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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3Bivtb0, Iltartrage0, ant 319eat40 Births, Marriages, and Deaths rae charged at the following rates:- Two LIrxEs, or 1S WosDs, ls. 6d. And fd. for every additional nine words. ANnomNocaRENTs PAID FON IN THrs COLUtMN Wga BE PIE' PSATISD IN THE MAcEESTEa ExAmrNEE AND TirEs WITHOUT EITHA CHARGE. BIRTHS. IGRVIXY.-Ou the 3rd inst., at35, Lansdowne Road, Dids- bury, the wife of Charles.-Buxton ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BA0~j, nu7deo aim 33ato. Births Mrrag , srd maths age charged at thi fOliowiVD Two L}s, or 18 Wains, Is Wd. And Wd. for every addition nine words. ANoMC PZ W FOa z Ms 0n coca wie BB ?? W enl M ANna Eta2aS AIM TZis WINOOT ZM& BIRTHIS. Di AlA Salnte Day, the wife of the Rev. 3. G. Denison, of a daughter. Fot-NoVember 7, at 30, Demesne Road, the wife of Charles . Foxa, of a SOn. SxVEsRS.0n the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. THOMAS AGNEW. We regret to annonce the death of Mr. 'hos. Agnew, of Fair Hope, Eccles, nnd a member of the well-known fir. of Thomas Agnew and Sons, of Manchester, Liver- P.Oslund London. 2Mr. Agnew was the secon 9son of the Wbte Mr. Thomas Agnew (who was Mayor of Salford in 1850-51), the brother of 'Ir. W. Agnewvv M.P., and. the grandson of Mr. William Lockett, the first niuyor ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * - 95b3fSr , fairdagtg, rnbd j3Catbff. BIRTHS. ANIrusox.-On the 26th nlt., at St. Mark's Vicsrage, Dun. ham- Massey, the wife of the Rev. A. Anderson_ of a son (stillborn); KEAsarL-OHn the ].4th nlt., at Boston, Iafss., ?? thN *wife of.Gilbert Rosiel EKeerley, of a son. LaesltsaT.-OR the 31st ult., at Claremont, Chorlton-cum. Hardy, the wife at James J. Lasahert, solicitor, of a son. Moai~nx. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 33ftz, jrlatiag0e, anb Peatb0. BIRTHS. HAnrT.-Oll the 20th inst., at West Bauk, Rochdale, the wife of J. R. Hartley, solioitsr, of a sonl. Hrsxsr.-On ?? 13th inst., at 289, flecks New Rond, Weonto, the wife of William Henry Hesketh, of a daughter (prematurely). a WnrrTITAXE.-On th3 18th inst., the 'Wife of Couucilior John Whittaker, of Arclwick, of a son,. MIARRIAGES. B.,senow-NnLeD.-On the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3frtfj: , fla3rnagt, agnb 3t0. - - BI:RTHfS.! ' - . ; BrtNifAU.-i-O the 7th 'irust. a Ailahabnd, N. WV P. India, ' the jvife of the Rev. *W. R. N. Brennana hap] ; of a daughter. On ; l p i - of: FAnsaline.-O1n the i4th inst;, at Chelford, the wife of ' Cridland W. Farbrildge: of a daughter. LriiaS.-On the 8th inst., at Cleville, Albert Park, Didsbury, the wife of Arthur Lings' of a son. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... | ixtbz, fiarriagez, anb Ucatbz. BIRTH. EcanARD-On the 16bh inst., at Sheen BaakFallowfeld, Mrs. Gustav Sckhsrd, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. ADAMs-CuPragY.-On the 20th inst., at St. Johln's, Altrincham, by the Rev. F. Wainmvright, M.A., William Salkeld, younger son of Henry Adams, of Folkestone (formerly of Bovaoll), to Alice, second daughter of the late Alexander Don Cuffley, of Bowdon. BrRcnAu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . firtb, ffarnagcz, anb 3eatbz. BIRTHS. BrLL.-On the 9th ist., 'a Beatnfort Hou3e, Lord-street, Sonthport, the wife of C. P. Bell, of a daughter. COLLINS-On the 12th inst., at 41, Great. Clowes.street, * Broughton, the wife of Thomas F, Collins, of a son. CRAsBTRE.-On the 14th inst., at Shaw Brook Villa, Burnage, the wife of W. H. Crabtree, of a daughter. FRAsa.-On the 13th inst., at Snmmer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B3IRTHS. PiNmisn. -On the 8th inut.F at Beeeh Cottage, Ashton.o-. j -Mersey, the wife of Ernest Findeisen, of a hon (itilborn). MAODOITALD.-DMay l0th, at Alder Bank, Bowdo, -the wife of Charles Macdonald, of L daughter. * Svw~sao~r.-On the 0th inst., the wife of Phitip sw.nLwick, of Wilmislow, of a son, who survived his birth two hours only. ' W.Lzclxs.-Sunday, Nay 8, at_63, Derby.street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... : irb;,- fi arxiaggof, aub 3D 4tb. BIRTHS.: y~o~ltO55.o8 tbe 7th Oct.,'at Bathu'lt ?? 'Austrii lia' hbe wifeOf'th-eltei. JL~mes ?? Mddletion, 0f wdanthter: Oon Inst, t8, Grove Erd Rosd, St. Joh0ns . Wood; ,Ibndo 3. CraemeOgfvie, of DI eson. - - .A-2R-ETA GES. Csw-Hniriu85. :-the-23rd-inst. at the Parish C.hurch, . Hdifex, bv the'IRjv. ?? Elgou, D.D;, vicar, assisted by the 'Bev R. Plbmer ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 35frtb~, ~ anib MDatto, T * ?? Births, Marriages, hnd Deaths are, charged at the following Tf rates l-- T1 TWO Liaze, or lB WORDS, 1. fld. T1 And 63. for every additional nine words. T1 Auxsou~lEmEcNTS PAID yost IN Tnis cOLUMN WILL 3SEN TI! YEATED IN TITO MVdIOSTEM EX&IINAII M(D TimEs T1 WITHOUT HXTRk CHAI5aE. .T TI TI LUND'.-Ou th 19th. Inst.. at Elietntre Terrace, Edgp Lane, T Stretford, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AbsIzanr-On the 6th ?? Sundial Bank, Demesne Road, Whalley Range, the Wife of Benlamfin Adshead,- of a soil. E~rW5LE.u Jaduar 3d, at ZetlandA-street. Hnddersileld,' t~hestivvfeof Themes Elutwisle, esq., of, a daui~ghter. MARRIAGES. .JUN5WORT5AUCI5AD5.'rOD thle 30th nut., It St. Margaret'sI *Church, Whalley Range, by the Rev. J.. W. PFarkius'on,.' M.A., Frederick.John IA~inswol'th. Of Blackpool ...