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Exeter Flying Post



Exeter, Devon, England

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Exeter Flying Post

Advertisements & Notices

... THE WEbiLLY EDITION OF THIS JOURNAL ise' THE LARGEST HALFPENNY PAPER IN E1 NG(ILAND. THE EVENING POST, Price2 One Halfpenny. O2FFICaS 2 ,a 2,LITTLE QUEEN STREET, EXETER The present lrrge and steadily inoreasing oiroulation_ the EVENNo PosT offers a valuable opportunity for classes of Advertisers to lay their wars and pro- cosltis beforn the Public. The Evening Poet is publiehedevery ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ADVRETISERS. C1ALE OF CHARGES FOR c ADVBEtTISING PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS' AND GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS J IN THE :E!3Z TER FYI:N'G CPOST- '2Lines . is. nd.) 3 Lines I's. Gd. per insertion. 4 Lines . . 2s. Od. With reduction for repetition. PRGE-PAID ADVERTISEMENTS. SiTVATIONS WANTEI). APAwrTMENTS WANTED. SITUATION5 VACANT. ArAIRTMBNTS To LET. l 2 Lines, once 8d. three times, 1s. 6d. six times ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M '5N iOCbAL PjbjTTY AND TRE INFIR- I MITIES OF MAN. Addressed speciasly to young men Ivwith advico on Health, and containing Recipes that vwill restore the nervous and debilitated to the fuil power of Mpnhood. Fsee for the benefit of all whg des*ie.% eafe add sp~edy oure without the aid of Quacksgl Sendote staonp to prepay .poktge. Address Secretay Ifstitute of Anatomy, Birmingham. I A RILD E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P i E PA I D ADVERTISEMENTS Qi? 'T5lt. YOLLQ'VING CLASSESB - S ruAlTION.7 WYANiTBID. sr, A; a.TS. APARTMENrS. 'tu 1,sT. FOi SALE, &. hi.Y rpeIT N r T11lt EVENING POoT at ns -,i Mriio-tiened ris:- is.rviv 3 times 6 times. I2. l. is. 6 - .. 1.. ,a ,d. Is. 3d. .ttt1 . sweords 3d., 6d., 5d. S .H('CraL--i~l'I:5.V gN'Y V 'DSI 1'.I SEVEN i'A1'KRL FOR TWO SHILLINGS Tairty wost,, '2sr. Forty worde, 39 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PREP AIED ADVE RTIS6 - M E NTS O eT ttl. I'O. tNG CLT .SSS S:- SITUATI(NS WAN'olCF., SRRVANTS, APARtTDWlE'7TS, To LElT, FO. SAIE, &o .43rR iX~0'itTlit' IN Thul EVENING POST ut the unor'17entiore1 rtes: - CuOe S ?? 6 irass. 120 9d. 1s:6d. 2a. 3a. 40 ~ ~~ ?? Is. 3.2.6.le d 60 ' . i s. Cd. s. 4R. Gd. lotr every &dditionaIfivc ?? Gd., 9d. EVE N IoNJG POST SIX DAYS. ?? Tppi,' -i to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENUINE SALE. ALTERATION OF PREMISES. C. E. BAKER, 145, FORE STREET, B RING about to make exteneive alterations in order B to make room and avoid the epiliug of Goods by ldast. &o., during the progress of .he work, wvill, for FOURTF EN DAYS ONLY. offor for Sale for Cash oalj THE WHOLE OF hIS EXTENSIVE STOCK at prices that shall command a clearance. GREAT REDUCTIONS on Carpels. GRRAT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON AND EXETER D HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, PARIS STREET, EXETER. The Sales for the Year 1881 will be held on the following FRIDAYS 7th January 8th July r 218t ,, 22nd t I 4th February 511h August 18th ,, 19th , 4th Mat ch 2nd September F 18th , 16tt , lst Aptil 39th , 14th ,, 14th October t 29th ,, 28th ,, D 13th May 1tth November t 27th ,, 25h ,, 10th Jitne 9th Deeamber 24th , 23rd ,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fEVON AND EXETER ! -L HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, ale t b PARIS STREET, EXETER. The Sales for the Year 1881 will be held on the following I FRIDAYS e 7th January 8th July PA 21st ., 22nd ,, 4th February 5th August 18th ,I 19th , 4th March 2ud September 18th 16th ,, ou Ist April ' 30th ,, bet 1.3th 14th October ant 29th f,, 2Sth o ant 13th May I1th November 2701 ,, 1 2:th , ant 10th Jun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D EVON AND EXETER D HORSE AND CARRIAGH ! REPOSITORY, it & PARIS STREET, EXETER. 'The S il-s for the Year 18S1 will be held on the following rt FRIDAYS _ 1th January 8th July 21st ,, 22nd 4th February 5-h August of 18th ,, 19th ,, D 4sh March 2nd September W 18th ,, 16th ,, S 14 Apt it 301h G 14th ,, 14th October T 29th ,, 28th , I3h Ma-y 11th November 10ib Juno 9th Deoomber 24h ,, 9 23rd , W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EVON AND EXETER ,jHORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, s o: i PARIS STREET, EXETER. The Sales for the Year 1881 will be hold on the following |. FRIDAYS 7th January 8th Julv 21st ,, 22nd 4th February 5th August 18th ,, 19th ,, 4th March 2nd September SC 18th ,, 16th ,,W lst April 30th 14th ,, 14th October 95 29th ,, 28th ,, 13th May 11th November 27th ,, 25th ,, 10th June 9th December 24th , 23rd , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EXETER SHARE LIST, JULY 11, 1882. Amt. IDividend pe RALWYt IA 2nd Present Shae .,I J~a ~ ea' year Price. Share -- - 1881 1881 - Stoc. Caedonan S 41t104 -Great atrnnl 3+ 2 ?? Great Norten4. 125 7 ..Great Western 4 7jI1384 Lacsire and Yorkshire 4 131j 2 LondInBrighten, and S. CA S S 1314 6 nd Deferred 6~feryar'1 128 L andon North Western. 0~8 170' x *London and Sooth Western 4.. 7 1361 -, . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEVON AND EXETER HORSE AND CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Bal& - PARIS STREET, EXETER. SALES BY AUCIION EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY. T E NEXr 8A LE will be hold on FRIDAY, ThIe 17h FEBRULARYC, 1882, commencing at Twelve O'Clock SEnres arc reopeetfully Policited nut lose than three days prior to etch ,0S0 f-r esaulontuing. T PEDilUi( ssid B3RICE, PRsOPRIETORSe. 12iNTIR E HO)RSEh to be SOLD or LET for LA ...