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... -ASfHION AY-IJ VARIETIES. I ' - ?? THE COURT. Princess Beatri'ce. t ter Royal Highness afterwards wient to 1aio en at- tended b)y the Ron Ladly ?? and capti:l 11jantcr Campbell, groom-in-u ailig to her 'la;estc. l'rinee Aluert and the Princesses Victoria an.d Loulie oF SrtleM-lig Holstein visited the quecu to-r: e y an Ic- mained to luricheon. Earl and Contees SpTeucor harve left the Castle, ...


... LITER TURE. THE LION AND THE FROG,, a Complete Ainswer to John Bull s Neighbour in his True Light. By An Amphibious Reptile. Dublin: X4 E Gill and Son,' Upper Sackville-street. This is a very clever and a very biting brochure. I It is in all respects what it announces itself to be, a complete answer to the venomous publica- tion known as John Bull's 'Neighbour in his True Light. The ...


... FASHION AND YA RTiES. VICEREGAL COURT. Their Excellencies the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of Aberdeen, attended by Captain the Hon H Ormsby Gore, A D C, left the Viceregal Lodge for Lon- 4lon yesterday evening. Colonel A E Turner (Private Secretary)andCaaptain the Hon T'Ashburnhaxn, AD C, also attended their Excellencies as far as Kingatown. ADAME MARIE ROZE. London, Tuesday Night, Madame ...


... I INTERNATIONAL INVEN-. I TIONS.EXHIBITION. I ~ I SPEECH BY TIEE PRtINCE OF WALES. London, Monday. The International Inventicna Exhibition, South Kensington, was, formally opened this morning by the Prince of Walep, in the presence of a large and distinguished company. Amongst those who attended were- Mr Trevelv-a, 1r. Mundella, M P; Sir Charles Dilkee M P; Mr Osborne Morgan, M P; Morley, iA P ...


... THE COURT. Osborne. Thursday. The Queen drove out yesterday a ternoon, accoes. paied by their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Edin- burgh and Princess Beatrice. Her Majesty's dinner party included the Duchess of Edinburgb, Princess Beatrice, Lady Southampton, the Dowager Marchioness of Ely, the Hon Lady Biddulph. Lieutenant Colonel StockLwell, C B; and Captain the Elan R Drummond, Seaforth ...


... DEAR, DIRTY DTBLIN. i Last might, at a meeting of the Young Irelandu I Society. at their rooms, 41 York-street, a paper: entitled Dear, Dirty Dublin , was read by Mr. 'w Bardon. The chair was occupied by Mr. C. Ma Carthy Teeling. vice-president of the society.: The attendance was large. and included many ladies. There were presentl- Messrs W P Bai-don, P Hifetor, P T Havylen, ii, Dixon, ...


... FASHION AZD VAiIETIES THE COURT. Balmorm, Thnrsoys The Queen went ont yesterday morning with Prinn Beatrice and Princess Irene of Hesse, and her 3ates,7 drove in the afternoon with Prinncas Bearce a,, 'Se Duchess of Albany. Princess Irene of Hesse rode out, attended by 1iiss auer. The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh dined with itb Queen and Royal Family. Lord Carbery has left Kingstown for Eng. ...


... .Tl'E COLONIAL EXHIBITION. ISPEECH OF THE PRINCE OF WALES. (BY TELrGRtEa.) London, Monday Evening. The Royal Commiision, appointed by the Queen for the purpose of organising the Colonial and In- disn Exhibi tion, to be held at South Kensington next year, ruet for the first time to-dy ay Marl ':borough Rouse under the Presidency of the Prince of Wales. Among those present were the Duke of ...


... BAi4aoyI-I2A FARLEgTzE I - - - ,l h B - S THE QUEEN'S JOURNEY. r (Bz'ras sEE~a. f Cherbourg, Tuesday Night. 'he Royal yacht Victoria and Alberti with her Ma- jesty the Queen on board, escorted by tle Royal yachts Albert and Osborane, the Trinity yacht Galatea, and i the Admiralty steamer Enchantress, entered the mili- tary port tils,evening. 'I'Lere was no offical reception, I ns the public ...


... I ! I 4 The concert of sacred music given last evening by permission of the Lord Mayor and Lady 3Mayoress in the Round Room of the Mansion House in aid of the Charitable Educational Con- vent of Nuns, 18 and 19 Eccles-street, for the maintenance of higher education of respectable orphan girls left destitute, was in every way sue- cessful. No more imn-ortant object than the higher education ...


... FASHIONr AND VARIETIES. PRiNCESS CHRISTIAN. a London, Tuesday Night. Princess Christian takes daily drives, and her health is gradually improving. ter physical condition will not, however, permit of Her Royal Highness being present at the opening of Parliament. To-day the Prineess n paid a visit to the Dean of Windsor and Mrs Davidson. g Viscount Bangor ?? left Kingstown for a England. I Lord ...


... J~AG-ZESFJ AJu{ ,e- t o- iv;R. Mallo-ck'.s n s l )aaal t Order Changes.. The veador cannot help iden-) 8 tifyi~ -at lt oae o .c;haradk in this serial 'w itl a eading -Elish- Democrat and prominent .0 ?? khe ate- G~overnment. Of course the s. fppilos~a~a author dr a caricature and not a ithfulportiitur but the distorted represen- |tation -a modified reprodlucotion of A-what has appeared in ...