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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE HON. GRANTLEf BERKELEY. We have to record the death of the 1on, George Charles Grantley Fitzbardingo Berkeley, heir presrim,. b tive to the Earldom of Berkeley, who expired yesterday afternoon at his residence, Dnrsloy-villa, Longfleet, Doraetshlre. The deceased completed his 81at year about a fortnight ago, having been born on the 10th February, 1800, I Mr. Grantley Berkeley was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pixtbu, 1atwageo, Am4 Aentlsw4 Announcements of Births and M1arclmgeH Sro charged for as Advevtiseareuts, the charue being One Shilling fur Two tixes, aned Sixpen~ce tn eachb additionail linle. lds twocout in every can niusL be prepaid at Otre ohice, or raruitted In Postage Stamps. For singple arnrouncenielth of Deaths no charge is artle, ?? annoulneemlents containing anything additional ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DITRTE16hI1G DEATH IN REDOLIFF. LI Yesterday afternoon the city coronor, Mr. LT. B. lol Wasbeounb opened an inquiry at the Ostrich tavern, Lower Guinea street, Rtedeliff, on the body of a widow 112 named Ellen Atkins, aged 41 years, who died a few dayn 'I ego under moet dfetreeulog circumstances, IT The Coroner, addressing the jury, alid that the ftie deceaed wao exceedingly uner bar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths ore %to god te Olt the rate of Sixteen Words for One Shilling, and Slipeaci for every subsequent Fight Worda, BOITHS. NnoOHEs.-Deeember 3, at BFmcry, county Yors, OWtWII5, Canada, the wife of S. T brookes, of a daughter. WICHIIAM -December lb, it Elcombe Farm, Uley, Xmilr Wicbelnm, of a son MABRSIACE. TII!OIMAS-BESSELT. -December 16, at Trosenaut Chapel ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O OBITUARY FOR 1883. |. The only reigning prince of a soverign house in Europe who died during the year was the Grand Duke of Mlecklenburg Schwerin; but Queen Ranavola, of Mada- gasecar, in Africa, and the Emperor Tu-Dna of Annaml and Lie successor have died in Africa and in Asia.. The deaths of the Comte do Cbamnbord, the elder of the two ?? of Farms, Prince Charles of Hohenrollorne (a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcements of Bfli the and Marrlages are charged for ae Advertieemfnt5, the charge being One shilling for Two Lines, and Bfxpence for eacbh ?? Une. The amouw in every case must be prepald at the oibce, or remitted It Postage Stamps. For pimple annountcements of Deaths no charge is made, but announcements containing anything additional mat be paid for at the rate of Sixpence per line. All ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? - ?DRATIR?.OF..-SIR;T?:?ERR-KI-NEi MAY. I ? , ' ' - 1. ?? ` S I-fPae Mayth7 lath Olerki o the - H~ouse ~f. Co mans wh ^ioyfew. Yq ago was raised to - the peergeiby the title of Baron gh on resigning office, died at his residence at the rond '6 Commons at a quarter after, eleven last night. RIe -retired from offlce on the 15th of April, and- on the 16th he received the thanks of the House ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WEDDING AT REDOLIFF CHURCH. e The wedding of Mr Sydney W. Edwards, youngest a eon of Mr G. W. Edwards, Stoke Bishop, and Miss Agnes Watson Williams, second daughter of Dr Eubulus Williams, Clifton, took place yesterday at St, Mary Reddliff Church, Bristol. The officiating clergy. t men were the Rev Patrick Watson (uncle of the bride) and the Rev a. E. Cornish, vicar of St. Mary Redeliff, The ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -- W- ?? - 1 - ?? A I.,. E I-O X NSCOM Ej D.- I I - Yesterday, the pioturesque village of Winsloombe was the senoe of considerablo feativity and eioitement, the occasion being the marriage of Mr Hugh Samuel a Tyssen, eldest son of Captain Tyssen, R.N., of Hyls. Ie brokA,.Laqford,,and KiWi Emily. Yatman,,souind n danghb'er oib1tha 'Rev Johi --A. Ytumaf'nb Tha 41111, 8 Wintcombe. The hlappy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WVEDDING AT TEMPLE CHURCH. TLe marriage of Mr Arthur Edward Farrow, of London, and Mary, eldest daughter of Mr H, T. ie llker, head master of Temple Coleton Schools, was solemnised at Temple Church, in this city, on Vcdnesday, The officiating clergy were the Rev Jeon Morgan, rector of DLanilid and Llanharan, uncle of the bride, and the Rev W, Hazledine, vicar of Temple, The ?? Winifred Walker ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ZOLA ON MARRIAGE. In connection with the correspondence at present going on in the columns of the Daily Teltcyraph under the heading Is Marriage a Failure? the Paris correspondent of that paper had an interview with M. Emile Zola, in order to elicit his views on the subject, The following account is given of the personal appearance of the great apostle of naturalism: - Di. Zola has been ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I THE ~,LATE E MPEROR. E f ERVICE AT -BRISTOL .SYN4GOGiE. at Ypeor Frtetik wa hel at the 1ws' Synmogue, f , '1'ark rowwhere, at 'the Feast of Dedication, last of DecembeĀ±, the Mayor ?? andother civi visitors 11 joined in interbesslon -foi' thel reeovery-6f the' thean' CrowuFr*ipca, to whose. charaot~vafee~i~g .tkibuto 'bt wa -adby tlhe samo preabr. Among te b 'coigregatida ?? wire thi ...