, Derby. There was a large attendance. The Mayor (AId. Hobson) presided, being supported by Sir William Harcourt, Mr. ?? Roe, M.P.. Hon. G. N. Corpni. Mr. ...


... DERBY CORPORATION AMT GALLERY. I I I 0~A ke THlE M)A'YOIVS CONVER~SAZIONZE. ;ci- Thc cermeers mzojome by which the Mayor and Mtiyoress3 of il~ .ho Derby signalmeed the Opening of the mmuturrnn exhibition at wV lid the Corpormtimim Art Gallery, on TLhumrsdamy evening last, wits (! n in every way. at success. The liberal invittation of the, S: Ce Mayor was widely responded to, as wmms shown by ...


... ASHIBURNE POULTRY SHOW. On V~ ii~~dt ]last the annual poultry, pigeon, and rabbit show was helt inl theo St.. John's HalI. least year Son tile cumin~ittric foundl that they were inconvenijentfly SIIi crowdiii ill Ii.ahe bttOl, hall. and through the kind ness of 'Phii Mr. xW. 1t Ilotlied. Clerk to the Justices, the upper hail Bus was pilu c!l att their disposal. T1he society is iii a floutrish' ...


... SiWaturq. THE LATE MRS. NULL () All readers of that very charming and unique little book, Rudder Grange, will conftdently expect to find pleasant reading in any other by its autbor. Nor in this instance, at any rate, will they be disappointed. d The Late Mrs. Null' cannot indeed compete with its predecessor for freshness and originality of idea and treatment. It is much more like other ...


... LONG EATON BANGEBS FOOTBALL CLUB. The_ annual dinner in connection with this' club took place in the Pavilion at the Recreation Ground, Long Eaton, on Thursday night, and was attended by about 60 gentlemen. The chair waa taken by Mr. 3. Orchard, J.P., and he was supported by Messrs. E. T. Hboley, W. Newsum, J. Marshall, J. Wilson, J. Baaby, E. Williams, W. Hooton, Jos. Fletcher, G. & Smith, J. ...

DlKBMWy^iwNii# ypsp^

... DlKB MWy^iwNii# ypsp^ tives from the parish to Bit on the -Burial Board. The Vioar presided. The retiring members were Messrs. Brindley, Cooling, and Powell, and the latter did not seek re-election. Mr. Stobbb nominated Messrs. Brindley, Cooling, and C. C. Bowring ; Mr. HEFBOBD seconded. -Mr; ?? Mr. GODDABD seoonded the ?? ; and Mr. A. J. Waller. was Stopesed by Mr. T. B. YHOU^MB yd sydcd ?? ...

girths, Patfaps, garths. BIRTH. ANSON— On Ootober 13, at Littleover Vicarage Derby the wife of tbe Rev. ..

... of a daughter. MARRIAGES. TONGE-COBBY-On Ootober 12, at St. Peter's Churob, Normanton, Ashby-de-la-Zouob, by the Rev. J H B Green, reotor and rural dean, D. J. Eh Tonga to V* F* Corry. ■ WALKBB-OKEpVEB-On prober 11, at Okeover, by the Rev. T. A. Anson and tho- Key. John Youne Sir Andrew Barclay Walker, BarV«f Oamaston Manor Derbyshire, and Gateaore Grange, liverpool, to Hod Maude, aeoond ...


... At a meeting of the Matlock Bath Local Board on Tues- day, a letter was read from the Local Government Board expressing regret that Borne progress had not been made to- wards tbe provisions of proper means for the sewage dis- posal. In view of tbe statements 'made in the medical officer's last annual report as to a sewage scheme, and also in consideration of the time which has elapsed since it ...