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... The incumbent of St. Margaret's Church, Prince's-road (the Rev. J. Bell-Cox) has issued the follo'wing address to his ?? Lenten season, which ia now so close at hand, will again find us in the midst of a peculiar trouble and anxiety. True, we may not at any time expect or hope to be perfectly free from trouble or anxiety of sene kind, but, as a peace- ful antd united congregion, we might ...


... ICOUNTY MAGISTRIATES' COURT SATMAY, OCTOBER 2Z3 BEFORE IESS'SRS . s. FiREsa ANDJ. BLNGEEAM TEaE SUPPORT Op A DTTORCED WOlAlt.-A CuLuous .CASS.-Two young men, named Thornas ad Valentine Constable, were summoned to show cause why they shonld not slpport Mar Constable, their omother. wba had becomne chargeable to the W~est Derby Guardiant. 1I r. A Clearer, who appeared in support of the inior. ...


... THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. BnoBe MEL C. ASPENALL., ORONE OF L0' EUOOT. 1 On the body of a man unknown, whose bodcr was found floating in the West atskiswa Dock on Monday last by some workmen. A hat and coat were found Iying on the quay outside the shed, and the body was minus these articles. The only property found qn the dead man were seven pa~wratickets, and these wvere alt for joiners' tools, ...


... . mCORNER'S INQUESTS. WVEDNIMSDAY, M.ARCH 10. BREPOSZ NIL crIK St ALLE ClROt 0XSPOL.o On the body of John Johnson. twelve months old, the chad of a young woman 1? or 13 years of * age, who zs at present an inmate of the Brownlow- bill Workhonse. Dr. John M-Irlunay, thw medica. officer of the institntion, -aid trat the child and its mother were ad intted to the wor-:. house on the 18th ultimo, ...


... I '-OROSTER'SMQUESTS, FRDAxy jFiYARY 14. WOSTIL CIs=3 MAt1; CORNE OFt ? On the body of May Alice M - wouh Old $be davgter of Bdward MWOavial a Carter, WLO ides sat 3 ou inl coart Cool s 1r-tret On Thurdavmrn8? ng the cild va fouad dead in bed. and according to the evidenos of Mr. Robert W10amsN a surgeon, death w due I to *ocatli The child was in & weakly coadi- tion bethought n tionaly so ...


... CORONERS' INQUESTS. I B1Z.POCE Mn.ocLArI5. .ASLrXLI, COROas.i 01? LIVEMPOG TuESDAY, JULY 5. On the bodv of George Newton Gallagher, eight years of ege, the son of a labourer living in Upper Frederickastrset. On Saturday afternoon the de- ceased was passing in frout of a waggon, enterinZ the London and North-western Raldway Con-1 pany's goods station at WVapping, when be war knocked down by the ...


... seds WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1. ors BEFORE MRB RAsFL&S. ,1ly A CAPT&TN FlmRIr-Captain Cownder, of tihe s ose Victoria, now lying ii the Albert Dvck, was ?? ry at the instance of thi -Mersey Docks and Hurbha t Board, for having, on the 29th ilt., bronght into dxl b- a, arger quantity of gunpowder thanallowed by the. On theressel entering the Salthonse Dock. police-cm, stable2f the river police ...


... LOCAL LAW C(ESll ?? I THE PECE OF CHRISTM3AS TURXEYS IN LIVERPOOL. In ?? Bench. Ditision of the High Court of Justice, yesterday, before Mr. Jtstice ...


... ITHE DUBLIN CONSPIRACY TRIALS I EXAMINATION OF GENERAL BULLER AND SIR . HICKS-BEACH. Prom an early horu yesterday it as evident that the in public interest with regard to the proceedings in the o0nspiracyr prosections. As early em ten o'clock there were numerous applicants for tdmis- i OU to te Police Cburt, and an hour afterwards the Place was well fiUled. The assembly yesterday | consisted ...


... LIVERPOOL POLICE COUPT. THL-RSDAY, DECEMBER 18, BEFRE IME RA.yptns. CHARGE OF ASSAUTINrtG A. SuIRaIFrS' OM~rncg-a respectably-attired man, named James Hanmer, wai charged aith having assauled John J. Jackson. M!% Lewis. Who appeae fr the prosecution, eltated thal; oth1thistain an exection waS put into a pt-hi-c houe i Cous-tret, l hich the prisoner was the manager. The prosecutor was placed in ...


... MARINE INSUMANCE ACTION. WILLIAMS -V. TRa BaiTISH MUTUAL xsuaazU AsSOCUaTION LDlTRED,-The defendants in this actlbin-whichi was before the Court of A pI eaterd appaled from ?? ?? 3wsticeg Wls and Mr. Justice Grsntham, directing entry of jud~gment for the plaintiff on a special case stated by Mr. BDighai, QaO., for the opinion of the Court of Q~ueensa Bench. The plaintiff in the action is Mr. ...


... BIRKENILEAD COUNTY MAGIS- TRAMES' COURT. THURSDAY, MAY 3. 0e BSFGR MESS a. STITr, T. RI ELL LEE, 9 El- S. EODOWfl, AND a.L E ARS . -SS ie &N UNLICENSED DO.-Peniberton Swift, fanner es and hatcher, Childer Thornton, was summoned by the Inland Revenue anthozities for keeping a dog without 30 a ?? defence was that the defendant was 5 entitled to an exemption as a farmer with 60 acres of ,k ?? ...