... THE CITrY OF DREADFUL NIGHT. and other Poems. By JALEs Tisoalsox. [London: Beeves and Turner.] u The longest poem of this volume, and the one which gives a a title to it, is an allegory of very doubtful mean- t ing. We do not pretend to have penetrated the meaning, A for though of remarkable power, and containing very i forcible passages, it is not pleasing enough to induce pro- i longed study ...


... RCAR ROSAT OPER.A COMPANY. |The auiencA was mucci larger last night, when. Biznt's popular Carmen was represcnted, the cast being a good one, as the folloxing nalues testify-rrecn Mliss Georgiia hiurns, Dol Jose, Mr. Henry Nordblom Bca- airo, 3Mr. Ludwig; Besacndado, Mr. Charles Lvall Dais- cairv, Mr. Sna-elle; 7a., Mr. J. HI. tilliard; .1roralc Mr. Oharles Stewart ; Prorccca, Mice GiObil ...


... THEATRE ROYAL, *MADAME'MODJESICA AS 'fROutFROU. The famous Parisian drama, by MM Moilheo and H1alfvy. which has so long been popular in England as well as France, afforded Madamsa Modjeska last night d fine opportunity for the display of her varied artistic powers. Her deep tragic intensities, tender pathos, winning grace, and wondrons realism 1save been shown in her previous performances, ...


... -: ?? l - ?? -rnn .-t r 1rna -n-ndzi Major Burnaby, tbough generally wrong, has occasional lapses into reason. In one of these he said, about a year and a half ago, that it was owing to lfr. Gladstone that we were not at war with Russia. It was in the same pious speech in which he wished to God that we were at war with Rusgia, and his exact words were, Unfor- tumately it was impossible to ...


... HISTORICAL SKTCHES OF; LOCAL CZUTCHSOJ ST. GERMA?S? St. German's is the parish church of a newly- formed district carved out of the Large and rap~idly-growing parish of Boath. It owves its existence in a great measure to the energy end rerseverance of Bishop Sm~ytbies, who succeeded Father Fuller as vicar of Ecath when that devoted priest entered the commun~ity of St. John the Evangelist at ...


... The Cardiff Town-hail has been put to I many uses in its time, but never before do we remember its being turned into a three- penny show. All is fair in Separatist politics, ' it would seem, even to the glorification of Mr. GLADnToNor%'s badly made coat, and so we find it considered decent, not only ri to make public exhibition of the p plunder gathered by the leader of the b English ...


... REVIEW\V L ?? d A Tarp- ROUND MEg WVoatn- By W. I .Caine, M.P. London: GCc-rge IRootledge I- and S ons, Broadway. Lu dgate-hill. 1. Our ContLinenial neighbours are, ?? or diwrongly, uinder tlia inipresszion that all 'IEnglishmen, by reason of their insular !r Isituation, musti be prejudiced. Now, if ?? ars thus generally considered, Iwe fear Mr. Caine must; be particularly set down as ...


... L LORD TREDEGAR'S SHUW AT a NEWPORT. e _ these ?? 'riends THE OPENING DAY. Since :h nay LISf OF PRIZES. of my in more than usasally cold and wet weather, on 3wor'n, Tuesday Lord Tredegar's show, whirls 69 years 31mean3- ago started from eruch small beg-innings and has ?? unthoug~ht-of proportions, opened 'ir I bean the Cattle Market, Newport, Tlhat the exhibition ibbets' in point of niumber ...


... El VIEW \S. Cr Ouwx CorrT..-Measrs . Caseeli Peiter an- t Is t Galjin ?? liu -u: irsued tie ifth corirplte volunreof fi , hiq lt.ndeuthe woi-k, iui wlich we trid a section j: i f snle sixteen pagts devoted to Cardiff and le | 'n~lt.Very ge-odi sillostradons are given ot-e P r- Oi olitishops gateway at LiSirdaff, Cardiff Castle f'-omn the rsver-of which there is too ?? river Ii roisd too liule ...


... THE TIVYSIDE AGRICULTURAL SHIOW. 61 DINNERI AT NEWCASTLE-EMLYN. After thle Agricultural Show in connection with Wi ?? the Tilryside Agricultural Society, held at New- ?? 'he ?? on Fridey, the u,,iuai dinner was held [teat at thle Eia~lyi Arms Hotel. The president, Mr. W. Tb na 0. Briastoolte tPark-y-gors), occupied the chair.,= a MTebr President gave the toast of ,The W. I ?? the Counties of ...


... THE NEW PANTMUNLIE AT THE CARDIFF THEATRE. e lio had tast niglit the pleasure of being present br att in undress rehearsal of the pantamlbrir which bt is to run during the present ChriStMas season at or the Theatre ltoval, Cardiff. It is entitled, sa 'K .nabad; or, the Roc, the Wreck, the Reckless tn Sailor, and the Hlarlequin Old Mian of the Sea, and it may be recognised fromt its not ...


... LITERITURE. HI'NTS oN ADvocAcy.-ThO title of this work, which has been recently published by Messrs. Waterlow Bros. and Layton, the enterprising law stationers of Birobin lane, is sufficient in itself to obtain for it an extenaive reading. We doubt not a that the book will be eagerly conned by the multi- i tudinous bevy ot young men whom the badness of trade and agriculture-or the difficulty ...