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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !an NIARLAGES. bab] ier On the 24th August, et the Church of Folla-Rule, Rotisie. sidei Norman, Aberdeenshire, by the Rev. A. C, Gordon, rector of the )n- Dodleeton, brother of the bridexroomn, assisted by the Rev. men, A. Leslie, incumbent, RICHARD GOODALL GORDoc, Canter- ful bury, youngest soin of the late Captasin IL C. Hamiilton Gor. at ai don,95th Regiment, to lakBFTLA younger daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF OLDEST ORKNEY PROPRIETOR. There has just passed away, at the ripe age of eighty-nine, Mr James Johnston of Conbister, who died - morning at his residence, Orphir e House, Orkney, after a short but severeillness of elght t days. and who was probably the oldest landed pns i prietor in the islands. Born in March, I thii he spent a short time as midshipman ia h the gunboat commanded by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IRI~TII. At 12 Albnert Terrace, Aberdeen, on the 29th t1lt., Mrs JAnIMR Wravsix:t, of a daughter'. Onl 2ird inst., Mrs Mnnr,ri, Miine of Esleiftnort, of a son. MARtRIAGE. At Camalsnue, Auebterlesa, on the 70oth tilt., bty thle Rev, 1 John Scott, F.C., ,~ANREWfwaSonesa former, to LininR,a eldest dalughter of the late Jeam~5, Sidinpsen, merchant, Turriff. r DE~ATHS. At, the Royal Infirmary, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE PROVOST SMITH, WOODSIDE. Very sincere regret will be felt not only in' Wood. side but over a wider area at the announcement, of the sudden and unexpected demise of Mr David Smith, ChiefMagiatrate of the burgb,wbo diedyesterdaymorn. ing at two o'clock at his residence, Lilybank Cot- tage. Provost Smith had not been inI very robust health for some time past. During last winter, he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE aMg JOSEPH MAAS,. The Tih-azesi, in spea'kfing of the late Mvfr ffosepb' IMans, says :-His loss will be deplored by a larger circle of personal and professional friends, to sayl nothing of the public in general. . Even among thel n7members of an art which is proverbial for its oharity{, M SYr Maas was known_ as exceptionally kind and hel Ifnl Eis services were often gilem gratuitously ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At 24 North Broadford, on the ilth ist., the wife of W11AAAM KLNG, Of a daUghter. tewfo At 21 Brighton Place, Aberdeen, on the 32th inst., the wife Of GHOROR HAY', Comuserciait .raveller, of a son.- At 35Commerce 3treet, Aberdeen, On tbe 11th inst., the W ie of JAMES Gaurr, of a son. ATARRTAGV. At Banff, on the 12th instant, by the Rev. A. B. Rogerson, IP.OubBandf, WrrILLIA PORTER, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR BERESFORD-HOPE. The death took place, after a lingering illness, yesterday of the Right Ron. Alexander JamesBeres. ford Beresford-Hope. M.P. for Cambridge University. Deceased was born in 1820, and was thus in his 67th year. His death removes from the Conservative party one of the most cnltured men in its rmuks. His father was Mr Tbomas Hope, a descendant of a family of rich ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'At' S C'rohti'acei-Aber'deen, on-the 7t insti NMrs AisX, PULLERTON1,0ofa dao'g-ter. ~At'Llzzie oottageulawditene Jkse Wodsde..oii the'5th, the wife of jAS, DIHENDKRHON, Of aeSOn A'essimnsas'H:ail. So George Street, 'A~berdeen, on, the 4-th Y zinst, hb the 16eV. Ur Brown,~E.Q. Church, Jesse HILL, baker.' ' 183 North Bioadford, to HasEi SLORsACe, bourth daughter of thejacte ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. At the Palace Hotel, Aberdeen, on the 15th inest., by She hev. G. KHnight, F.C., STEFESEN GOODBRAnD, Jun., manufacturer Aberdeen, to ANe, second daughter of Andrew Craig, Aberdeen. At Aberdeen, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. James Dewar, Iutheiford Free Church,. ALaenADa INGRAM to ALEX- AsnDEIeA BOOTH, daughter of the late William Booth, Aberdeen. At Victoria Hall, Skene Terrace. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nor .D1 ATHS. , WJ A t 20 Crown Street, Aberdeen, no Nthls tilt., AneNs DoNALD,; late of CeUlteharj, Udny. . . At London, 0r 30th May, ETs,.r!lF.rls,.ag'ed1 28 years, olo youngest daughter ot Andrew Anderson, gardener, Nprtb. ing Rublisluw. . At Ewen Place, Collintsagsswel 5 Road, on the lst, ifst, Jons N sen of the late James Scorgle, Mill of Focliel, Tarves, aged tin 41years. out f Ma T.AL ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... lious BIRTHS. the. At 85 Claremont Place, Aberdeen, on the loth 'Inst., the diffic wife of GeeeaO esrOG lfNemoN, of adaughter. 'u~ At 1ll~o, on the 8th inat., the wife of Wm. CO-$t, 4lowe gardener, o'f a Eo a* Them MARRIAaEs. addil At the In II Noew Machar,'-on the 8th in s;, by, the ROV. Mr A( Bruce, ER.C,' JOHN ScOT, joiner, Aberdeen. to J55EAMN. ]irk second daughter of Mr Jamies Low, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IDYAT'fT 01I) ttD tiD S `AAV 'IE UY luIII SII2tc shill v 11. 1t- lI~ Ilk'tiStl~lie at a .xc t . ttho Ilih- ?nn lu fliitl bten w%[ il I lntl tllca -v 1,Zl 11vl11 1lil~, W en Ili%. N IL ;. li1d. t, to~ .0 tot4itt by-- ~ tiji' be ci' li 1 0 ill:'.202 Th 2iu lvlol' itlliit Lii, lrisitd li o ''a'''' 'it 'lit ii''Ill 21 22 Int I;IIlil,'i he1. 'I W't !ii TIIL''In l'1'it t' thu lf~': isi.,t Itv vpo ...