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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 'TifiS DAY (Saturday), Ibth inst. SALl, OF Full-cotnuass Cottage Pianoforte. Au exceedlirtly lieht-ruwaaing Fly Outside Car, birch colour; an excellent. sacr of brass-mounted Narness,. Pl`ato-2alass Wardrobts, Sitlegward,. andl Cabinet', Generad it imobold Furniture, fl-t-u Linen, Cutter3 ?? Gt~!(lass. Jlpwanls ?? &LiC1 ptry Carpets, I Ph1 itI ?? ?? N'.I ?? A 'Ml- LV 0-s 'II 's1'¼ ~ ~ 1th ust ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEOUS. tJSEMENT D rMs-huMrION 0 E-XTva-Ni TEEN ITASS AU-ST DUBLIN -AGC PHANTA&MAAGORA 55TD DISSOLVINtS 'IfW LASTERNS, of f? E. SOLOMONS' improved certruction, with powerful Lenses. ?? .a well. ?? and lake Disc, isuroasied for brilliancy, used 1 with facillty. Supenior Skid%, consiaing of Frolics, t 4otizcallties% Moying Figtre o, ScerlcY ini Ireland and all of the world, ?? Tal-s, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICE GA IE TY. T H E A T R E G ?? D'OYLY ARTS E' OPERA .OOOXPANY. TMS lVR~qfNG (Wednesdy), sept19 (at8), TrheOperetta MATIHMONY!' After which, Gilbert and Sullivan's AieUHlc Opm, PATIENCE. As played (after more than 570 Perforniances) wlti enormous. success at the Savoy Theatre, London. FUll Chorus and Atigmented Band. Conductor-. ?? ?? ?? P W Haltol. DAY 1 8TU#.DAY NEXT, PER OIRANCE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL Funeral Requisites at Waller's, Denzille street 3N 3emoriam Cards at Eatou'sCOnily suitable patterns kep liss stock. 200varieties English aud Fre ch patterns, toselsc from. The largest assortmellt to select from is at Eatoai; Vrgeutorde5 prisiteedatntrtest notice. Eawton'sPhoti-Mor- hairy Cisz, a speciality. It's. tents pent tree on spplicatisie . hi and S Eatow. St:tioein~. we, *19 Dl)iie ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ` ~AUCTIONS,8 M AUCTION.P. AND VALUATOR to-bs testate that be coutinues to make liberal cash Ad aacs on Freehold sad Leasebold Interests in Lads X and HcstS, interests in Grocery, Wine, and Spirit w Ethablisrllants, and on all kinds of Merchandise or Chattel .lrpertl that may be trnaaferred or consigned to hint for bosse fide sale, either by Public Auction or pnirte Treaty. -2 .bAot TO-.MORROW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS DAY Mlonday). To Cab and C5ar Proprietors, Coachmakers, and Others. SHEYR1FI'S SALE. Robowinetz a jro BE SOLD BY v. -. T AUCTION, Maher. At Lalsuette's Horse Repository, PRINCE'S STRUEET, 3 Where they now stand at livery, On THIS, DAY (Monday), the i3l-t lay of Deeember, *y. order of her Mlajesty's W\rit of F4. Fa,, in this cause to Me directed. A 'The defendant's goods and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALL soerta rentisites at Waller's, Denzil)e street pS Memoriam Cards at Eaton's.osdy suitable patterns iep lin sock. 200v3ariet is English and French pmtterns, toqelec fro!. T}2e hargest asortrment to select from is at Easdm'; Frgon±' orders print ed at hshrt es~t n otice. Est on'F Photo-'MNor- ta.irp Caisic. a s;'ecialicy. F tleitems lit tiec or, 'iapplhicatiot. k 3sudS Eaton. birat o!ers, no ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ALLr ra ±en-ta-, Wafler's, elenille street 's bc4 7&leccnv., o. lu?, nraatCanlia, at Lve an- e t ?? ..ooor- S'ttmn Pointe-rst.'and o; aybo-, Lc~logecron.corner no Trinity street. Dub- - ,e. o . goe: o.oortmet.(1 to SO-left Iisot is at 3, ou Stt-re ecc 43Due toret. M 'r.Mxifor the 'ae Faiive Sher'an, P P, wild 1 a: \lorfar. amrs to ,t, tooe Zth i st. The aO 5SIYA 'I C0 'ICE& 72ki va. , n; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIe NOTICES. JA I ET T Yhre THATRE. C Last Three _Nights of MR. D'OYLY CARTE'S OPERA COMPANY. - t ) P. THIS EVENhING (Thursday), May S (A S), A respectful operatic perversion of Tennysoflh Prillcess (in3 Acts)- PRINCESS IDA, By W S Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Now being played wvith enormous success at the SaNly Theatre, London. DAY ) SATURDAY NEXT, PF.RPFO~RMACB r F May 10th (at 2)1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. Y I Y T H E A T E._ G 'Egagement of the World-famous Actor, j BARRY SULLIVAN, Snpported by a specialy-organised Company, Under the direction of Mr Michael Gumn, Commencing MONDAY NEXT. April 14th (at 8), with RICHELIEU. Tueday- Richard IM Wednesday- Hamnlet. Thursday- I The Gamester. Friday- H1enry IY. Saturday- Macbeth. 3 rices as usnal-6d to 5s. Places can now be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A L' Funeral Roeuisites at Waler's, DencL'le street. Tele- BlAUTIhLtf Selection of ?? Cards,at Lyons Dand Sons. 3,ohlanclletnring Str si-nefl. Steam Prilters. and Liti o:raphecs. in Collegegreeu, corner of Trinity street. Dah' ho. Patterns free ou applicatiOn. p5b3cch 11 * .eionurisj Cara>. A Zaton's only suitable patterns Ih et in stoc . 211 caniets Enuglish and Freich patterns, to select ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CATHOLC NOTICES.' A'IHUMCH ,OF T E .: P .PBATRONS, IIATEGAIB R. Th Seislea~awisg pf Valuable Prizes, Ontae thej A rt inc Prieipe Will take plser CONCRENRCE ROOM Attached to the Chul.h, On THIS PAY (Thursday), 5ta Junle-1884,- First Prize. A 31agnificent Pianoforte, In walnut, trichord; improved, BY Collard and Collard, WVith music Stool and Canterbury, Value, £4, The bequest of a deceased ...