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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TIru s, ~ and9ff aflg*s ¶, No Notice of Bbr5h, mariae or Death can be inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The charge for the insertion of such notices when prepald eseachlroided the space occupied does not exceed fve lines, and 6d per line for a.ything additionaL A charge of Is, extra wil be made for bookig,. BIRTHS. BRo0W.s; -March 18. at 54 Kingsleyroaxd, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS & DEATHS LX TWENTY- EIGHT ENGLISH TOWNS. THIRTY-THIRD WEEK 18S4. In the week ending last Saturday, 5781 births and 4052 deaths were registered in 28-of the largest English towns, estimated by the Registrar-General tocontain a population of 8,762,354 persons in the middle of this year. The births exceeded by 52, and the deaths by as many as 480, the averare weekly numbers durng 1S83. Tho ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *Pirths, T1arriuge, and gntu5. 'g *No Notice of Birth, MarIage, or Death can be : insertel unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. Thecharge for the insertion of of such notices when prepaid is Is. each,.rovided e, thespace occupied does not exceed tie yes, and 61. per hine for anything addidonal. A chargooe n ls. extra will be made for bookin. or ye, BIRTHS. A, wiqrnxof ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~ivths, Thrwrd~tg, azn Qeat3s. ?? No Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted arnless authenuicated by the name and address of the sender. The charge for the insertion of such notices when prepaid is Ls, each, provided thespice occupied does not exceed five lines, and 61. per line for anythisis additional. A charge of 1s, extra will be made for booking. BIRTHS. AATs-Sept. 11, at 116 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WirfiL, wA4=tarris, and Peatirs.- g*, No Notces Of Wmft'e, lnu or Death em belsO unlef a th w b7 the nme and adft of the .Toamras or soy smlaraddition to the ffaepte ainroln'innnt ofamatg rda-th,1 stittet It o earmcaet as Aar anw. Or.tsoe BIRTHS. BA-MrW-Marob 7, a6t 8l,.My~tteS~tretk the wfe of * ThamassBellle, of a son. .4o&rn---aT.h 7, at Hood-street., Boote,the wife o okh Cope, o a daugb&te ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... giflath, zratrl, mn Pat%. s *INO Notice of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be Inssrted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sendor. The charge for the insertion ofsuch notices when prepaid is Is. each provided the space occupied does not exceed five lines, and 6d, per Une for anything additionaL A charge of Is. extra will be made for bookinag BIRTHS. Durnx-Sept. 17, at 25, Makia ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , Piitb, Wrdayeo, andf geatis.- ''Nao Notice of Birth, Marriage, or peath caa be b ierted lnless antenticated by he name and a address of the sender. The charge for the insertion b of auch notices when prepald Is Is oateh provided e the spaice oocapied do not exceed lve lmea and e6d. per line for anything additional. A chrge of if s estra will be made for booking. n a BIRTHS. t CaAIG-At the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... = sm %%i t605e at Birc,'btie es Death au be of eac UU&5] attn prepei t d e l4 I cc? d r s peweaih . ltri tk>paccpddr oat eacewix ArI1e elie ts, t E a.-ctcawi besake 4xtn - It th saa-vg ai'l at S2 Grinli. natnal W ?? fry c io, f b at. Oehy,.Xcf . S. e Ca W3, w r (Awl, Ckr$ltmbt f fe. (I SyundGettsajy te- .laMe 3WiTparn Mikor og rdirC oC mf Oxtan. toe- 'lary t.onin~ ?? Lmi Pys. Sbcn ?? it , a \t ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3 Nirtbf ?? rriaqt ?? i i'exo -Notice of Mrtb.Ma rrie Or Death cm be 11 inserted unlete tbetcat.d by the name and address of the sender. The charge for be tserti Of such fnotices 'when prerpaid is Is. mpoie the spac occnnied dos not exced ie iee n 6d erlnefranthiga~dtwo A- charge~o s. BImTEL PjRYRn-Seft6 19, at 39, Corporation-road, Birkenhead, ,h rfo-oseph Perrin, junr., of a agon, *.illboma ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A-rrrs at£7nd -Dtatb-q ?? Notice o' Blrrt-i Mfor D*l~r e Ds bc ?? t nnlei aul encate -hy tl-e ien -f.nI ailreas ol t.he en.le. ive c':arce f'ort':e 3Ysiei.:C of-uoch 4odca - ?? i; 2. e.-a rn h,4 the p-wta oceivbid ;loe~; o' .xeeI ave lun- d 61. per line for anythion _i.i-liti vL . cwro , LS-eza WiM be tade for b DITRIEfS. ,OxW!P-Jals il. at P3 Lrd Lte,:o be o fe . |(i. W. Buwsls, of a sci. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0 nr *1'zo Notice of Birth, MarriaMe, or Death ran be 4 nserted Unless autlcated by the nam ad i n cddrh of tho der. The ?? for tbe insertion I m frhnotiees when Prepeed is is. egach provided the rpace occupied does not exceed fivo liner,. nd 6d. per floe for anything additionaL A cl of Is. extra W bemad or ?? _ ( MARRIAGES. r Br4__LxnsATI--_May 25, at aonte lpie ?? Birkhnbea by . It d ~ by ...