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... IORTH cIRN CHO. 1VEZD7ATEviA Y, .TL V III, 1SG6, T I IE TURINI ING O F ToST UE' T 1 N. I\ ?? It, ?? . I ' 1 . - ?? I I . I I I OUn 'Tory frieids Lav. hallooed bfoure they wvere out ot the Iroud. 'he juiialion last Nreelk over the l'diinati ol o r (a II'. STONE anld ?? accession of a strlonr Cdn.r- vative Govornmcnt came too) eriv to be w: E cise antd uot too lato to h c a waraiiig. Ju thave ...

PUBLIC Jubilee Demonstration. ORDER OF PROCESSION OF THE FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, 21ST JUNE, 1887. Amalgamated ..

... Temperance, Order Shepherds, Grand U.0.0.F., Amalgamated Society Boilermakers and Shipbuilders, Amalgamated Engineers, Manchester U. of O. F., Order Foresters, Free Gardeners, Druids, Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, Royal Order of Buffaloes. As it is desirable to make the Jubilee Demonstration a great sucecss, the Committee would be glad if the Cricket, Football, and Boating ...

LATE ADVERTISEMENTS. WINNING NUMBERS of DRAWING for B«nefit of the Widow and Family of t r~, lute R. M'lntyre aro

... : First prize, ; second third prize. 111_ BLIND MUSICIAN named Henry Carr, Y travelling from Newcastle London and lack days, will arrive and stay at the Hotel, Lynn-street, West Hartlepool, To-night. I^3 SALE, Six-roomed HOUSE, C, Hart- J* roa ...


... [Extracts raon ■ Lord Woiseley .* ioi vice by uunesiiatiu>j id to dimiaish their eu>, was bitterly disappointed » ; .. : Governmeat stayed his when that decision *rvt v; frankly and firmly too* ...


... SPEECH BY MR T. RICHARDSON, M.P. Id the Temperance Hall, Hartlepool, last Thos. Richardson, M.P. for the Hartlepools, appeared before his constituents for the first time since last general election. The hall was crowded, the audience including good number of ladies in the balcony. The meeting, may say, taking it from first to last, was a fairly* successful one, and the audience gave Mr ...

Cheap Advertising The fallowing CHEAP PKlil'AII) SCA E Applies , ATI Vaca»t i Wanted • . u [ Overlookers Wasted

... 9rvA'..a i Workmen 1 TO LH't I.TICLLS I-'.ST a;.jkc.-w ». d, lire? 0 Four 52 „ 10 Six „ 43 „ 16 S.M-jssby CONtract Mi.N'KV Wan*Ft) Wants Once days. wetAly extra. x. d. s. d. 8. d. .. 2 0 .. 6 2 .. 6 0 .. 1 0 0 .. 5 0 .. 1 w.«#ta belonging this cla«s not prepaid nitl cerj. Ki_. ':er liian tho r.itcd KATES, MAIUiI&GES, AND DEATHS *.« v. for e»';rj 8 vorils portion 3 VU .m Is. t d»arti ...


... I THE QUEEN'S JUBILEE IN I THE NORTH. We continue onr totes an the jubilee prepara- tionas in the North. HOWDIN-LE-WRAIl. It i8 intended ti give a tea to all the children attending the Boiaed schools, and also to all the aged and poor people in the place. 1 SIOIIA50N. At a public meeting held on Wednesday night in the National Schooles Old Shildon-the Rev. H. E. Loxley ?? R. A. Brown, chairman ...


... U^ST HARTLEPOOL P piVOBOE OABE. uII I._BLE REVELATIONS. to P re witb oar e * rlier .^^consolidated suits of Harrison r. „r ] * r flsmsau r. Harrison, Coverdale, L. i*»°' wft . proceeded with. S 1 ...


... THE AVAR IX THE BALKANS. BULGARIANS ON SERVIAN SOIL. more fighting. KING MILAN IN VIENNA. [central news telegram.] Budapest!!, Friday. A statement appears in the Pester Lloyd to the effect that King Milan has Itetn on a secret mission to Vienna. [HECTER'S TELEGRAM. 1 Sofia, Wednesday.* At half-past two this morning a second flag of truce from the Servians came to Tsaribrod to propose an ...