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... THEATRE ROYAL-, -THE GOLDEN LADDER. Win question very much if better work thin that which appears in The Golden Ladder? has ever been associated with a melodrama. The piece, which was performed at the Theatre last evening by a highly efficient company, bears every token of having been moulded under T. the skilful hands of Mr. Wilson Barrett, a manager TO whose judgment has never been found ...


... ULSTER HA.LL PROMENXADE CONCERTS. TnaE second of the series of promenade concerts. which was given last eveninv in the Ulster flail, was one of the most enjoyable that has been held this sea on.The hall was tastefully illuminated under the direction of Mr. Motherell, the area bieing nicely carpeted, and decorated with hand- somoe greenhouse and other plants. The vestibule, whieh waq fitted tup ...


... FASHIONABLE DRESS I NOVELTIES IN AUTUMN AND WINTE2 FABRICS. FROM THE LADY'S PICTORIAL. LADIE.s who are still debating as to the choice of materials for their autumn gowns should certainly lose no time in writing for patterns of novel dress fabrics to Henry Pease & Co.'s Successors, the Mills, Darlington. They will receive by return of post a neatly-packed box of most tempting patterns, and ...


... COOKSTOWiN SHOW. THE eighth annual show in connection with the Cookstown Horticultural and Agricultural Society took place yesterday, and was attended by a very considerable amount of success. The weather, which has been the principal factor in the non- success of outdoor exhibitions during the last few days, was threatening in the morning, and a little rain fell, but in the afternoon the ...


... BAB3RIDtGE CATTLE SHOW. I: L I: I TErE annual show and horse-jumping cont6st in G connection with the Banbridge Farming Society 1 took place yesterday in the mnarket-place, Ban- bridge, and proved an unequivocal success in every A sense of the term. The weather, which is so im- portant a factor in the success of any exhibirion of the kinc, waseverything thatcoild have beendesired, s with the ...


... PAIRS, LoNDoNDEanY.-There was remarkable brisk- ness in this monthly fair yesterday. The supply was about an average in all departments, but the demand was unusually brisk, and young stock and springing cattle were bought up very rapidly at increased prices. Indeed, so keen was the compe- titioan thab by midday the pick of the stock wvore all bought up. Beef, of first quality, was the only ...


... FASHION ABLE EVEN'fG DRESS. A LADY correspondent of the dSis; cr-d wries:- This is essentially a ribbon season, ribbion trini- Mings being largely employed, especially for ball dresses. Dozens of vards are used for one gownt arranlged either in trails or loops. bows or Qots. cascades or rosettes; while in many instances the v.hole skirt is made of ribbon sewn in lines on a lace or net ...


... Tan second annual amateur concert was given yesterday evening in the lecture-hall in con- noction with. Fortwiitam Park Presbyterian f Church, and wvas 'very successful. The a large hall, which was decorated for the occasion by Messrs. George Morrow & Sons, North Queen Street, was crowded. The first part of the programme opened with the overture, IDn Calif de Bagdad (Boildicu), by the ...


... PORTI'RAITS. PAitNeTC,1 decIlare' that the) gral ineaat.-riptie of the agoc, so far: its th i uhce'wt t is miania for portraits. TheL duleurlrd for piictulres at another class becomes duller anid duller, ?? their bank accounts would fail to zero if every. one did not Buffer from anl epidemic impulv. to have his likeness taken. Titus the equilibrium, of things is restored, more or less, and all ...


... * CAPTAIN BAYLEY'S iHEaR: A tale of the goldfields of California, by G1. A. Henty, with twelVedfill. page illustrations by H. M1. Paret. Lcndon: Blackie & Son, Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Dnbliu. Mnsans. BLAcrnE & SON have for several years past occupied a position unapproachable by any other house as publishers of books for young people. Indeed, it is not too much to say that to the intelligent ...


... TE1E VICEREGAL DRAWING. RooMr. [sPEPSAL TriEerAITr.1 [FRO51 ?? SCIEAL IIEPORTE.R.] DUBLIN, WVEDNESDAY NPIuR.-TIheir Excellen- icies the Lord Lieutenant, K.G., and Countess ?? held their tirst Drawing-room for the aeason last evening. Their Excellencies entered ithe Throne Room shortly after half-past nine 'o'elock, accompanied by the Marquis of Headfort, ithe Marchioness of Headfort, and the ...


... A vnay successful musical reunion was hel3 Iast evening, in the Schoolhouse attached to St. Mary's Church, Crumlin Road, in aid of the Sunday. school fund. The capacious buillinga was sell filled, and the audience was apprecirtive xvitleut being indulgent. The items comprised in tle pro. gramme were nicely selectel, and the nnrateurs to whom they were entrusted are posse',ei 0o considerable ...