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... | 'BIAS!ON AND) TIE'S1E. THE COURiT. : I .BnlnnDaoiral. Monday. The Queen, PrhIcesa Boatrice, the Hereditary Orand .Duke, and Ithe Princecsees Irene and Alice of Hersa bvalked In the morning. 3 In the afternoon the Queen drove out, attonded by. the Dowager Narobloneas ofI Ely and the lion Mary s Laacelcur. Lady Aahtovwn has left Kingstown for Eng- I ltnd. Lady Baslsgetto arrived at ...


... FISlHIO2 AND VARIETIES. THE COURT. Osborne, Wedncsday. The Queen and Princess Beatrice drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the Dowager MIarchionees of Ely. Admiral Sir Geoffryl ¢ornby, 3 C B, arrived at Osborne yesterday, and had the h nour of dining nrrth her Majesty. ' I Captain Arthur, C-, commnanding H M S Hector. guard ship at Cowes, had also the honour of being in. vited. Sir ...


... LIX LIFE OF DEATH I LI, ; This is the title of the latestpieture by SirNoel I*tonm and ?? is being eshi4Mnd' tdio, Grafton street. In 4In 'prkmt i *iopted by thispl '5heWI s 'jadfew rivalsiuire zen ' K raddedvvit~h equal truth that there have beenz few* * any period whose works have reached the same : mdard of excillence. His conceptions are al- 3*ays bold and anibitius beyond expression, ...


... . PASE1ON AND VARIEJTIES. EnoaSunday. e Q~ueen, e and Dnchess of Connaught. jgie IJ*Il!*1 ;3 i~ e sse wlrent out f4~~ in ~ ukeaud vcess of Con- naught took leave of the Queen on their departure f6r I India, and with the Princess Margaret and Prince Arthur | of Cozmaughtit left the. Castle. Princess Beatrice and Princess Irene of Hesse accompanied their Royal HIigh- Ofhonour of, thnd Battalion ...


... i FASHJOQ AND VYARUIIES. THE COURT. - Osborne, Tnesday. The Queen and her Royal Highness Princess Beatrice drove out yesterday afternoon, attended by the HoM Harriet Phipps. Priance and Prines Lois of Battenbe-g died i the Queen yesterday evemn g. Earl and Countess Granyille arrived at Osborne last night. The Crown Pftcess of Germany and Pricess Vlc, tozia breakfasted with her Majesty and ...


... TIIIL? I - - - - ?? ?? .. 2- AND ltOW '1o TDO IT-LX3NDON -, :A ';>NVOY:IEMIENT SOCIETY. , . ?? i, ?? Co, ! enluion. : : . - ?? -t t':e lawY ?? the hous- c-yon(l:niun of Londoners, with the : tlc elliugs of the poor. ?? 'tt!t zi ati-i'21y all irtention of -: ?? ?? :! is ?? for the in- - - : : .e iu a*r ?? in prousot- ; t Un o a xil London population :vr tsupiply, etc. The ob- : -: ?? -. oi. ;nb ...


... FASUIO NANIF AZIELTES. THE COURT. Claremont, Sqluinday. The Queen, -ith Princess Beatrice and suite, left Xrindlsor Castle on Saturday evening, shortly after seven o'clock, and drove by road to Claremont, -tere the Queen ,iil remaiu for the present wvith the Duchess of Atbany. ¶lTe Court will not therefore proceerd to osbuonle on IaTnIday morning. ACCOUCRtEMIENT OF THE DUCHESS OF ALBA1N Y. ...


... PMRRYION AYD FARIETIES. as THE COURT. -Widsor Castle, Monday. iT ire Queen yesterday afternoon gyvlb audiences to Earlt Granvilles K G, and Sir bIforicr, K C B, her Mlajesty s Mfinister at Aladrid. Hd Her Majesty went out this mnorning, accompanied by ?? Princess Louise Nlarchioness of torte and Princeos s- DesIce. Y Her Royal Hignuesq Princess Louise, attended by the Is Hon Harriet Phipps, ...


... 'FISHION AND VARI.TIE& : ir he The Marquis of Hamilton has left Kings- dts town for England. > The Hon D Plunket, M P, has left Rings- Lot town for England. Ts, The Hon Miss Westenra has left Kings- as town for England. as a G D Beresford, Esq, MIP, arrived at Kings- rn town yesterday from England. , The Ladies Howard and suite arrived at 6y, Kingstown yesterday from England. or M S Egan, Esq, ...


... TITEE GAIE TY THEATRE- CARMEN.I Least evening Carmen' was produced before a well filled house. The music-loving public have had reason to be grateful to Mr. Carl Rosa for his unparalleled exertions to bring English opera to the position it should occupy in these countries. No. I where has his enterprise met with a more willing welcome and encouragement than in Dublin, and amongst the ...


... 'ASllION 1AND VABIEBTIES. ; THE COuRT. Osborne, Tlaursdry. Tile Queen and Princess Beatrice drove oat yesterday rs afternoon, attended by the Dowager Narchioucese of Ely, Her Majesty went out with the prinpezs tbilo Ynorn- )finlg. IT VICICIIEGAL COURT. B 'leir Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant. 3E G. ant li41 'I Countess Spencer gave eL dinner, party last evenisig at the Le C(astle. to e'hicih ...


... F4AMION AYD AAMtIEZ. - THa COURT. Osborne. Mudaq. The Queen went egt tbis horaiag aened by Ld Southampon Her Roapt ighees Princes Beatce rode, attended -by the Hen Fderica hitaroy. Priace Lotte of Battenbet± hdq anitred at Osborne The Ron Mr.804 Wad the honour of diuing wvith her Mlaity and the Poyal family. .VisfltGAtL COlM Their Excelleflel the Lord tieutenant, , 0, and the Ceasteus Spetcer ...